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Starrk's guide to remedial behavior.


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Hai. Welcome back to the first grade. Here, you will learn how to properly behave, and how to stay as such. No I am not Cesar Milan. I will not train you like a dog. Whatever. <_<

[b]Treat others with respect.[/b]

Right. Just be cool to people. There is no need to put them down for your own gain.

[b]Taking things personal.[/b]

Remember what we just learned in step 1?

If you aren't picked for something:

Starrk: Who wants to join my contest? One spot left!

???: I'm in!

!!!: Sign me up!

Starrk: You're in ???

!!!: f*** you! Go to hell you f***ing n00b! I hope u die!

Seriously, calm your s***, it's not the end of the world.

[b]Taking constructive criticism.[/b]

If others are grading your work, be respectful of their opinions.

Starrk: Here is my new card, hope you like.

???: Pretty good, however, your OCG could use a little work

Starrk: Ok, thanks!


Bad Example:

Starrk: New Card, hope ya like.

???: Great pic, but could work on the effect just a tad.

Starrk: That's not a real rating so get the f*** out and try again.

Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Naughty.

That's all for now folks. Thoughts?

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[quote name='Clair' timestamp='1298155662' post='5019017']
I get it.
You make guides on common sense and get rep, amirite? ;D

I like it. Common sense isn't so common~

I call reps a perk. :P

Besides, the only reason I make these is because I'm bored. I really only care if my guides are looked at and liked in instead of just getting reps for getting reps. :/

Thanks for the review Clairy. <3

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