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Metal Reflect Slime Dragon, one of my best.


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I can easily say if i like something or not lol


i like beans, i hate chicken, same thing.


Its not harsh, does i hate chicken sound harsh, no lol




And i dont like it due to the errors, and the picture of which ive seen before, and the possible overpoweredness of it, and its not something which truely strikes me as 'Thats Uber good'




By posting your card your going to get all sorts of views and opinions, you must accept them no matter wether you like it or not.

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Don't put "a "Metal Reflect Slime", put just "Metal Reflect Slime".

Face-Up is not capitalized, it is just face-up.

monsters, field, attack, and opponent is not capitalized in third line.

monster, destroy, and attack is not capitalized in 4th line

destroy and monster is not capitalized in 5th line.

There are the OCG errors! lol. Um, it is a really good card too! 10/10!!! :P

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Good picture, good concept, but your OCG has a few problems. It says that your opponent must attack it, but does that mean if they choose a target, they have to select it or does it mean that every turn your opponent must attack it with all his monsters? Still pretty good though.

Rating: 8/10

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Guest Angel Lever

Not too bad.It is quite a big target for Shield Crush and Smashing Ground but while it lasts on the field,its worth it causing mass damage and destruction of many monsters.

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