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NFL Club - A Place For All Football Fans! Come and Join!

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[align=center]Well since I can't find the old one, I decided to make a new one! If you want to join just post your Favorite football team. Now remember this is American Football, so we talk about teams like the Patriots and stuff. What this club is basically about is talking about the NFL and stuff that's currently happening as we speak. We also talk about Preseason, Regular Season, Playoff's, Superbowl, and maybe the Offseason if anything juicy happens. We also gotta talk about the NFL Draft. Then we can talk about different teams or players, so we should never run out of things to talk about!


Current Members:


Card Maker Shinigami - Minnesota Vikings

Yankeefan - New England Patriots .....suck

Shadow Avian - Green Bay Packers

D-Vader - New York Giants


NFL Club Positions


Regular Member -


Club Leader-

Card Maker Shinigami


Vice-Leader -


Officers -


NFL Analysts -

Carer Shinigami



---- NFL Player Reviews: ----


New Reviews:


Old Reviews:


Planned Reviews:

Eli Manning

Tom Brady

Plaxico Burress

---- NFL Team Reviews ----[/align]

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