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Kingdom Hearts: REVERSED/rewake [Started/ Always Accepting]


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[i]This is an [i]F.A.R.[/i] Production[/i]
((OoC Thread can be found [url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/241126-kingdom-hearts-reversedrewake-ooc-thread-not-started-always-accepting/"]here[/url]))


Last year, I personally counted around 15 to 30 Role-Plays, Fan-Fics, Polls, Clubs & Organizations, and Discussions across the various fourms here on YCM regarding all things Kingdom Hearts. Last year I joined YCM for the first on February 3rd 2010. The reason I joined YCM was just to make cards, however after I was browsing the fourms, I came across the fan-fic fourms, made my first fan-fic (not very successful BTW), and eventually made my onto the Role-play fourms. From there, I made 1 great friend who seen I was capable as a "[i]Story-Teller[/i]." As a "[i]Story-Teller[/i]" I personally enjoy making up stories, short or long stories, drama or romance, after being told "Your starting to shape up to be more than a rookie," this encouraged me. Afterword, I ran into another person whom I became friends with, after I joined his role-play. However, his role-play died after people had stop posting (which of course is pretty common. Am I right?). His roleplay was the 3rd role-play I actually joined, but was the first role-play that I actually participated in. So, after after making two new friends, I later approached them, and asked them if they would want to help me on a project.

This [i]Project[/i], is more than a Role-Play. This is story that is something done by 3 fan of the series, who came together and said "Hey! Let's make this more than a Fan-Fic! Let's make this the next "installment" of the series!"
Our goal was simple from the start; Originallity. Let's make this story good enough, that even Sqaure Enix, and Tetsuya Nomura would like this, and even make a game out of it. No more of "Roxas's lover," or "Riku's Nobody!" Let's make this story better than all other fan-fics out there. Let's make this it's '[i]own and uniuqe[/i]' story!
Of course, only having 3 people work on something that could be enjoyed by everyone was something that was down-right impossible. Of course we were going to make mistakes [size="1"](IT WAS ALL M.I.'S FAULT!!!)[/size], of course we were going to make people mad [size="1"](notably ourselves)[/size], AND OF COURSE WE WERE GOING TO SCREW UP!!! [size="1"](I blame mainly my peers)[/size]. So we recruited some people to help us. The 4th edition to the team made the planning a lot easier [size="1"](and gave me white hair some nights)[/size], and more productive. If it weren't for him, this would've been delayed for about another month or so. Then of course, we have the last member who happened to join us at the last minute. He didin't do much, but his presence deffinately gave me enough good vibes to keep going. So he can't go unpreciated.

[center][u][b]Closing Comments[/b][/u][/center]

This Kingdom Hearts role-play is something that will have to be improved over time. Unfortunately, there was some serious tension in our planning team that force me to launch this project before it was even done. Personally I don't blame the tension. I just blame the amount of CRAZY and AWESOME ideas we all had [size="1"](TSA, you take all the blame here)[/size]. So with my closing statements comming to it's end. The only thing I will say, is that this Role-Play is only a prototype. It's only to [i]Rewake[/i] our ambitions, and our goals to make a better installments for the fans of this ludacris series. In time, and in the near future, we will launch another Kingdom Hearts role-play that will be better than this one.

In short, this role-play is just a test-run and wish to see how well it pleases the general public. If you hate it like hell, or just want it to be destroyed. I will personally [size="1"](punish the team for not doing a better job)[/size] destory this eye-sore piece of crap, and will do a better job at making a new one.

[center][i]"This Fan-Fic is for Fans...By Fans"[/i]
~Unknown Writer~


These are the guys who brought you this Role-play. They are not what you would call "Co-Owners" or "Co-Moderaters". These guys are the ones who brought you this Role-Play. It was not a single one-man mission, it was a Team-work, and required the group to help makes this a prototype. So don't just thank me [size="1"](although I did all, if not most of the work...kinda,sorta,would've...)[/size], thank these guys as well:

[u]Frybread002[/u] (Did all the work)

[u]TheFinalFan[/u] (Just complained and whine/Had provided us with great character apps, but we could not use them in this version. So thank him for the apps. )

[u]Merciful Iliaster[/u] (Was the man/boy-man who was the one with the original idea, and if he didn't give me the okay to use it. Then we wouldn't have been here. You can thank him for the plot)

[u]The Swift Assaulter[/u] (Literally ruined the game for me, and is facing my scorn. He also was the one who -without his help - actually got this prototype moving. He was the one who came with most of the great ideas and scenario planning.)

[u]Allesk[/u] (Joined us at the last minute so that urks me, but his presence of "helping" us is greatly appreaciated)

[center]Kingdom Hearts: REVERSED/[i]rewake[/i][/center]

[i]Centuries have passed since the '[i]Door[/i]' was last opened, and peace reigned supreme, and many remained Asleep and Dreamt...However...Like all Dreams, the Dreamer must awake eventually...When they wake...The Darkness in the Hearts of many begun to stir...The '[i]Doors[/i]' opening once more to the 'Heart of All Worlds,' is being
connected in a Code...

The mysterious Organization who's only connections are to those who are of Naught, and the Anagram "X..."

The army of Darkness have risen in number, and feed on the Darkness of others.

The 'Key' appears once more, in the hands of many, and band together to fight off the beings of Naught, and Darkness.

Shall the door to the 'Heart of All Worlds' open, or shall it remain close...War is the only answer of what appears on the Dusk Horizon. Will the Twilight, Dawn, Light, or Darkness, win in this bitter struggle...Or...The Void...? The only answer left when all is gone...Void...

"Nothing" even lasts forever when it enters the world of Void of those who return to REVERSED their mistakes...To those return to '[i]rewake...[/i]'[/i] [center]"[i]Nothing is Eternal[/i]"
~[url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/237717-the-last-reportremembrancefuturusraining-memories/#entry4964472"]Unknown Keyblader[/url]~[/center]

[spoiler=Rules: Basic]
1. All YCM rules apply
2. All Advance Rules Role-Play rules apply
3. "This is WWWAAAAYYYY after Sora's time."

4. Alright, TSA already made the mistake of doing this time and had to pay for it severly. But under no circumstances, and I mean UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES that you spoil anything from future Kingdom Hearts games. You can't spoil Birth by Sleep, Re:Coded, or anything like that. If you even break this rule, you'll either be kicked from the role-play altogether, or you'll be suspended from 1 to 2 weeks (I will highly enforce this rule, and will tolerate anything like it. I know I may be sounding a bit unfair, but this is not just for me but for the rest of the people who had never played these games.)

5. Pretty much the same rule, if you're going to hint at any games by my guest, but do not break rule # 4
[Spoiler=Rules: Advanced]
These are the rules that I wanna implement for the sake of Kingdom Hearts being a RATED E+ game:

1. Keep are swear words to a minium, if not, don't say them at all (besides, Kingdom Hearts is a kids game)
2. The only words that I will deem acceptable are "Damn" "Bastard" and "Hell." But if you can, try to use some creative words such as "Dang" "Punk" or "Heck"
3. I can, and will tolorate swearing (even the major ones). But please, I want to make this friendly too everyone.
4. This rule can be a bit tricky. But during the planning, we agreed that we don't want any characters who are related to the series, or are already introduced. (Example, you can't be Sora, Sora's offspring, Roxas's lover, Donald Duck, Cloud, or Micky Mouse) Your characters must be original, and creative. Sure they can be from a book or video game (highly encouraged by my btw), but they just can't be related to characters from Kingdom Hearts itself.
[spoiler=Rules: Other]
And these are rules that I wanna put in just because I'm not a fan of this particular series:

1. Just because I'm not a fan of this particular series, if you say this phrase "I hate the Final Fantasy series" or somthing like "I wish the Final Fantasy series would just die!!!" I'll give you a Postive Rep upon you characer applications.
2. But if you say this phrase "I love the Final Fanasty series" or somthing like "I wish the Final Fantasy series would just keep comming up with more games!!" I'll give you a either a Negative Rep, or Neutural Rep. Depending on your response, and upon your character application.
3. Don't believe me, try me.
4. Same rules apply if you something about the Dynasty Warriors series (or anything else related to Dynasty Warriors)

[spoiler=These rules are here-by enforce, reinforce, and sponsered by...]
[spoiler=This Guy...]
[spoiler=And this guy...]

[spoiler=Complete Being Apps]
[b]Pop Culture?[/b]: Yes or No?
[[b]If Yes[/b]: What Show/book is he/she/it from?]

