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Splice'a'mon! -Fun Sig Cert for Splices- CURRENTLY TAKING NO NEW ORDERS


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[quote name='-Live-' timestamp='1299034443' post='5044958']
^-^ Thank you V4.
Sorry i'm taking so long on the eevee zekrons, I'm just tired of looking at zekron so it's on the back burner. XP

Anyway some more splicies. :lol:







I even thought it became annoying because everyone did it after i did o.O So i set a treand :D

Another Splice

Plz Make it Scizor body

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Plz try to make each of these look like an evoloution of Eevee. These might take while.

1. Eevee and any amount of Normal types

2. Eevee and any amount of Fighting types

3.Eevee and any amount of Poison types

4.Eevee and any amount of Ground types

5.Eevee and any amount of Flying types

6.Eevee and any amount of Bug types

7.Eevee and any amount of Rock types

8.Eevee and any amount of Steel types
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From this post on I will ot be taking orders that ask to splice 4+ Pokemon.
I will do the two that have already been requested but I won't be taking any more.

@Merlin- Will do. But be aware I will likely space them out between other orders. ^-^

@Ninja- I use MS Paint. B)

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[quote name='-Live-' timestamp='1299098350' post='5046342']
From this post on I will ot be taking orders that ask to splice 4+ Pokemon.
I will do the two that have already been requested but I won't be taking any more.

@Merlin- Will do. But be aware I will likely space them out between other orders. ^-^

@Ninja- I use MS Paint. B)

I dont mind at all. Do you mind if i use these in a Fan Fic i am planning to write? I will give credit to you for the splices.

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I am doin' stuff tomorrow, so I probably won't be around.

@Merlin- Sweet. B)

Here's a bunch of splices. XD
Sorry if I haven't gotten around to some of your guy's orders. I'll get around to them eventually.(soon) ;)





I accidentally used the wrong pokemon as the base so I remade it(the one above). But I figured that I'd post this one too. XD


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Pokemon 1:(base/main)Any
Pokemon 2:Any
Other:(specific parts and or colors you want)Could you try making an evolution of Altaria plz? (Will pay for it since it's probably going to be hard

Pokemon 1:(base/main)Any
Pokemon 2:Any
Other:(specific parts and or colors you want)Could you try making an evolution of Miltank plz? (Will pay for it since it's probably going to be hard

Pokemon 1:(base/main)Any
Pokemon 2:Any
Other:(specific parts and or colors you want)Could you try making an evolution of Dunsparce plz? (Will pay for it since it's probably going to be hard

Pokemon 1:(base/main)Any
Pokemon 2:Any
Other:(specific parts and or colors you want)Could you try making an evolution of Dodrio plz? (Will pay for it since it's probably going to be hard

Pokemon 1:(base/main)Any
Pokemon 2:Any
Other:(specific parts and or colors you want)Could you try making an evolution of Girafarig plz? (Will pay for it since it's probably going to be hard

I know they're going to take a while, so just do them when you have some time :)

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thanks -Live-! I'm going to tell everyone to come here!
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A couple splices. :)

Flareon&Meowth(normal pokemon)


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[quote name='-Live-' timestamp='1299300914' post='5051881']

A couple splices. :)

Flareon&Meowth(normal pokemon)


Is the flareon and meowth one my normal evo? With my splices, can u plz send by PM.

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