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userbar tut[GIMP]

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ok here is my tut on ho to make a userbar


1.your going to start out by making a new page Gimp>File>New


2.make it 350 width 19 hight


3.next get the blend tool


4. now pick your to colours and draw a line from side to side or up to down wat ever you think looks goood


5. now take the rectangle select tool and draw the rectangle over the top half of the bar


6.after that get your fill bucket change the colour to white


7.then change the opacity to about 10-15


8.then fill in the top half of the bar


9. now get ur render


10. no cut it out the exsact same as you would for a banner


11. then copy and past it


12.position it


13. now put ur text in it


then ur done

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