[b]World of Origin:[/b]
[b]Proof of Existence[/b] The "Proof of Existence" is what makes your character...your character. Kinda hard to explain, but it's something that best describes him/her. It could be a piece of poetry, or a song. Or something you've just completely made up.


[spoiler=Nobody App]
[b]Pop Culture?[/b]: Yes or No?
[[b]If Yes[/b]: What Show/book is he/she/it from?]

[b]Original Name:[/b]
[b]Age of Existence[/b]:
[b]Original Age[/b]:

[spoiler=Heartless App]
[b]Pop Culture?[/b]: Yes or No?
[[b]If Yes[/b]: What Show/book is he/she/it from?]

[b]Original Name[/b]:
[b]Age of Existence[/b]:
[b]Original's Age[/b]:
[b]Other[/b]: (Optional)
[spoiler=Deimon Devil Bats]
An elite special division of Heartless who rank the top of top among the Heartless army. Each Heartless represents one of the [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_deadly_sins"]Seven Deadly Sins[/url]. Here's the list:


*Side Note*
In terms rank, Pride(Superbia) is the highest rank and is top dog, then next is Envy(Invidia), then Wrath(Ira), and so-on and such.

[spoiler=Absent Silhouette App]
Simply select a character from the original games and then give me a GOOD reason why he/she/it would even appear as an Absent Silhouette....by PM.

[spoiler=My Apps]
[spoiler=Complete Being App]
[b]Pop Culture?[/b]: No

[b]Username[/b]: Frybread002
[b]Name[/b]: Akira Sasdisme Runner (real name is Sadisme, but had it changed)
[b]Age[/b]: 15
[b]Gender[/b]: Male
[b]Appearance[/b]: Aside from his picture, his right arm was actually destroyed in a fight, so now a prosthetic (an artificial arm created by either plastic, metal, or any other type of material) replaces it. So far, it continues to bother due to the pain of still not breaking it in (or getting used to it)
Nameless: A reversed blade/hybrid of a knife and dagger that is not capable of killing. Capable of many and extraordinary feats. (has no official name and consists of a "Sharpen" and "Dull" blades. It should be noted, that depending on the persona of it's user, Nameless can kill)
-Blaed+Dol (Blade+Dull): When Namless is separated at will, it grants Akira the ability to wield two different knives
-Blaed=The sharpened part of Nameless. Capable of killing and peirce any armor. No matter how tought it is.
-Dol=The blunted end of Nameless. Cannot kill, making it only useful to parry an attack using it's sides, and to hit the opponent.
[spoiler=Kingdom Ruination]
[b]Personality[/b]: Very respectful, and considerate. Although a little bit naïve, he knows his place before speaking, and almost and always treat somebody with the utmost respect. Never leaving anybody behind, and has them on the foremost in his thoughts, you can count on him as a true friend.
[b]Bio[/b]: As a boy, his village was attacked by the local regime out of political fear of Sadisme. He was born as a “Weapon,” a person stronger than the rest , and if he were to grow older he would be considered dangerous by the government.
When the attack was over, Sadisme was only 6 years old and was in serious condition. His older cousin Rey (Mist) took him to the nearest city, and had him treated. Protected by his older cousin Rey, Sadisme’s name was changed to Akira. Over the years, Akira grew older, lost some friends and made some mistakes. All this while wondering with only one goal. His goal, was to find his missing Memories that he lost when his village was attacked.
When he recovered them however, the truth behind them were so great that he caused his entire home world to grieve and suffer. In the end, the Darkness came for him and several days later…His home was covered in Darkness…

He finds himself in Twilight Town losing his memories once again, and searches for the friends he had lost.
[b]World of Origin:[/b] Inu (literally translate into “Dog”)
[spoiler=[b]Proof of Existence[/b] ]

[i] "I found this on the back side of this page. I'm not sure if it's a song or a poem, but it's really catchy...as if...I can relate too it..."[/i]

[center]Title: Raining Memories[/center]

[i][center]Verse 1:

As I look into this reflection of me....
I can see years worth of experiences....
Of Anger, and Hate, through Love and to Joy....
Through Light, and through Darkness,
and the Twilight in between....

As I come across this fork in the road....
I must make a choice in my life....
A choice that could affect me for the rest of my life.....
A choice that could scar me for the rest of my life....

Chorus 1:

And these!!!
Are my!!!

And this are my Memories!!!
And they’re Raining Down on Me!!!

And these!!!
Are my!!!

And these are my Memories!!!
And they’re Drenching Me Wet!!!

Verse 2:

As I come across this field of souls....
I find one bending towards my direction....
I grab it by the neck, and pulled till it gave in....
There I realize what I been missing....

As I come across this fork in the road....
I must make a choice in my life....
A choice that could affect those around me....
A choice that could scar those around me....

Chorus 2:

And these!!!
Are my!!!

And these are my Memories!!!
And they're Raining Down on Me!!!

And these!!!
Are my!!!

And these are my Memories!!!
And they're Drenching Me Wet!!!

Chorus 3:

And these are my Memories,
and they're Raining Down on Me.

And these are my Memories,
And they're Drenching Me Wet.


And these!!!
Are Your!!!

And these are Your Memories!!!
And they're Raining Down on You!!!

And These!!!
Are Your!!!

And these are Your memories!!!
And they're Drenching You Wet!![/center][/i][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Nobody App]
[b]Pop Culture?[/b]: Yes
[[b]If Yes[/b]: Samurai Warriors 3]

[b]Username[/b]: Frybread002
[b]Name[/b]: Toraxko (You pronounce it as Toh-Rah-ko)
[b]Original Name[/b]: Kotora Fuma
[b]Age of Existence[/b]: Unknown
[b]Original Age[/b]: Unknown, but probably 30 years old
[spoiler=Appearance 1]
[spoiler=Appearance 2]
[spoiler=Demon Claws]
[b]Personality[/b]: Loathing the idea of peace and order, he is more than willing to tip the scales towards anarchy for his enjoyment. Confident in his view of life, he finds others to be amusing pawns in his twisted doctrine of chaos and is fascinated with death. He can tolerate serving under another if he feels it is needed, but he rarely stays completely loyal to his master. Astute and cynical, he has deadpan humor while he derides other people's hopes and dreams. Though his ability for waging carnage may earn him respect, his methods are often considered to be inexplicable nonsense to all but him. Unlike his fellow collogues, he is depicted as a dreamlike, supernatural entity of questionable origin.
[b]Bio[/b]: Kotarō is the wild card in the series who strives to perpetuate endless chaos. Nothing else is known...
[b]Title[/b]: The Wind of Chaos
[b]Rank[/b]: IV (No. 4)
[b]Element[/b]: Wind

[spoiler=Heartless App]
[b]Pop Culture?[/b]: Yes
[[b]If Yes[/b]: Samurai Warriors 3]

[b]Name[/b]: “Oni”
[b]Original Name[/b]: Hanzo Hattori
[b]Age of Existence[/b]: Around 40 years
[b]Original Age[/b]: About 28
[spoiler=Appearance 1]
[spoiler=Appearance 2]
[b]Personality[/b] A taciturn and composed individual who is thoroughly concerned with fulfilling his missions. A capable and perceptive individual of his profession, he is willing to follow any of his master's orders. His personal reasons for being loyal to his master is never fully explained, but his devotion is unquestionable. Although he tries to appear as an emotionless spirit, he occasionally lets his feelings emerge through subtle gestures and quips to his enemies, revealing shreds of self-confidence and cockiness
[b]Bio[/b]: A stoic enigma who desires for his master to rule...
[spoiler=Shadow Fang]
[spoiler=Deimon Devil Bats]
Hanzo-The Demon Ninja of Pride...He will make sure that his master's every wish to bear fruit... Also the highest rank within the Devil Bats [/spoiler]

[spoiler=Accepted Characters]
This part of the apps, is just to keep large scale organizations organized (I.E. Organization XIII). Not for individual characters (sorry, kinda took me awhile to think of)
[spoiler=Organization XIII]
[spoiler=I. Leader of Organization XIII: Rxadr (Merciful Iliaster)]

[b]Username[/b]: Merciful Iliaster
[b]Name[/b]: Rxadr
[b]Original Name[/b]: Dark
[b]Age of Existence[/b]: Unknown
[b]Original Age[/b]: 43
[spoiler=Appearance: Wears the Organization Cloak]
[b]Weapon(s)[/b]: Ethereal Staff (See in Appearance)
[b]Personality[/b]: Although being the leader of Organization XIII, and despite not having a heart, she appears to be kindhearted, or at least tries to be. She pretends to care for all members of the Organization, and even those sacrificed for their goals. However, if the time should come, she would strip away everything she had ever had purely for Kingdom Hearts, for her desire for a Heart is all that drives her.
[b]Bio[/b]: Number I, and the leader of Organization XIII. She was the Nobody of a powerful female magician. When becoming a Nobody, she wandered around for years, searching for answers, but then she learned of an organization from many years ago, called Organization XIII, a group of Nobodies whose goal was to gain Kingdom Hearts. She then decided to form a new Organization XIII, all to gain the one thing all Nobodies wanted: Kingdom Hearts. Her drive and her ambition for Kingdom Hearts is so great, that she can almost feel it.
[b]Title[/b]: The Master of the In-Between
[b]Rank[/b]: I
[b]Element[/b]: Nothing
[spoiler=II. Akurix (Magnet Soldier)]
[b]Pop Culture?[/b]: Nah.

