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Pokemon mackay region for only 1 other person. be like the gba games!


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Hello this is Prof Yew.


Welcome to the Mackay Region. Pop into my office to get a pokemon. I hope your ready for this. The Mackay Region is full of all the existing pokemon (excluding Sinnoh). On your journey you may also encounter some rare pokemon, such as shiny pokemon and dark pokemon. But they are not the best. The best are the Legendaries. Alot of things will be determined by what type of starter you choose.


Your Starters options are: - Any Hoenn, Kanto or Johto starters.


Good Luck!




Only 1 person is allowed to play.




There will be a detailed selection of all pokemon stats (if you ask for them) in your party and a variety of pokemon that can be caught. You have 6 slots in your party and when you have already got 6 pokemon yt

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