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Maddog's Deck II - Ancient Gadget Fortress


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alot of this deck is from the new structure deck machine revolt, but i'v ajusted the deck so all it does is summon your army

quickly. this deck has the new gadgets and the new anicent gear cards in.




monsters - 19

green gadget x2

red gadget x2

yellow gadget x2

ancient gear x3

giant rat x2

ancient gear engineer x2

ancient gear beast x1

ancient gear gadjilton chimra x1

ancient gear golem x1

ancient gear gadjilton dragon x1

sangan x1


spells - 17

gracefull charity x1

smashing ground x1

heavy storm x1

lighting vortex x1

ememy controler x2

limeter removal x1

ancieht gear explosive x2

ancient gear castle x1

macine duplication x2

inferno reckless summon x1

pot of avrice x1

anchient drill x1

premature burial x1


traps -5

ultimate offering x1

stronghold the moving fortress x3

call of the haunted x1



stronghold the moving fortress + machine duplication alows you to special summon three strongholds because the trap card counts as an effect monster and the trap cards atack points is 0000 so machine duplication work on the card.


ancient gear + matchine duplication + ancient gear explosive alows you the special summon three ancient gears but you would have to tribute one for ancient gear explosive to destroy an openents monster, but you still have two ancient gears to defend with.


and you can add some to this post if you want.

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