[b]Username[/b]: Magnet Soldier
[b]Name[/b]: Akurix
[b]Original Name[/b]: Kurai Aruji
[b]Age of Existence[/b]: 22 years
[b]Original Age[/b]: 14
[b]Appearance[/b]: [spoiler=Image][IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l37/Narume13/Anime%20Guys/Lonesome_warrior.jpg[/IMG]
Has normal Org. XIII Clothing with a large sheath for his swords.[/spoiler]
[b]Weapon[/b]: Twin Samurai Blades in pic. His fists/feet
[b]Personality[/b]: Despite his looks, Akurix is one of the most mature members of Org. XIII. He is quiet and calm a lot of the time, usually just sitting in his room staring out of the window. He is the second oldest Nobody, as shown by his rank, but no-one ever takes notice of that, as he looks like the youngest of the Organisation. He rarely voices his opinion, usually just nodding along to what others say without really taking note of it, and is thought of as the least trustworthy of the whole Organisation. His main goal is to be free. He wants nothing more than to sit on a ledge somewhere, alone, and contemplate the world, while surrounded by peace and quiet. However, he will do as he is bidden, without retort.
[b]Bio[/b]: Kurai was a apprentice Samurai and Keyblade warrior, believe to be destined to weild a Keyblade. He was trained for many years under the best teachers to become the ultimate warrior against the hordes of Heartless, but to no avail. He became a dangerous warrior, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not summon a Keyblade.
During an Invasion on his home world by the Heartless, he was on the front lines. He was attacking, but was so caught up in the moment he failed to hear the call to retreat, and was soon over whelmed by the hordes of Heartless, and became one of them.
His nobody appeared in the fighting stance he had been in during the battle, and would have cut off the head of the formor No. 8, had he been armed. He was recognised instantly as a natural warrior, and with him already being in Human form he was instantly awarded No.13. After 20 years, 11 members before him have died, and he is now the 2nd oldest member of Org.13, although it doesn't show. New members have always noticed he looks very young, but the ones that mentioned it haven't lasted long.
[b]Other[/b]: Fastest known Nobody. In charge of Samurai Nobodies. He is the only known member of Org. XIII that doesn't Summon his weapons straight to his hands, though he is able to.
[b]Title[/b]: The Distorted Blur
[b]Rank[/b]: II
[b]Element[/b]: Space
[spoiler=III. Nervarx (Christian Exodia)]
[b]Pop Culture?[/b]: No

[b]Username[/b]: Christian Exodia
[b]Name[/b]: Nevarx
[b]Original Name[/b]: Raven Cardinal
[b]Age of Existence[/b]: 5 years
[b]Original Age[/b]: 19
[b]Appearance[/b]: [spoiler=Appearance]
[b]Weapon[/b]: [spoiler=Stolen Gales]
[b]Personality[/b]: He is a quiet man, with an almost permanent smirk on his face. His old sense of adventure and riding the wind is gone, but left a man of many tastes, of useful values. Though he does have a quiet rage exerted in battle, he is usually with a cocky grin to hide it. He never refuses a challenge, and with any pride, does it. He never shirks on his work, but he is always on his feet. He acts just as he has eyes in the back of his head, and he always uses them.
[b]Bio[/b]: Until 5 years ago, none of the past of him is important. He was a confident man, always scouring whatever world he pleased. He was at the mercy of the wind. He fought many a battle, and he grew a reputation. He got cockier and cockier, and was later defeated. This let down eventually started to drain his heart, until he was left as a nobody. He started wondering and wandering, throughout the worlds he once visited, looking for an answer. That came as the Organization, which he later thought about, and because their newest member.
[b]Title[/b]: The Stopped Clock
[b]Rank[/b]: III
[b]Element[/b]: Time
[spoiler=IV. Toraxko (Frybread002 AKA Me)]
[b]Pop Culture?[/b]: Yes
[[b]If Yes[/b]: Samurai Warriors 3]

[b]Username[/b]: Frybread002
[b]Name[/b]: Toraxko (You pronounce it as Toh-Rah-ko)
[b]Original Name[/b]: Kotora Fuma
[b]Age of Existence[/b]: Unknown
[b]Original Age[/b]: Unknown, but probably 30 years old
[spoiler=Appearance 1]
[spoiler=Appearance 2]
[spoiler=Demon Claws]
[b]Personality[/b]: Loathing the idea of peace and order, he is more than willing to tip the scales towards anarchy for his enjoyment. Confident in his view of life, he finds others to be amusing pawns in his twisted doctrine of chaos and is fascinated with death. He can tolerate serving under another if he feels it is needed, but he rarely stays completely loyal to his master. Astute and cynical, he has deadpan humor while he derides other people's hopes and dreams. Though his ability for waging carnage may earn him respect, his methods are often considered to be inexplicable nonsense to all but him. Unlike his fellow collogues, he is depicted as a dreamlike, supernatural entity of questionable origin.
[b]Bio[/b]: Kotarō is the wild card in the series who strives to perpetuate endless chaos. Nothing else is known...
[b]Title[/b]: The Wind of Chaos
[b]Rank[/b]: IV (No. 4)
[b]Element[/b]: Wind
[spoiler=V. Empty]
[spoiler=VI. Empty]
[spoiler=VII. Empty]
[spoiler=VIII. Lominax (TheFinalFan)]
[b]Pop Culture?[/b]: No

[b]Username[/b]: TheFinalFan
[b]Name[/b]: Lominax
[b]Original Name[/b]: Malion
[b]Age of Existence[/b]: A very, VERY long time
[b]Original Age[/b]: 26
[b]Title[/b]: The Divine Tactician
[b]Rank[/b]: Number VIII, Lord of Castle Oblivion, and Commander of the Fleet
[b]Element[/b]: Holy
[b]Appearance[/b]: A man in his mid-20s with close-cut, yet slightly spiky jade-green hair, red eyes hidden behind half-moon glasses, a bit of a goatee, and a slightly lanky build. He has an air ouf authority to him, and just his very British tone, which sounds similar to Ringo Starr crossed with Tim Curry minus 20 years, is reassuring. He is usually accompanied by at least one of his Seraphs, his combination subordinate Nobodies/interchangeable weapons.
Personality: Calm and collected, Lominax rarely looses his cool. He is very charismatic, having high hopes and big dreams for those under his command. He is also a tactical genius, as well as a whiz at any strategy-based game. He loves puzzles, and enjoys solving them in his free time. He seems inconsiderate, almost abusive, towards his Seraphs, but he's actually just putting on an act to maintain his imposing figure, and he truly cares about his charges.
Bio: Long ago, Lominax used to be Malion, a toymaker from Radiant Garden. He fell in love with a young maiden named Latea, and they quickly bonded, until the Heartless came, and consumed Malion. Talea was able to escape to Traverse Town, which Malion had no idea of.
This drove Malion, now Lominax, Malion's Nobody, almost to the brink of insanity, until one day, he sensed her in Traverse Town, and was able to reunite with his love for a few short weeks, until a Heartless ripped out her heart.
As she was slowly being turned into a Heartless, Lominax was able to give some of his pure willpower to Latea, turning into his weapon, a.k.a. the first Seraph.
Lominax traveled from world to world, watching as the Heartless slowly consumed the universe, until he found Castle Oblivion, a safe haven from the Heartless, which he became Lord of. Eventually, the Organization approached him to join them, which he accepted, but lately he has grown distant from the Organization, who simply see him as a tool to help them open Kingdom Hearts.
[b]Weapons[/b]: His Seraphs. His 7 subordinate Nobodies (He technically has 8, but one of them has been captured by the Heartless) can be synchronized to him, and transform into an angelic-looking Battle Mode. Each one has a different specialty in battle, though Lominax can't really fight himself...
[spoiler=List of Seraphs]
Talexa (Formerly Latea) - Temperance (VIII-α) - The primary, and original, Seraph. Talexa is a powerful member of the Seraphs, slicing through Heartless with her battle form's Light Blades. She seems very emotionless and robotic, but is really quite caring for her team.
Luxul (Formerly Lulu) - Chastity (VIII-β) - The most magically-adept of the Seraphs. Luxul finds her current position quite ironic, since she used to play with dolls, and use them as weapons, only to become the equivalent of both a weapon and a doll herself.
Shialaxe (Formerly Ashelia) - Charity (VIII-γ) - While not the most powerful of the Seraphs, Shialaxe still has a vital role on them team as a healer. She is quite friendly and outgoing as opposed to the other Seraphs.
Lopenex (Formerly Penelo) - Diligence (VIII-δ) - The swiftest of the Seraphs. Lopenex enjoys her battle mode due to her speed and flying ability. She also prefers to charge head-first into battle.
Stixusiq (Formerly Quistis) - Humility (VIII-ε) - The Seraphs' resident loner. Stixusiq enjoys researching Heartless, and exploiting their weaknesses accordingly.
Graxten (Formerly Garnet) - Patience (VIII-ζ) - The defender of the Seraphs. Graxten stays near Lominax, protecting him and her "sisters" from her enemies. Graxten is surprisingly mischievous,
Reclixa (formerly Claire) - Justice (Formerly Kindness) (VIII-η) - The former Seraph of Kindness, Reclixa was captured by Heartless, and is now held prisoner by the Heartless. She is a capable fighter, but is very cold towards others, even though she really has a very short fuse.
Xersha (Formerly Serah) - Kindness (VIII-θ) - The newest member of the Seraphs, replacing the missing Reclixa, her elder biological sister. Xersha is surprisingly a very good fighter, quickly adding some offensive power to the Seraphs. She is caring and innocent, yet somewhat hot-headed, like her sister.
[b]Other[/b]: Each of the Seraphs is their own character.
[spoiler=IX. Empty]
[spoiler=X. Empty]
[spoiler=XI. Empty]
[spoiler=XII. Empty]
[spoiler=XIII. Empty]

