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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Doomed Days [Started/Accepting]


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Well, you were walking along the roads and alleys one fine day until a bunch of crooks started attacking you. Soon, you found yourself in a coma. All of a sudden, a mysterious voice in your head asks you all sorts of questions and when you wake up, you find yourself in the middle of a forest! You are then noticed by a passing Pokemon, who claims that you're a Pokemon too.

And you are. The Pokemon guides you to a small Pokemon-inhabited town known as Nova Town, where your journey begins...[/spoiler]

1. Average Rules.
2. No starting out as a 3rd Evo Pokemon.
3. No two people can be the same Pokemon.
4. NO Legendaries or Phione.
5. In this RP, you are allowed 6 Attacks.
7. You may create a Team to join, and the other RPers may join that Team.
8. You MUST put an RP Sample if this is your first app.
9. All Pokemon that appear levitating (e.g. Volcarona, Shedinja, Beedrill, Jirachi) but are not will be given immunity to Ground-Type moves, Arena Trap and Spikes.
10. No co-hosts, I love working alone :3[/spoiler]

Originally Human or Purely Pokemon: (Well, if you came here through the human world, you're originally human. If you were a Pokemon all this while, you're purely Pokemon)
Team Name:
Position in Team: (Leader or sidekick?)
Team Requirements(Only put if you're Team Leader)
Bio (If you're originally human, write about human life. Min. 3 lines):
Attacks: (Max. 6)
Ability: (Dream World ability is allowed)
Good or Evil:

Shopkeeper App:
Originally Human or Purely Pokemon:
Shop/Feature Running:
Function of Shop/Feature:


[spoiler=No Team Yet]
Username: Christian Exodia

Name: Rachel

Originally Human or Purely Pokemon: Originally Human

Gender: Female

Species: Cubchoo

Team Name: Doesn't have a Team Yet

Bio: She was born as a Male Human, a Bigger Guy than most of the kids. He bullied and was an all-around jerk. Maybe this is what caused Fate to do this to him. He was sleeping, *POOF!* he was gone. He awoke, no memory, higher voice, small body. Upon entering the Pokemon World, of new creatures, she tried to do what she did best in the Human World-Bullying. But found that everyone was larger than him, constantly beating her back. She lost all remnants of her old self, and became a weakling, stripped of her confidence.

Attacks: Bubble, Ice Beam, Auroua Beam
Ability: Snow Cloak
Personality: She was formerly a cold person who, when push comes to shove, she is shoving. She was bold, headstrong, yet with a touch of the Female Kindness. Now, she is a sniveling weakling with no confidence. She is more easily scared with things. She is, though, a kind person in this. She now always tries to find the good in people, keeping things to herself. She likes music, always even making it.

Good or Evil: Good[/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Teams and Apps]
[spoiler=Good Teams]
[spoiler=Team Dynamic]
Team Requirements: None really, unless you count being a good guy and being trustworthy as one. You must also battle the Team Leader to test your skill and faith.

[spoiler=Team Leader - Jolta/Jolteon]
Username: Jolta
Name: Jolta
Purely Pokemon
Gender: Male
Species: Jolteon
Position in Team: Leader
Bio: Once known as Eevee, Jolta was originally from another town inhabited by Eevee and Eeveelutions. That town, however, did not allow foreigners to enter. Jolta, ever since he was an Eevee, was criticised for being 'rather weak'. No matter how much training he did as an Eevee, he still lost to the tougher, more powerful Eeveelutions. His parents are always busy at work, thus have little time to bond with him, and in turn, he cannot evolve into Umbreon or Espeon. Thus, he decided to dig around his town and soon, he found a Thunderstone. As he touched it, he found himself growing a new body - growing into a Jolteon. This allowing him to learn new tricks.
One day, he decided to leave town to stay in a Nova Town. In Nova Town, all are welcome, thus he made a lot of new friends there. He decided to travel to areas by himself to fight crime and evil.
Attacks: Magnet Rise, Thunderbolt, Agility, Helping Hand, Signal Beam
Ability: Volt Absorb
Personality: Jolta is one who has faith in himself. He also believes that winning is not important and friendship is.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Sidekick 1 - Meta/Metang]
Username: Trident Dragon/Assult Mode
Name: Meta
Purely Pokemon
Gender: Male
Species: Metang
Team Name: Team dynamic (hopefully)
Position in Team: side kick

not sure of where or when he was born, all's he can remember is one day waking up as beldum in a snowy montain, surrounded by dangerous beartics. beliving he was doomed he was saved by a sneasel named Snel who lured beartics away using a combination of "Taunt" and "Agility", since then meta has always followed Snel and aspired to become a great pokemon like him. one day Snel said "I'm going to join a Rescue team" and left, Meta hasn't seen him since but he has trained until evolving into Metang and has gone to Nova town in hopes of being accepted into Rescue team.

