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Render Shop! - All renders Free! Re-open for Buisness


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When will you post my render?

In a few minutes, got to do it first though.



Thank you for rendering the first sheet, umm.. also you forget to render this part: http://b.imagehost.org/0436/sdtg8yw.png :\




Can you render this too?:14mxj0g.jpgI want only Odin and the wolves and the crows




i only want the axe and the first dragon.Oh and don't think I'm rushing you by placing another order because I'm not

Don't worry about it.


BTW ^_^AxManBoy^_^ your first image, the one with the pink girl. I was unable to render this due to the colours. My GIMP is a little wierd and it just looked completly pink. I am very sorry I was unable to do it. Please forgive me...Dx


The is the same with your first one sapphirebird...Sorry.

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In a few minutes, got to do it first though.












Don't worry about it.


BTW ^_^AxManBoy^_^ your first image, the one with the pink girl. I was unable to render this due to the colours. My GIMP is a little wierd and it just looked completly pink. I am very sorry I was unable to do it. Please forgive me...Dx


The is the same with your first one sapphirebird...Sorry.


its alright but instead of that one can you do this one:


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