[spoiler=Deimon Devil Bats]
[spoiler=[b]Pride[/b]/[i]Superbia[/i] =Hanzo [i]"Oni"[/i] Hattori (Frybread002 AKA Me)]
[b]Pop Culture?[/b]: Yes
[[b]If Yes[/b]: Samurai Warriors 3]

[b]Name[/b]: “Oni”
[b]Original Name[/b]: Hanzo Hattori
[b]Age of Existence[/b]: Around 40 years
[b]Original Age[/b]: About 28
[spoiler=Appearance 1]
[spoiler=Appearance 2]
[b]Personality[/b] A taciturn and composed individual who is thoroughly concerned with fulfilling his missions. A capable and perceptive individual of his profession, he is willing to follow any of his master's orders. His personal reasons for being loyal to his master is never fully explained, but his devotion is unquestionable. Although he tries to appear as an emotionless spirit, he occasionally lets his feelings emerge through subtle gestures and quips to his enemies, revealing shreds of self-confidence and cockiness
[b]Bio[/b]: A stoic enigma who desires for his master to rule...
[spoiler=Shadow Fang]
[b]Deimon Devil Bats[/b]
Hanzo-The Demon Ninja of Pride...He will make sure that his master's every wish to bear fruit... Also the highest rank within the Devil Bats
[spoiler=[b]Envy[/b]/[i]Invidia[/i] =Selina (Magnet Soldier)]
[b]Pop Culture?:[/b] Nope

[b]Username:[/b] Magnet Soldier
[b]Name:[/b] Selina
[b]Original Name:[/b] Alice Sheiv
[b]Age of Existence:[/b] 15
[b]Original's Age:[/b] 22
[b]Personality:[/b] Selina is Sadistic and Cruel, toturing and killing subordinates just for straying a step from her orders, such as injuring a captive when she neverr told them to. She takes no notice of those below her in rank, barely listening unless it interests her. She will rarely show emotion, believing it to be unimportant, making her the most hated of all the Heartless leaders, especially among the Nobodies.
[b]Bio:[/b] Not much is known about Alice's life, as she wandered about the uninhabited Traverse Town for many Years, along and unnoticed, before being absorbed by her own feeling of hopelessness. She is now one of the most powerful Heartless, though is not very liked by the rest of the heartless. Her motives are unknown, but it is presumed because of her Personality that she wants Power and Control.
[b]Weapons:[/b] A large knife strapped to her back. Whatever weapon her opponent uses(See below)
[b]Other:[/b] Selina has a strange power which is one of the reasons she is Invidia. She can copy any power and/or weapon she see's, and has named her power 'Envy'.
[spoiler=[b]Wrath[/b]/[i]Ira[/i] =Empty]
[spoiler=[b]Sloth[/b]/[i]Acedia[/i] =Zar (Merciful Iliaster)]
Username: Merciful Iliaster
Name: Zar
Original Name: Ra
Age of Existence: 20
Original's Age: o_0
[spoiler=Normal Appearance]
[spoiler=Fighting Appearance]
[spoiler=Forced Fighting Appearance]
[spoiler=True Divine Appearance Which will only shown in glimpses and flashbacks, because he cannot access this anymore]
Personality: Extremely tired and complains. All the time. He would also scold his opponent a lot. He groans a lot too.
Bio: A Heartless with unimaginably high power. Whatever he was as a Somebody, he wasn't a human. He seemed to have no Nobody counterpart. Maybe he was a god who descended into his world only to be consumed by Heartless while there. Maybe he was part of a special race of sapiens who only had Hearts and Souls. Or maybe his Soul and Body weren't as strong as his unimaginably powerful Heart, and they only turned into a weak Dusk. He has extremely high power, and yet he's simply too tired and lazy to do it. His tiredness and laziness holds him back from doing anything useful at all, and he probably wouldn't fight seriously even when his existence is on the line. Maybe his tiredness and laziness would soon, or has already, increased to the point of him being simply [i]incapable[/i] of fighting seriously. But even so, the power he drags along with him in his laziness is enough for him to be a powerful opponent.
Weapons: N/A
Other: [b]HE'S A FREAKING GOD! RUN FOR YOUR. . .[/b] Oh wait, he can't access his god-like powers anymore. Too bad.
[spoiler=[b]Greed[/b]/[i]Avaritia[/i] =Empty]
[spoiler=[b]Gluttony[/b]/[i]Gula[/i] =Empty]
[spoiler=[b]Lust[/b]/[i]Luxuria[/i] =Empty]


Just too keep some people here interested, I'll be adding some additional infomation just for fun, such as drawings I'll be doing for people who don't have a drawing for their characters. So far, since this is the only product that is technically "finished," it's the only part I actually put up. Hope you guys enjoy.

[spoiler=The Last Report...]

To view the rest of the [i]Reports[/i], follow this [url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/237717-the-last-reportthe-value-of-a-lie/page__pid__5034169#entry5034169"]link[/url]. These are only the [i]Original Four[/i].

[spoiler=XIII (13)]
Centuries have passed since the '[i]Door[/i]' was last opened, and peace reigned supreme, and many remained Asleep and Dreamt...However...Like all Dreams, the Dreamer must awake eventually...When they wake...The Darkness in the Hearts of many begun to stir...The '[i]Doors[/i]' opening once more to the 'Heart of All Worlds,' is being
connected in a Code...

The mysterious Organization who's only connections are to those who are of Naught, and the Anagram "X..."

The army of Darkness have risen in number, and feed on the Darkness of others.

The 'Key' appears once more, in the hands of many, and band together to fight off the beings of Naught, and Darkness.

Shall the door to the 'Heart of All Worlds' open, or shall it remain close...War is the only answer of what appears on the Dusk Horizon. Will the Twilight, Dawn, Light, or Darkness, win in this bitter struggle...Or...The Void...? The only answer left when all is gone...Void...

"Nothing" even lasts forever when it enters the world of Void of those who return to REVERSED their mistakes...To those return to '[i]rewake...[/i]'
[center]"[i]Nothing is Eternal[/i]"
~Unknown Keyblader~[/center]

[spoiler=Kingdom Come]
"A [i]Key[/i] that rivals the Light AND Dark? At first, I thought it was impossible, but now, it make sense. Why? It's simple. This is a Keyblade that is neither composed of Light OR Dark. However, what I want to know is where Does it '[i]Exist[/i]?' In the Twilight in between? The Void where nothing lies? Or is it just a Keyblade that is worthless?

