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Revenge of the Gods set


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Hello guys. I joined here a few days ago, since I had an idea for a set of cards that I wanted to explore with some detail, so I decided taking a look around and the environment seemed nice enough.


Anyway, the set consists mainly of 3 subsets of cards, displayed here in descending order of importance:


1. Primordial Deity cards;

2. The Greek God cards;

3. Legendary Hero cards;


The rest will consist of random divinities/events/historical figures that play an important role in greek mythology. I'm trying to make the effects of the cards as related as possible to the card name, which is to say, to what they represent. To emphasize on that, I will explain why the cards have the effects I gave them in the cards I first display here.


Unfortunately, the set is not yet complete, so I will leave you with 2 primordial deity cards, 3 greek god cards and 1 legendary hero card. And then some random cards, some of which related to the cards I post.


Note: Most god and primordial deity cards have powerful effects, precisely because they represent divinities. Once I finish the set I will go through all of them to tweak the overall balance of the set. So, the effects represented here may not be final, and neither are the ATK and DEF of the cards, or their rarity.


Well, here goes:



From wikipedia: In Greek mythology, Chaos or Khaos is the original state of existence from which the first gods appeared. In other words, it is the dark void of space. It is made from a mixture of what the Ancient Greeks considered the four elements: earth, air, water and fire.


Therefore, this card represents the beginning of time, formed by the 4 elements. That is why you get to special summon only Wind, Fire, Water and Earth monsters, representing the 4 elements and the beginning of times.






Now, for the Greek Gods. I'll show my 3 favorites, 3 gods who are brothers and who are the key to summoning the Chaos deity:


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned from your hand, when both "Poseidon, Greek God of the Sea" and "Hades, Greek God of the Underworld" are removed from play. You can negate the effects of Spell, Trap and Monster cards that designate this card as a target. Once per turn, destroy one card on the field. This card loses 500 ATK points during each of your opponent's Standby Phases. When this card is destroyed, remove it from play.


As the God of Gods, I wanted to give him a devastating effect. I chose not being able to be targeted by spells, traps or monster effects because well...the god of gods should not be able to be destroyed by mere 'mortal traps, spells and effect monsters'. Destroying a card on the field is related to his lightning bolt, for which he is famous.

Powerful effects, but his summoning isn't easy. And he does lose attack each turn. Plus he will not be able to be special summoned back.




Being controller of the Underworld, he will be able to control all beings who dwell in that area - and therefore I decided he should be able to summon 1 of his servents during the standby phase. And by tributing 2, he can destroy a card on the field. Effect is rather balanced.




His effect is the ability to summon one of his children, Theseus or Atlas onto to the field. Both cards will have decent attack and reasonably good effects. Unfortunately, I don't have them yet, since I can't seem to find a proper image just yet.


And for the field spell for these guys:


which reads: "Put 1 Counter on this card each time you destroy your opponent's monster by battle. When there are 5 or more Counters on this card, this card cannot be destroyed by a card effect and other field spell cards cannot be activated. By removing 5 Counters from this card, you can Special Summon 1 "Greek God" Monster from your hand or deck. By removing 10 Counters from this card, you can Special Summon 1 'Deity' Monster from your hand or deck, except "Chaos, Deity of the Beginning" and "Vennominaga the Deity of Poisonous Snakes", ignoring the Summoning conditions."


Finally, here is one of the Legendary Hero cards:



Well, that's it for now. I shall update this as soon as I can. In the mean time, comments are welcome :)


Edit - some of the new things in:



The Legendary Heroes I have completed so far:



Some support cards:




A few more cards are in... I decided to make ONE fusion monster for this set... as I said it will be a big set, so I will try to include almost all types of cards (except rituals I think).

Anyway, here we go:



Also, last 2 Legendary Hero cards that will appear in the set:



28/02/08 edit. One more card in:




Also, it's come to my attention I completely forgot to give credit to the amazing artists who created these pictures. I will be putting up a list of all names and in which cards I am using their pictures in very soon. I apologize for this.

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There are quite afew grammar errors but for a new person its to be expected lol



Welcome to the forums and may i say...






^_^ Just had to say it lol, ive been waitin awhile now for a new person to arise with fantastic card making skills ^_^



So welcome to the forums ^_^




If you would like your Grammar mistakes pointed out just ask ^_^

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There are quite afew grammar errors but for a new person its to be expected lol



Welcome to the forums and may i say...






^_^ Just had to say it lol' date=' ive been waitin awhile now for a new person to arise with fantastic card making skills ^_^



So welcome to the forums ^_^




If you would like your Grammar mistakes pointed out just ask ^_^



Thank you. I'm glad to be here.


I take it the grammar mistakes you are talking about are more of technical details of how the card description should be? Sometimes I get a bit confused with the proper way to write an effect, and as all of my effects are rather lengthy, it's probably why I'd have a couple of mistakes. I'd appreciate if you could tell me which they are, yes, so I can learn some more ^^


These are your first cards?> And they are brilliant. since you are new i rate all these 9/10 Well done' date=' keep up the good work. The OCG and all the pictures are great to just a few errors, i just dont get quite whats going on in the first picture, still brilliant. ^_^



Yes, indeed they are! Thank you for your compliments.


Hopefully I'll get the errors sorted out soon. Ah and...well the first picture is a bit weird to me too, but I felt it really belonged in that card, because it's hard to define what was there at the beginning of times... that seemed appropriate.


Nice cards' date=' but do you think the first one would be better as a Ritual card?



I did think about that, yes, but it would complicate the set. The set will already need a good bit of support to be able to work, since there are quite a few deity cards and god cards. To add a ritual to this would mean not only would I need 3 particular cards in my hand, but also that I'd need a whole bunch of extra support, that would likely not mix well with the ideas I have for the set. So I believe the best way for these specially powerful monsters to be summoned is to have restrictions based upon certain cards in the grave/RFG.

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Grammar errors usually refer to just Grammar in general, not capitalising words etcetc.




OCG = official Card Grammar, which refers to how the effect is worded ^_^




Card 1 - Chaos




Monster Card














Card 2






Card 3




start it with ' This card can only be activated...'




Card 4


same as above




Card 5




usually, 1 not one




Card 6






Card 7














Card 8


Field Spell Cards






Card 9










There may also be afew OCG errors within your cards but im an ickle bit busy so cant fully check them, but theres some of the errors, if not all ^^^^^

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey guys... haven't updated here for a while because I was a bit busy. I haven't yet corrected all the errors in the first cards, but I will very soon. The final set will be error-free I hope.


In the mean time, I got work done on a couple of cards today, so I'll put them here. It was mostly work on the Legendary Heroes part of the set, which are basically the non-tributes of the set, with quite a few special abilities and support. More to come this week.


The Legendary Heroes I have completed so far:



Some support cards:



That's all for now...enjoy. And comments/rates/fixes are appreciated as always.

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So, I finally finished the 5 Legendary Hero cards I wanted to make. Since it's very hard to find pictures for these cards, I have decided to end it at 5. As it stands, they can support each other very well, making it possible to make a deck type just by using those cards (and some support cards I will be adding soon).


Odysseus' picture isn't perfect because it kind of is a drawing, but it's what I could find after a LOT of searching. It's hard to find pictures for these guys... you find a lot of statues :P


Here they are, then (the number within the set and the serial number are probably yet to be changed, along with any possible OCG/grammar errors there might be in the cards... but those will ALL be edited once the set is done):






Post Scriptum (P.S.):

Thank you everyone for the nice comments. I appreciate the feedback.

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