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** Cry's Card Edits (Cheap prices) **

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( you may post orders when Closed, I will do them when I get back )

[size="2"][b][color=purple]Hey, welcome to my shop, I will be doing everything you see in this shop for 10 Points (enless stated other wise) , I find a fair price.
I can do any type of card you request, as in Synchro, Ritual etc..
Enjoy the shop, and if you have any questions, please PM me, I wish to keep this thread spam free.
[color=red]Please note, I have a pretty bad internet for the next couple of weeks, so I may randomly blank off, I will remove this when my internet is fixed.[/color]
I work strickly on a pre pay basis, once you pay me you will recive your order by PM[/color][/b][/size]
[Spoiler=Card Edits]
[spoiler=Base Card (Before edits)][IMG]http://i310.photobucket.com/albums/kk426/ryan24578/Test.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Darkness Touch][IMG]http://i310.photobucket.com/albums/kk426/ryan24578/DarknessTouchExample.png[/IMG][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Touch of Fire][IMG]http://i310.photobucket.com/albums/kk426/ryan24578/TouchofFireExample.png[/IMG][/spoiler]
[Spoiler=Order Form]
Card Image Url -
What edit you want -
Ammounting Pay Price -
[Spoiler=Job Application (PM)]
Allow me to tell you, that I will not accept LQ stuff in my store.
Anything you post can be Free, but not over 20 Points.

Your Experience (In years, months or days) -
Feed back from others by your work - ( what they've told you about it )
What you sell -
Examples of your work, with prices -
Why I should hire you -
How Active are you -
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