Despite these bothersome questions, I don't think my very [i]Will to Exist [/i]will let me rest in peace, untill I find out what kind of '[i]Key[/i]' this is. If anything, all of the research, and testing I've done...Well, the only conclussion I can make, is that this Keyblade is only suitable to a individual who has a too...Unfortunately, no one has seen this [i]Key[/i], so this is only an interpretation, and I will not bother myself for writing down who can wield...I can only wonder "what", and "how" it looks like!!!

~Side Note~
Before I end this report, I think I shall name this 'Key' that cannot lock, or unlock 'Doors,' nor can it bring 'Destruction and Ruin' like it's counter-part brethen, the Kingdom Key. It can only defend and prosper So the appropriate name would be '[url="http://apacheburger002.deviantart.com/#/d38ft45"]Kingdom Come[/url].'
[center]"[i]The Divine Tactician[/i]"
[i]~Unknown Toymaker~[/i][/center]
[spoiler=Reborn/Rebirth ]
The thought of [i]immortality[/i] is a prize and a treasure that all men seek…To live forever and not have to face the consequences of disease or aging. No fool alive would pass this offer. But what happens when you do gain immortality?

I lost all joy in existing, so all I do now in my despair is reminisce of what I lost, and pray to a god I don't believe in. Whoever does acquire it, is a bigger fool than the fool following such a dream. I will personally scorn all those who made the same mistake like me and my [i]XII[/i] colleuges. To undo our [i]sins[/i], we banded together to find what we lost.

I personally do not hold it against them for wanting to acquire this '[i]sin[/i]', for I myself have once sought it. However, like all fantasies, they’re only a fantasy…

On my home world, my country’s name literally translated into ‘[i]Dog[/i].’ why? I don’t know, but just like any other [i]kingdom[/i] that sought domination, we waged war…’Devil Dogs’ or ‘Dogs of the Military’ were our names. And I - Being the strongest soldier to ever live, sought my well-earned immortality. Why? What country would not pass up their finest soldier to live [i]enternally[/i]?

Unfortunately, a evil spirit whom we call [i]Sūtaḫ[/i] (or Sēt) gave me an offer;

I give him my body as a host to manifest himself, and in return, I’ll become a GOD. I was a fool to pass this up. However, I was decieved. On the field of battle, I was slain, and my Heart, was what would live forever, not my body. It only became an [i]empty vessel[/i]…

Everything else after that, I forgot...I just remember wandering aimlessly...With no reason to '[i]be[/i]' in this Dark Abyss...
It was not until long after a young boy found me. In my loneliness, I ran after him.

This was the first time that I actually felt alone, and sought the attention of others. 'War is Hell.' A commonly overused phrase, but a world truth. If you to ever find yourself on the frontlines of battle, you can never forget the faces of anguish, and pain as they fall to the ground lifeless. After all the years of war, I never felt any regret, remorse, rage, hate, sorrow, joy, or love. I made myself forget them on the battlefield. Despite all the friends I've lost. I never waved my sword in vengeance. Instead, I'd just left them there. For these emotions would hinder me useless...

I asked for his name, and all he said was "[i]All there ever is of what's left of me[/i]." I was baffled, for not once, had I ever met a boy - No...A "mere child" for that matter - who instilled fear in me. But at the same time, he filled that [i]'emptiness[/i]' that I felt in my chest.

This was the same feeling my colleagues and I felt, and we fought hard for a goal that will make us [i]Rest is Peace[/i]...

However, my fellow brethren became blinded in our goals, and thus...A discord began. What happens when we recover what we lost!? What will happen to Sūtaḫ when I recover my existence!? What will happen to me!? And when we do get it back, what then!? Were we purposely aware of the facts when we became immortal!?!?!

After a grueling fight, I defected to our natural born enemy. If my [i]Body[/i] is an empty shell, my [i]Will[/i] an God, than my [i]Heart[/i] is my enemy! I will not be an puppet to his sadistic games!! I may no longer exist!! But my WILL shall not die!!!

"I Destory!!! Therefore I AM!!"

[center]"[i]Life is temorary,
But the Heart is eternal[/i]"
~Unknown Warrior~[/center]
[spoiler=Reminisce ]
"[s][i]Kaza[/i][/s]" gave me this journal to keep track of my travels...before she was captured... But I still don't know how to write, but I try anyway, but mabye I should sumarize everything before I got this journal. My name is [u][b] - REAL NAME INTERPETED, PROCEEDING ONTO SEQUENCE -[/b][/u] "[s][i]Sadis[/i][/s]" [i]Runner[/i], I am from one of the local indigounes tribes, but I don't know what is called,because of the surgery that saved my life when I was about 7 years old, wiped my memory clean. The person who was staying with me was [b][u]NAME ERASED FROM MEMORY[/u][/b] . I think he would be considered my caretaker, but he died when I was 10, because of me... I got us in trouble, and [b][u]NAME ERASED FROM MEMORY[/u][/b] had to pay for it. His punishment was death, and I was the one who had to do it. When he died, his last wish was "[i]Never forget who you are, and where you come from[/i]." Which is an problem, because I have no memory. The world that I grew up in was very harsh to me, because of "[i]Who I am, and where I came from[/i]." So I was lost in blind rage, and almost killed myself over it when I was 12. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. Which was a good thing, because a little while later, I joined the military, and because of it, I made a few friends, [i]Kaza[/i] and [s][i]Don[/i][/s].

[size="1"][i]*Side Note* Incase I may forget, Journal Entry 1, or Day 1, tells everything that happends before I gotten this journal. Hopefully this doesn't get me confussed[/i].[/size]

~Day 7~
[s][i]Don[/i][/s]...Curse you!! Why did you defected!? It's been nearly an year! And [s][i]Kaza[/i][/s] is still worried. He knew about [s][i]Kaza[/i][/s]'s feelings!
~Day 25~
Today...Well I was still never sure about these kind of days, but apparently today's my "[i]Birth-Day[/i]", and [s][i]Kaza[/i][/s] even gave me a new jacket! She told me that I'm...15 I think, and she looked happy, but I can easilly tell she's worried about [s][i]Don[/i][/s].
~Day 79~
I'm not sure if the enemy is playing tricks on me, but they said that [s][i]Kaza[/i][/s] fell into an Coma...and I think I know why. [s][i]Don[/i][/s], I'll never forgive you!
~Day 100~
Finally! Pprogress on [s][i]Don[/i][/s]'s whereabouts. This time, I'll make him pay!!!

~Day 103~
The infomation that was giving to us was an set-up, and we were ambushed, but we made it out. I feel like an idiot...

~Day 179~
What? He's back!!

~Day 180~
He's back, and I guess it was all a ploy to get [s][i]Kaza[/i][/s] back from the enemy, but was unsuccesfull. But still!! It wasn't worth making [s][i]Kaza[/i][/s] worry like that!! I'll make him pay with his life!!

~Day 185~
I guess [s][i]Don[/i][/s]'s going back into enemy hands, to try to get back [s][i]Kaza[/i][/s], and spy on the enemy...he said that if we meet in battle, "[i]Don't hold back[/i]." Grr...That jerk.

~Day 200~
"[i]Remnant[/i]" A person who has passed, but is [i]reincarnated[/i] back into our world. Because of it, people call them "[i]Remnants[/i]" for the fact that that person is only [i]mere fragments of his original self[/i], and the [i]Remnant may have that person looks, or personality[/i]. That's what my teacher said to me, [u][b]CANNOT TRANSLATE. POSSIBLE NAME MEANS '[i]GREAT FOOL[/i][/b][/u]'...hmm...now that I think of it, I never mentioned him in previous entries, so I think I'll do it today. [u][b]CANNOT TRANSLATE[/b][/u] is an travelling monk, who happends to like playing with kids, and because of it, he normally forgets to beg. Now he also enjoys story-telling, and so whenver he travels, he tells one of his stories to whoever wants to hear it. The funny thing is, [b][u]NAME ERASED FROM MEMORY[/u][/b] was actually a student of his, and was travelling with him!! But when he got home, [u][b]CANNOT TRANSLATE[/b][/u] says that he changed. Not just his habits (and I was told he was an hard worker! But last time I check, he was lazy.), but also his mood, apparently, he's been thinking of things outside of his home. When I get back, I gotta pay my respects to his grave.

Today in battle in battle, we faced an unknown foe, but the force was small, but we had to take of them anyway. But funny thing is, I met an enemy who seemed just like me. He said his name was "[s][i]Akiro[/i][/s]."

