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Star Wars-Trials of a Jedi

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Name:Vizik Ekrel
Race: Nerrikon (custom) An insectoid species with a blue exoskeleton, a large, stag beetle-like horn on the forehead & 4 arms. They can fly using air pumped out of growths on there backs, like a biological jet pack.
Age:6( Equivalent to an approx. 15 year old human.Nerrikon have short lifespans.)
Appearance: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.freewebs.com/mandal/jedi01concept%255B1%255D.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.freewebs.com/mandal/mandalorianquotes.htm&usg=__qT9eibCHc_92wB8COs6jiwBzONg=&h=605&w=900&sz=105&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=YMnuVieCzVVlSM:&tbnh=130&tbnw=173&prev=/images%3Fq%3DJedi%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG%26biw%3D1020%26bih%3D603%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C122&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=117&vpy=147&dur=796&hovh=184&hovw=274&tx=161&ty=129&ei=US7XTLGWN4WclgeP4MGACQ&oei=US7XTLGWN4WclgeP4MGACQ&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0&biw=1020&bih=603 Except the mechanical parts on the face are organic, has a blue shell, plus the horn & 4 arms, like in the description. His lower left arm is prosthetic.
Force powers:Force telekinesis,Force illusions
Lightsaber Description: Uses 4 lightsabers simultaneosly. 2 are blue, 1 is green, and 1 is orange. 1 blue one is really thin & aerodynamic, he uses force telekinesis to use it to fight in the air a lot. The orange one has momentum loop technology, meaning it makes a heavier impact on another lightsaber.
Personality: Vizik is cheerful , yet rigid. He is also really stubborn. He is very eccentric. Hot. He has a mental condition similar to a mild form of human autism called Aspergers Syndrome. His biggest weaknesses as a Jedi are a huge love of his mother, one some consider unhealthy, and being vengeful. He has a dry sense of humor. He tends to start rambling a lot.
Bio: Vizik was born to wealthy Nerrikon scientists. He was always odd, but very smart, especially at science.He was very selective about his friends, & had trouble respecting unintelligent people, unless they aren't intelligent due to a birth defect. His best subject was always science. Within science, he liked most all fields, but especially biology & most of all, physics. His greatest love is his mother. The most significant event in hs life was when a crazed gungan sith attacked a market he & some friends were shopping in. He saw the gungan kill 7 people, 1 of which was a friend of his Then the gungan paused. "Meesa sense the presence of-a-the force." He rushed at Vizik. If it wasn't for his force reflexes the gungan would have cut him in half, instead he only cut off his lower left arm. Then, he was saved by a Nerrikon jedi master, Eekin Kree. He also recognized the force presence in him, & received permission to train him to be a jedi knight.

It is now FINISHED!!!! Am I accepted?
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Might as well get in on this.

Name: Will Blackmoore
Race: Human
Age: 24
[b]Dual Blaster Pistols:[/b]
A custom-built pair of semi-automatic blaster pistols with which Will is incredibly skilled in the use of, capable of firing the two at a rate which rivals fully-automatic weapons. The weapons are also equipped with the "stun mode" function for capturing live targets.
[b]Dual Electroblades:[/b]
Will's answer to the potential of fighting opponents wielding Lightsabers, these appear to be plain metal blades which, when activated, are encased in an electric field capable of enduring strikes from a Lightsaber indefinitely. He is equally skilled in wielding these, and can dance around an opponent in melee combat as easily as a Jedi.
[b]Modified Hunting Blaster Rifle:[/b]
How Will takes care of things at long range, this weapon is, essentially, a hunting rifle that has been modified with the addition of a higher powered scope giving him a maximum accurate sight range of about six hundred meters. The weapon's power cell was also improved, granting it both greater stopping power and increased firing range maxing out for accuracy at about seven hundred and fifty meters.
[b]Wrist-mounted Flechette Launcher:[/b]
Possibly the deadliest weapon in Will's arsenal at mid to close range, this weapon consists of a ring of small tubes surrounding his right wrist. Each tube contains a small cluster of five two centimeter long durasteel darts, called flechettes, which can be fired at the squeeze of a small pressure sensor on his palm. When fired, the darts are shot with enough force to completely travel through the body of his intended target and scatter out on the other side, leaving very little trace of injury aside from five small holes packed closely together.[/spoiler]
Personality: Will is, to put it mildly, a perfect example of the duality of the human race. While carrying out a task for an employer, he is completely focused on completing the task and will allow just about nothing to prevent his completion of his objective. On his down time, he's essentially a completely different person, joking around and not really taking things as seriously as he should, behavior learned from his father. Regardless of where he is and under what conditions, Will is a brilliant mechanic that just about anyone would claim was capable of turning scrap to gold.
[spoiler=Bio:]Will was born the only child of the legendary mechanic John Blackmoore, and as such he received an incredible education in the workings of all things mechanical, knowing the ins and outs of a hyper drive by the age of ten. Around age sixteen, he started working on a custom ship of his own with which he planned to make his own name in the galaxy. He received the full support of his father who gave him access to everything that he needed to create the vessel. When he was finished, the end result was a sleek vessel looked more like it was built for show than for any sort of firepower, but it did pack a considerable punch (I'll be including it in the app for good measure). Shortly after completing his vessel, finished around his eighteenth birthday, he set out on his own to make a name for himself in the galaxy. He eventually found his way to the desert world of Tatooine, where he set himself up as a bounty hunter and quickly proved himself very capable of getting the job done. Now, he's pretty much living on that scum hole of a planet, taking contracts as he finds them and living pretty damned well.[/spoiler]

[b]Will's Ship, The Dread Wasp. [/b]
4x standard Dual-Lascannons
2x Proton Torpedo tubes
1x Ion Cannon
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[quote name='MortalKombatSmoke' timestamp='1289160327' post='4769381']
sorry, [u][b]read the rules[/b][/u] until you fix your error, unaccepted.
[i]READ[/i] your rules. App is allowed. it goes along with everything in your rules section. Any other requirement is void for not being under Rules section. Editing rules to further unaccept me will be reported
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[quote name='JadenxAtemYAOI' timestamp='1289544101' post='4778574']
[i]READ[/i] your rules. App is allowed. it goes along with everything in your rules section. Any other requirement is void for not being under Rules section. Editing rules to further unaccept me will be reported
Calm down he is correct your app is missing something stated in the rules. You should read the rules before getting so angry. Also MSK, you still haven't added me to the accepted screen :)

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[quote name='JadenxAtemYAOI' timestamp='1289544101' post='4778574']
[i]READ[/i] your rules. App is allowed. it goes along with everything in your rules section. Any other requirement is void for not being under Rules section. Editing rules to further unaccept me will be reported

Actually, you have missed something out. Also, looking at your app, you've contradicted Star wars history, the RP and my app(Unless you're character is the same race as mine, which he isn't). The first lightsabre was made by a dragonoid species called the Duinuogwuin, and was used as a ceremonial weapon for about a 1000 years, and since it was made in 15500 BBY, you're character would have to be 16000 years old to do any of these. Also, Yoda and Anakin are nowhere near being born in this RP, as Yoda is only 995 when he dies, in 24 ABY. Anakin is in his 40's when he dies, and your Bio must be about the future. Also, Anakin never meets his father, and there is no such race as Chlorian, though I have nothing against making the race. Also, how can your guy be 16 and yet has to change his name every 80 years? And the ways of the force were not taught, the are an instinct in Force Sensitive beings.

Also, your other character cannot have killed 217 Sith at 17, as there has never been that many in that amount of time, and you are in the wrong Timeline, as you seem to be in the future of this RP.
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