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[LOCK] The Burning Bird Item Archive - Only shows what I do


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I know about your orders, actually the time I'm posting this I am working on one of them...wink.gif

Thanks, I'll try to do a good job, although I certainly don't have time to do most orders on the same day, so, sorry for the inconvenience, but I'll be a little slower...cool.gif

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Umm... er... Talos, your pic is animated. I'm not a fan of animated, or even tried one, but I'll try.

darkmaster0, PM me some examples.

And everyone else... LOL, doesn't anyone order something that isn't a render, PiP or Jap card?!


EDIT: All the renders are done!





[spoiler=Random Merlin]RandomMerlin.png


[spoiler=Sapphirebird Commander]SapphirebirdCommander.gif

Sorry about the LQ, I think it's because it was a GIF...


[spoiler=Talos the Wind Ninja]TalostheWindNinja.gif



I did two versions because your looked like it should be kinda disjointed.


Let me know if I mixed any of them up.


I should have the PiP done soon... I just gotta work up the enthusiasm.


Also, darkmaster0 is now working here!


EDIT2: Trainer Cards added!

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