~Day 299~
[u][b]MISSING MEMORY, CANNOT DECODE. PROCEEDING ONTO DECODING[/b][/u]. A-K-I-R-A. That's how you s...sp-sp-spelll - [i][b]VIRUS FOUND! CANNOT ENCODE INTO COMPRESSED FILE WITHOUT HARMING SECURITY. MUST SKIP MEMORY SEQUENCE[/b][/i]...but that kid [u][b]MUST SKIP MEMORY SEQUENCE[/b][/u] A-K-I-R-O. [u][b]VIRUS CONTAINED, AND DELETED. RETURNING EN-ROUTE MEMORY BANK[/b][/u] He said that he know's what everything about my past, but how!! The catch was that I have to join his army, called Eighty-Eight (88). But in these past months, Eighty-Eight has proven itself an threat to the world of [u][b]CLASSIFIED INFOMATION. CANNOT REVEAL LOCATION[/b][/u]. My home. So we have to destroy them. Honestly, I'm tempted to join...but I don't know...
~Day 335~
Arrrgghhh!!! I don't know anymore!! I don't know what to beleive in anymore!! At first I thought I was just an kid who lost his memories, but I found out that "[s][i]Akiro[/i][/s]" [b][u]MEMORY MUST BE SKIPPED. OVERLOADED INFOMATION [/u][/b]Remnant. I don't like looking back, but I guess that both of us couldn't [i]exist[/i], and one had to give. [s][i]Akiro[/i][/s] told me his reason for joining Eighty-Eight. It was to find me, and make sure that [i]HE existed, not me[/i]. *Sigh* ..I don't... I don't know if I can take it... My head feels like it's about to explode...

~Day 349~
My body is tired, and so is my mind...I think it's because of [s][i]Akiro[/i][/s], after what he told me, I've been so tired lately. But I can't let it bother me, because there's an battle comming up with [u][b]LOCATION CLASSIFIED[/b][/u], and I been put in charge of the first wave...I wonder if I'll see [s][i]Kaza[/i][/s].

~Day 355~
I've encountered [s][i]Don[/i][/s] today, and he wanted to know why I defected. His defection was a ploy to save the person who we'd both cared about. My defection was to find out who I was. When [s][i]Don[/i][/s] first defected, I wanted to kill him so badly, but he did out of "[i]Love[/i]", while I did mine out of "[i]Greed[/i]." God I hate myself.

~Day 356~
The final battle with [u][b]LOCATION CLASSIFIED[/b][/u]...All this time, my very [i]Existence[/i] has meant something. It wasn't part of [i]Faith[/i], or [i]Destiny[/i], it was out of [i]Pure Luck[/i]. I wanna back up for a moment. When I born, it was with the.....I'll just skip that part. But as I was saying, when I was born, I was born an "[i]Weapon[/i]". A person who is born "[i]stronger[/i]" than the other people, and becuase of it, it caused many other countries to fight over me. But not just me, other people who are born [i]just like me[/i], and that was also Eighty-Eight's goal as well. And when I did join, I found out "[i]Who I was, and Where I came from[/i]." But in a way, I didn't care, since after a couple of years, I came to find my own saying [u][b]-MISSING MEMORY, CANNOT DECODE -[/b][/u] But now that has wavered, because when I did find out, I was mad, and my [i]existence[/i] was highly valued by everyone. But now I'm at risk of losing my [i]memories[/i], because I have to make a choice. [i]A choice that could Affect me, and those around me. A choice that could Scar me, and those around me. [/i]But this choice, I just can't back out, since everyone's [i]existence [/i]depends on it, but there's my old promise. Apparently before I lost my [i]memories[/i], I wanted to do something that was so important, it'll make everyone happy. But when I finnaly could do something, it's going to change the lives of the friends that I made back in Inu...

~Day 358~
...I don't know what to do...I'm [i]scared[/i]...And today's battle will make me choose what I'll have to do...Now that I think of it, today's [i]storm[/i], and it kind of matches the moment. But this storm is very strange than the others...But I all know, this is the last entry. For everything.

[center][i]I'll Never Forget Who I Am! And What I Stand For!"
Unknown Remnant[/i][/center]


[center]I am the manifestation of non-existence,
given life by both the [i]Keys[/i] from the Realm of Light and the Realm of Darkness...[/center]

What is Life? What is existence? What is true nothingness?

These questions have been said within myself since the day I was given some intelligence by the very [i]Heart of All Worlds[/i]. For many days I have been spoken to about these [i]Keys[/i].

I originally had no knowledge of them, but they are now of great use to me...

Bearers of these weapons have done my objective for me, and know not of it, but rather, believe in an objective that will save all of the worlds that their Hearts are [i]connected[/i] to.

I feel no emotions, yet I believe I must have emotions to truly feel whole, as though I can actually exist.

I shall obtain my goal, and unlock the [i]Heart of All Worlds[/i], not only for to feel whole and to have emotions, but to have the ultimate power and knowledge to dominate all worlds and make them one again.

This will end with my victory over all who dare stand before me and my goal of becoming one with existence.

[center][i]I was born by sleep.
I shall be a whole being.[/i]
~Unknown Being~[/center][/spoiler]
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Frybread、バカ!これは間違っているセクションにあります! 間違ったセクション! 本当に。。。 どのようにこのようなミスを犯している可能性があります。。。? 私はこれを移動する司会者を取得するつもりです。

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~Day 5~

"After being here in this [i]'Place'[/i] for 5 days, I came to learn that I'm currently in an town named 'Twillight Town', and if I recall correctly, I was in my home country of Inu, but when that last battle occured with the enemeny country of Ninkai, there was an freak storm, and was followed by these wierd [i]'Shadows'[/i]. Next thing I knew, I'm here in 'Twilight Town'." I really don't remember on how I got here, or where I was when it happened. All I can recall is that I on Inu one minute resting my eyes, when I opened them up, I'm in [i]"Twilight Town"[/i]. Kinda a weird name if you ask me, but if I had to choice a name, I something like "Sunset Town" or something would be better for the beautiful sunsets they have..."

"Oh! Thank you sir." Replied Akira. A boy who was living off the streets in Twilight Town begging people for money for his possible meal, was writting in his journal when stranger after stranger kept walking up to him, and droping coins in his little makeshit bag on the ground. "Your donation is greatly appreciated! Thank you Ma'am!" He said in a very cheerful and respectful voice, then went back to his journal.

"Hehe, I really like this town. Back in Inu, you would be chassed away with a broom for begging on the streets! Not only that, the town is really, really clean, while Inu, it's rare you'll see a flower in the street (very dirty! Not kidding!). If anything, what captures me the most, is what's in THE TOWN!! I mean...Uhh...What's the right word to write down...Anyway! I notice people are just flipping a little switch, and BOOM! A source of light comes in from the cellings like it comes from Heaven itself!! (think it was called a "Lightbulb". In Inu, we used lanterns) It's really cool! There are many other things! Although they're kinda hard to explain, the real most useful one that I find helpful, is a little beam of light that comes from this little plastic thing called a "Flashlight!" It's really more convient than a torch. With a flashlight, you can just point and click the stwitch and the light comes on in that direction, it takes two other little platic things that make the flashlight work, if anything it's really light and convient on the go. With a torch, you have to worry about burning yourself, the heat getting to your head, the weight, and the fact that it burns out on you if you use the wrong material!!

Ahh...I like this place. Like, I can literally sleep on the streets, and not worry about a rat getting in my back and eatting my rations!! Hahahaha, of course I won't be sleeping on the streets like I used too in Inu. If it weren't to Lance and Diego, I wouldn't be able to camp and learn how to hunt. Luckily there's a forest surrounding the town that provides excellant game and supplies for camping. Although the only badside about the flashlight, is that it doesn't keep me warm like a torch, so I can't rely on it too much..."

[i]Hmm...What else is there to report?[/i] He thought to himself while he was looking around the little plaza he was in. He decided to go to the "Train Station" again and try to conquer his fears of the "Man Eating Catapillar!"
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[i][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JJ8yHfZBtM"]Destiny Islands[/url][/i]

A boy with light brown hair and blue eyes standing on the shore of the island. He wore a pair of black Converse, charcoal gray jeans, a gray t-shirt, and over top of it a red shirt with fiery design on it. Around his neck he wore a necklace with ten sticks on it and on his right hand he wore a small fingerless glove, two rings on his middle finger, and a few small bracelets. His name is Shio and this seventeen year old teen had been traveling the worlds, protecting them from the threat of Nobodies and Heartless. He was chosen for this job for only one reason...he wields the Keyblade.

