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Years Later (Naruto RP) (started and accepting)


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Kinata thought for a moment about what they could possibly do. She’d never been offered a chance like this before and wanted it to be spent well. She completely ignored the fact Diachi changed how their hands were connected. “You have to leave the choices to me, don’t you?”, she raised and eyebrow at her fellow chunin, “Just for future reference…..I’m a horriable decision maker. It would be so much easier if you just made up my mind for me. But….” Kinata smirked suddenly having an idea, “In order to do that you’ll have to catch me!”, and she took off through the painting. The game was something Kinata did as a child but it was the first thing that came to mind. It was just her and Diachi at any rate.

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"I can do almost anything I want, and you decide on a game of tag? Sounds fun." Daichi grinned and he started to perform a had sign, he knew that while in his painting he could easily catch Kinata but, thinking it wouldn't be any fun, he decided to do it the old fasion way. He kicked off from the ground and jumped after Kinata, he reached out with his left hand to grab her, but she was already gone. "I haven't played this game in almost five years, so I'm a little out of practice." He continued forward, but he stayed at a slower pace because he didn't want to catch Kinata too quickly.


After deciding that he had been in front of the leaf village for long enough, Yokio stood up and dusted off his pants. "Time to go Natsumi. If we stay out here for too much longer we might atract attention from the ANBU. Natsumi noded and walked up to Yokio before the two of them walked away from the village. "Good luck with your mission." He called out to the group behind him. "I have a feeling you're going to need it."

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  • 3 weeks later...

((Sorry it took a month! :) Final Exams and SOLs are killer!))


Kinata laughed as she raced through the painting ahead of Diachi. "Come on Diachi and quit complaining! Are you a shinobi or a mouse!?", she called over her shoulder, though she couldn't see the chunin. The kunochi suddenly stoped and thought for a minute. Sure she knew that her pursuer could controll everything in his chakra-filled painting but why not have a little fun with him? If he thought that Kinata was going to make this an easy capture for him he was dead wrong. She made a single hand sign grinning and whispered, "Ninja Art! Hidden Mist jutsu!" 'Ok Diachi. Let's see you find me know.', Kinata thought as the fog rolled into the area. It was thick and Kinata turned and faced the way she had come. She leaned up against a tree and waited for Diachi to reach her still grinning.


At the desinated time Roya raced towards the main gate to the Village Hidden in the Leafs. She was excited and wanted to get going as soon as possible on this mission. When she neared the main gate she stoped smiling at the allready familier women. "Hello sensei.", Roya greeted the jonin-leval kunochi in front of her. Tysukemi stood up after pushing herself off of the wall and walked over to Roya. "Hello Roya, good to see you are finally here. Now we just have to wait for Marcus and we can be on our way." Roya nodded, "Ok."

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Daichi stoped running when he entered the mist and landed quietly on the ground. "Can't say I expected you to do this, but maybe it will make a game as boring as tag a little more interesting." He said, loud enough for Kinata to hear. He slowly walked through this mist and squinted his eyes to try and see as far as he could, which wasn't any more than a ten feet. He walked in the direction that He had heard Kinata's voice. He had no way of knowing if she had moved or not, but he had nothing ells to go on. After a few moments of walking he noticed what he could only assume Kinata's shadowy figure, in the mist, leaning against a tree. "I changed my mind, I think I will use my paint techniques." He held his hand out towards Kinata and then braught it in to a fist, causing the tree branches to reach down around Kinata and hold her in place, the ground absorbed her feet to hold them in place. "Sorry, I just couldn't resist."

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Kinata gave a sharp an dsudden shriek as the trees grabed her and imobilized her. She struggled against them but in vain to pull herself free from them. She started to think quickly of her options...if she had any at the moment. She could wait untill Diachi was close enough and use the water drowning technique or something of the sort..but she tossed out that idea. 'I would have to make hand signs for that whisch is impposible at the moment.', Kianta reminded herself aggrivated now. The young kunochi's best chance it seemed was to use a lightning style jutsu to get her way out. But how and which one? She'd need time to think so she sighed and faced her teamate, "Well that's what I get for not using a cone.", she said, "So now what?" All the while she mentally scanned her list of lightning jutsus, 'Come on! THerte has to be something here.....', she thought.

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When Daichi heard Kinata's scream he knew that he had sussesfully caught her, of course he was unconfertable and decided he should hurry up. He raised his arm in to the air and moved it in a small circular motion and blew away all of the mist. "Sorry, I hope it didn't hurt of anything. Even my controle isn't perfect when I can't see." He got closer and waved his hand as if given an order for the tree to release Kinata, which it did almost instantly and returned to normal. When he got close he nelt down and tapped at the ground which immediately freed Kinata's feet.

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Kinata dropped her wrists and rubbed them seeing a light smudge of paint on them. She shrugged figuring that it would come off eventually and looked at Diachi. “Allright so you cought me. Just so you know…it was only because we’re in one of your paintings.”, the kunochi gave a slightly annoyed yet amused grin before waving her hand, “Otherwise you would have either never cought me or had a hard time doing it.” She looked at him and then around the painting, “So now what? You cought me and we’re still in the painting. You gonnna keep me here? Take me to your parents? What? I'm up for anthing.” Her mind was going again before she added, “And to think I was going to use one of my jutsus on you too.”

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"Kind of makes me glad I didn't hold back in that game." He could picture Kinata trying to use one of her lightning bolts to try to fry him. "Its amazing how a simple game like this can turn in to something where I have to wory about having a million volts of electricity flowing through my body." He, jokingly, shivered slightly. "I guess if you want to I can take you to meet my parents. Most people wont set foot in my house because of how dangerous it is just getting to the living room."

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  • 1 month later...

((We should do a time-skip to the mission after this.))



"Well you were playing with me you know." As soon as Diachi mentioned it Kinata re-thought the whole idea, but not for the reasons some may have thought exactly. Deciding that, due to their recent position, it would happen anyway at some point she agreed. Besides she found herself wanting to meet Diachi's mother and sister at any rate. "Okay then. After all.....we definetly have some time left before we have to go on our next mission. What could it hurt when I have you with me?" Of course she didn't allow herself to think of any answer to her own question. She waited to leave the painting.

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  • 8 months later...


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