Shio ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. [color="#FF0000"]"Ryuusaki isn't here...I thought he would've returned."[/color] he said looking at the setting sun. [color="#FF0000"]"Maybe, the darkness has taken him over....like he told me."[/color] He reached his hand into his pocket and then took out a small star-like charm. This charm is called a WayFinder, and it was given to him on his first trip to Radiant Garden. [color="#FF0000"]"Yenna..."[/color] he said with a smile. [color="#FF0000"]"I promise, after I find Ryuusaki...I'll come back to you. This WayFinder is proof of that promise."[/color]
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In the Dark Abyss of Shadows, where no matter how the bright the brightest [i]Light [/i]was, nothing could penatrate the [i]Darkness [/i]that surround the darkness of this castle..."My Lord...I have full-filled my mission...Right now, after Gun Xard had defected to us...We lost considerable amount of resources...Right now, I'm currently gathering possible canidates to realize your dream My lord...That is all I have to report..." As soon as he finished his line, the "Ninja" disappeared into the Darkness as quick as a flash of light in the midnight skies of yesteryear.

[i]Ohhh boy...Well, not only am I lost [i]"again"[/i], it's nearly night and I have to get back to my camp...Tch...At this rate, some petty theif may have wondered off with my gear...Gotta find my way to the forest.[/i] Akira thought to himself, after wondering around Twilight Town.
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[i]Back on Destiny Island[/i]

Shio put his WayFinder back in his pocket and then said,[color="#FF0000"]"Looks like everything here is alright. I might as well go to the next world..."[/color] He then walked back from the shore and found his Gummi Ship. He got into the cockpit and then turned everything on. With the engines roaring, the ship blasted off from Destiny Island and headed to the Lanes Between.

[color="#FF0000"]"Alright, what world is near here?"[/color] he asked himself as he looked at the computers. From everything he was reading, the closest world was called "Twilight Town". [color="#FF0000"]"Twilight Town, eh?"[/color] Shio asked as he piloted the Gummi towards the next world. He soon saw it, a small town and a clock tower in the middle. [color="#FF0000"]"Might as well send myself down there..."[/color] Shio said as he neared the world and then jumped onto a small building. He then walked off and looked around the small square he was in. [color="#FF0000"]"Amazing! This is so much different from the island!"[/color] Shio said as he continued to walk, but he walked right into someone. [color="#FF0000"]"O-Oh...I'm sorry about that..."[/color]
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"Hmm...I think I'm starting to recognize these parts, but I'm not really sure..." Akira said to himself aloud while reaching into his pouch, trying to grab his flashlight (even though the streets were light up). When he finally pulled it out, he noticed somebody not paying attention, and was blindly walking into him. At first, he went to the side to avoid him, but apparently the stranger wasn't paying attention all that well, and still managed to walk into him.

"Oww!" Akira yelled out in pain, as his right arm throabed in pain. When he got up, the rag that was attached to his right arm was comming lose and after running into the stranger caused his right arm to violently numb. "Hey, watch where you going man!" He scroned the young man, but at the corner of his eye, he noticed some of things were rolling down the street: His Journal, Flashlight, and some of his provisions that he gathered for the day. "Ah!" Was his only response to his things roaming down the street. At first he was going to run after them, but seeing how he may have injuried the person he ran into. He just stood there with a straight face as if nothing happend, and impatienly waited for the young man to get up.
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Shio quickly got up and looked at the person he ran into. [color="#FF0000"]"Dude, I am sorry about running into you like that."[/color] he said scratching the back of his head. [color="#FF0000"]"Next time I should probably watch where I'm going."[/color] He then smiled and looked at the young man and held his hand towards him. [color="#FF0000"]"My name is Shio. I hope you're not too upset with me on bumping into you like that."[/color] he said, waiting for the young man to shake his hand back. He had never met this person before, but he felt like they had one thing in common. He didn't know what that thing was....but he was hoping to figure that out soon.
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[i]Hmm...He's not from around here...Better play my cards right...[/i] "Yeah! Don't mention it man." He said and was going to be on his way to gather his things, but when he extended his hand to shake it. He stood in fear. Right now, his right arm was violently numb to the point that it was in shock from just barely touching him, but for him, he had to get used to it. "Ohhh...Yeah, again, it's no problem." He said with a smile on his, and shooked his hands with him, while trying all his might to make a strong, respectable grip like a gentleman would, but the he had no feeling in his arm what so ever, but was able to make the shake. "Uhh...Apologizes, but I droped something when you bumped into me, but it rolled down the street, so I really, really got a get going." He said in a rush and started to be on his way. However, in the back of his mind, something told him to stop, look back, and say "Can you help me?"
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Shio looked at the young man and heard him say he dropped something. [color="#FF0000"]"You dropped something??"[/color] Shio asked. [color="#FF0000"]"Well since I did bump into you, I'll help ya look for what you need."[/color] He walked over to the young man and helped him look around for what he dropped. He glanced around the ground and then noticed a small book near his foot. Shio quickly picked it up and held it in his hand. [color="#FF0000"]"Hey kid, is this that thing you dropped??"[/color] Shio asked holding it in front of himself, so the young man could see it. He looked at the front of it and saw it said, "Property of Akira". [color="#FF0000"]"So, your name's Akira??"[/color] he asked looking at the young man.
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Nevarx stood atop a spire, letting his infinite seconds tick by. He wasn't immortal, no. It's only his power letting him reverse time around him, keeping him the same almost forever. There were only, four, five?, members left in the Organization. He was responsible for a death; he forgot why, he said, a rare thing in his existance. The only other time he had no memory was his entrance as this, Stopped Clock, a personification, really. But he talked, not with his words, but with actions. He wrote in his log:
[font="Lucida Console"]The log of Time
Day 3:
Personally, as I sit atop my spire in Traverse Town, I start to ponder:
-What will become of this Organization?
-Who will survive?
-Who will fade to black and leave but their impression on the Earth?
-Why won't my powers give me the answers?
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"YES! Ermm...I mean, yes. Yes it's mine, thank you soo much. Apologizes though, since I didn't introduce myself earlier. I'm Akira. Akira Sadis-..." He stopped short, well holding his head for bit in a confused way. "Sorry, tounge twister. As I was saying, my name is Akira Runner, and you are?" He asked politely, while walking around the ground looking for other possible things that he may have droped.

"Hehehehe...Something...distracting you...Nervax?" Replied Toraxko, the fourth member of the Organization.


OoC: First OoC Thread comment! Boo-ya!! Apologizes for the short-posting. I really don't know what to write after that line.
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Nevarx actually speaks more than one word. "What will become of our Organization, Toraxko? Us, Lominax, and Akurix cannot keep it up. We either have to band tightly, just split up, Kingdom Hearts willing, or recruit members. And I do not want another member." He explains to Toraxko. "But with the third option, we might get tempted to kill one. We just gotta keep low, occasionally banding with our Nobodies to do our Main Tasks, in order to keep our Organization from withering, like a Flower left alone in a dark room. That flower is us. And we gotta have someone to take care of it. But that, we don't have anymore. Not since Raxon was killed." (Raxon is a made up Number 10, just recently killed)
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"Isn't [i]'Chaos'[/i] all that matters Nervax? After all, you aren't even supposed to [i]be[/i]...Isn't it bit out of your place talk about such things? Our...The Organizations goal is only to acheive what we agreed to do...Heheheheh...HAHAHAHAHA!!! You sound like that pathetic weaklin you know that? But who exactly was it that destroyed him? As for that worthless Toymaker, and shrimp of a warrior, you have all the time in the world...But why worry about it when your time stopped?" Replied Toraxko. "Nevermind! You need to come with me, I sensed that leashed dog Hanzo is out again. I would personally enjoy it if you came with me...and play with him...You wouldn't mind to accompany me now would you?"
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"It would be good to kill him off for good." Nevarx retained his composure, but kept his... worries?.... inside. He then pulled out his Stolen Gales. "Let's go." But at that point, Nevarx stopped everything around him to think about things in his journal. He kept pulling up his clock to see who was dead next, but it wouldn't show. All he knew is that it wasn't him. He was one of two really still holding the Organization up. As Toraxko said, that the other two are worthless, lucky to survive. But Nevarx sensed something inside him. Something... his rage! It's pointing towards Toraxko! "I have to keep it in!" Nevarx said just before he released his Time Stop.
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Rxadr then awoke. Darkness began gathering, and what was left of her returned to form. Everyone else most likely thought she had already been defeated. But she hadn't. She thrust her staff forward and called to every member of Organization XIII that was still alive, that [i]she[/i] was still alive.

[b][i]Friends, I am not yet dead![/i][/b] She called out to them. [b][i]Rejoice as Kingdom Hearts is still out there! Rejoice as I am still alive, still with a body and a soul! And though I, and we all, lack hearts, we still have the power to obtain Kingdom Hearts! I, Rxadr, the Master of the In-Between, have returned from darkness![/i][/b]
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"Pathetic Shrimp?" A voice uttered, as a hand dropped onto Toraxko's Shoulder, seemingly out of Nowhere. "You know, you are a bit cocky." The voice said, the rest of it's body appearing out of Nowhere. The hand Belonged to what seemed to be a young boy, roughly 14 years old, with very untidy hair. He lifted his free hand to his head and ruffled his hair a bit, walking infront of Toraxko. "And you still brag about the fact you were the one to break Raxon? You forget that I weakened him, and was going to spare him until you came along. You act too rashly, much like a young Child. It'll kill you one day." Akurix said, placing his hand on the hilt of one of his Blades to emphasize his point.
He was about to Lecture Toraxko more, but was unable as a Voice pierced his head at that moment, causing a large headache. He clutched his head for a moment, cursing whoever this was, until he heard the name. As the message finished, he gasped, as he'd been holding his breath, and looked at Both Toraxko and Nevarx, sighing. "And Hanzo will obviously Have to wait. She's awake." Akurix said, blandly. "Let's go. I can track her." Akurix muttered, opening his own special Portal which Manipulated space for Quicker Travel. "And Toraxko." Akurix said, turning. "Utter one word and your head is going flying." Akurix threatened, smiling slightly, as he turned and entered the Portal, not waiting for the Other two.
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Rxadr was waiting. Although she had contacted all members, she had no idea how many were actually still alive. She waited in a white room that resembled the meeting area for the former Organization XIII many years ago. She modeled this area after that one. This was the only finished room at the moment, however. Dusks, Creepers, and Twilight Thorns were all working together to construct the castle under her own design. The Organization XIII base was halfway ready already. She sat down on the highest chair and waited, and knew that the first few were already coming. Or were they the only few left?
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Shio looked at the young man, who called himself Akira Runner, and then said, [color="#FF0000"]"Nice to meet you Akira." [/color]He then heard him ask for his name. A anime-style sweat drop appeared on the side of his head and said, [color="#FF0000"]"Already said it though...but its alright. Name's Shio!"[/color] He looked around the area he was at and said, [color="#FF0000"]"Doesn't look like there are any Heartless around here.."[/color] He looked at Akira again and then noticed a shocked expression on his face. [color="#FF0000"]"What? Do I have something on my face or what??"[/color] Shio asked looking at Akira.
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"Hehehehehe...Push come to shove..."Boy". Maybe you should just watch your mouth if you want some respect...Heheheh, if it wasn't for that blasted traitor Gun Xard, then maybe Raxon would still...[i]"Exist"[/i] wouldn't he?" Toraxko replied with a grin on his face. "Besides, it was orders from the top...Hehehehehe...Oh yes, before I forget...You out of all people should know "A ninja know's when to sieze his oppurtunity."" He taunted the very youthful looking member of the organization, and just disappeared into thin air. When he re-appeared, it was in a gust of wind and in front of Rxadr.


After having some feeling come back to his right arm, Akira noticed his badanna that was on his arm was comming lose, and quickly tied it back on as tight as he could. "Shio eh? Sorry, I didn't catch it back there. I was kinda busy with some things I dropped..." he replied, and ended with a mutter. "But enough of that, you're not from around here are you..."Shio"...was it? Your're not from around here are you? You can tell by your clothes, since they stand out like a sore thumb. If you don't have a place to stay for the night, you can swing by the forest, and look for my camp. I should have enough supplies to feed us both." He offered, while packing up whatever possible things he could find, and began to head out without waiting for his response. "Sorry, it's getting late and want to get back before nightfall hits." He said, while leaving.
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[color=#FF0000]"Augh!"[/color] A strange feminine creature with a torso made out of eye-like metallic orbs, stretchy orange arms ending in mechanical gauntlets with cylinders of blue liquid, and a "skirt" made of blades cried out as she was slammed to the ground by a golden-armored woman with odd mechanisms on her arms and legs and giant heavily armored lower arms and hands for wings.
[color=#FFA500]"Come on, Luxul! Get up!"[/color] The armored woman commanded. She had black hair, silver skin, darkened eyes, and a red gem on her forehead like her opponent, but while Luxul's hair was tied into braids, the armored creature's hair was wild and unkempt, though her bronze eyes contrasted Luxul's red eyes.
[color=#FF0000]"Fine. I'll get up."[/color] Luxul replied, smirking as she blasted jets of fire out of her palms, causing some of the blue liquid in her lower arms to go away. Her skirt unfolded to reveal two sets of helicopter-like blades, from which the cyborg hovered.
The armored woman growled as Luxul taunted her from above. [color=#FF0000]"Looks like you can't reach me, Graxten..."[/color]
[color=#0000CD]"But I can!"[/color]
Luxul was fired upon by heavy weapons as a new challenger zoomed in. She was similar to the other two due to the fact that she had silver skin, darkened eyes, a red gem, and armor, but she was very different. She had blonde hair tied into two braids that attached themselves to her armor, hawk-like blue eyes with a sense of warmth and energy behind them, a pair of goggles on her head, and jet-like armor that made her body look like a female version of Starscream from Transformers. She aimed her Gatling gun gauntlets at Luxul. [color=#0000CD]"Hope you had fun, Luxul, because you're going down! Literally!"[/color]
Just then, a green blast of energy hit the flying jet-woman in the back, causing her jetpack to overload and malfunction, sending the woman to the ground. She looked up to see another woman, this one with sandy-blonde hair in a pixie cut, grey eyes with black sclera, and light silver armor with gold designs. She had a nurses hat on the top of her head and green gems all over her armor and her wings.
[color=#0000CD]"Shialaxe?!?"[/color] The jet girl asked, astounded. [color=#0000CD]"I thought you weren't designed for combat!!!"[/color]
[color=#00FF00]"That proves how much you know, Lopenex."[/color] Shialaxe giggled as she stood over Lopenex. [color=#00FF00]"I can fight, but I'm just not very good at it. Now hold still while I drain your energy."[/color]
Lopenex was surrounded by a field of green energy as Shialaxe's gems started to light up one by one, while Lopenex became weaker. The robot girl eventually passed out, and Shialaxe headed for her next target, until Luxul limped towards the healer. [color=#FF0000]"A little assistance..."[/color]
[color=#00FF00]"Gladly."[/color] Shialaxe replied, surrounding Luxul with a similar field of green energy, but this one repaired the cyborg. [color=#FF0000]"Thank you so-"[/color] Luxul started, until Graxten was blasted through a wall by...Luxul?!?
"Luxul" smirked as she stabbed Shialaxe in the chest with blades that had popped out of her gauntlets, shimmering and shifting her form to reveal a cybernetic woman, like the others, but with blonde hair, icy-blue eyes, a semi-armored black bodysuit, and a set of wings with sections that were psychedelically glowing. [color=#00FFFF]"Thank you for the gift."[/color] The assailant coolly told her paralyzed victim.
Luxul fired a blast of lightning at the assassin, but she turned invisible, and the next thing Luxul knew, she was unconscious.
The spy uncloaked and smiled at her work, thinking herself to be the only survivor, until she felt searing pain in her chest. She looked down to see a glowing blade of energy, and then looked back to gaze into a pair of emotionless golden eyes with long, flowing chocolate-colored hair around it.
[color=#A9A9A9]"Hello, Stisquix."[/color] The creature intoned, withdrawing her blade and showing that her arms and legs ended in the energy blades, and her wings were made from Nobody thorns. However, she had very little armor.
[color=#00FFFF]"Talexa...how did you..."[/color] Stisquix never finished her sentence due to the fact that she passed out.
Talexa simply stood in the devastation. A hidden door opened to reveal a man in the Organization XIII attire with short, spiky green hair, a beard, glasses, and a somewhat stern look on his face. He snapped his fingers, causing all 6 of the cyborg-women to instantly return to their normal, human forms in brief flashes of light, but this time with black cloaks on as well.
"My Seraphs, we have been asked to join our comrades at a meeting celebrating the return of our leader. I think it would be in our best interests if we attended."
The women nodded and walked out with the man.
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