Attacks: Pyschic, Take down, Iron Defense, Agility, Metal claw and Bullet Punch
Ability: Clear body
Personality: at times he can be very calm and collective, you can't usually tell what he's thinking and usually is emotionless. but when he does let his emotions out he acts like a computer overloading, when he's like this he is usually very friendly or a large cry baby. he seems to suffer from mood swings making him unpredictable. but one thing is gauranteed, and that he is loyal to everyone of his friends.
Good [/spoiler]

[spoiler=Sidekick 2 - Mariana Flaresta/Vulpix]
Username: Crystal Star
Name: Mariana Flaresta
Originally Human or Purely Pokemon: Originally Human
Gender: Female
Species: Vulpix
Team Name: Team Dynamic
Position in Team: Sidekick 2
Team Requirements: N/A
Bio: Mariana was raised into a rich, if rule breaking family. All her life she was pampered by illegal immigrant slaves, to which she questioned to legality of the matter. After a while, she challenged her family on the matter. Her parents refused to tell her anything, so she went to the Internet. Upon realising that her family was breaking the law, she ran away and lived on the streets with a friendly Flareon. But she was a main target for bullying, and often came "home" covered in multiple bruises and cats. And nobody even cared.
Attacks: Will'o'Wisp, Extrasensory, Quick Attack, Fire Spin, Roar & Safeguard.
Ability: Flash Fire
Personality: Mariana is a loyal and trsutworthy person. She tries to help everyone in any situation. However, she is a great judge of character and can see when a person/Pokemon is good or bad, in which case she will treat them as such. If you are a bad person, or someone who injures people for no reason she will defend others and challenge you personally. She never backs down from a problem or challenge.
Good or Evil: Good [/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Team DarkJustice]
Team Requirements:You must have extreme Valor(bravery) Honor, and Generosity Strength is also important as you must battle the Leader to prove your worth.

[spoiler=Leader - Charlie/Charmander]
Username:Munky Cheez! or Munky or monkey or cheez or cheese
Name:Charlie(ha get the pun?)
Originally Human or Purely Pokemon: Human
Team Name:Team DarkJustice
Position in Team: Leader
Bio:Before he was even born Charlie was Hyper Spirited. He was raised by a happy family and lived a dull life. He always believed that he had a higher purpose in life though. Charlie had a knack for superheroes and always pretended to be one. He helped whenever possible and he learned a lot from his experiences helping people. He usually exhausted himself doing this however. Now Charlie has woken up a Pokemon! He wonders what he is to do now but right now he just needs to figure out what is happening.
Attacks: Flamethrower,Dragon Claw,Shadow Claw,Aerial Ace,Brick Break,Protect
Ability: Blaze
Personality:Cool but when someone is hurt he rushes in very stupidly
Good or Evil:Good

Sidekick 1
Sidekick 2[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Team Dragon]
Team Requirements: You must be loyal to the town and team, and tough enough to hold your own in a One on One, One on Two, and One on Three Battle. If not, they would send you straight to the Dojo.

[spoiler=Leader - Draco/Dratini]
Username: Christian Exodia

Name: Draco

Originally Human or Purely Pokemon: Purely Pokemon

Gender: Male

Species: Dratini

Team Name: Team Dragon

Position in Team: Leader

Team Requirements: You must be this tall to ride loyal to the town and team, and tough enough to hold your own in a One on One, One on Two, and One on Three Battle. If not, they would send you straight to the Dojo.

Attacks: Tackle, Dragonbreath, Thunder Wave, Slam, Dragon Rage.

Ability: Shed Skin; Marvel Scale(Hidden Ability)

Personality: He is a strong leader, but kind. He leads by support, not fear. He is a very bold pokemon in the face of danger, but a little of a Crybaby. Draco is a new leader at this, he may not always make the right decision, but he means well. He is headstrong, running into things just ahead of the pack, but he sometimes comes back on his face.

Good or Evil: Good[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Sidekick 1 - Ozzy/Pupitar]
Username: The Scarlet Emissary
Name: Ozzy
Originally Human or Purely Pokémon: Pokémon
Gender: Male
Species: Pupitar
Team Name: Team Dragon
Position in Team: Sidekick
Bio: Ozzy was an orphan, discovered as an egg in a deep dungeon in the arms of a dead Tyranitar. Ozzy never wanted to evolve, for he has a phobia of his own species, but he evolved into a Pupitar anyway; deciding that evolution into the first stage was acceptable, Ozzy made preparations to avoid becoming a Tyranitar, mainly by relying on his Everstone. However, these efforts weren't helping him, and he was told that he had prepared too late, and he only had a couple of months left before he evolved into a Tyranitar; troubled by this, he decided to make his last few months memorable, by joining a rescue team.
Attacks: Dark Pulse, Rock Slide, Bulldoze, Dig
Ability: Shed Skin
Personality: Calm and collected, though he has been known to throw a tantrum in dire situations. Deep down inside, he has a deep fear of evolving, as he believes his conscious mind will be forfeited; because of this fear, he carries an Everstone with him at all times.
Good or Evil: Good [/spoiler]
Sidekick 2[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Team Icy Wind]
Team Requirements: You must be an Ice pokemon who is strong, brave, and loyal. You must prove your worth if you want to join by defeating the Team Leader.

[spoiler=Leader - Frosty/Snorunt]
Username: Ty9239

Name: Frosty

Originally Human or Purely Pokemon: Purely Pokemon

Gender: Female

Species: Snorunt

Team Name: Team Icy Wind

Position in Team: Leader

Bio: Frosty was born a Snorunt to a Glaile and a Froslass. As Frosty grew up, Frosty's parents always argued about who Frosty should evolve into, a Glaile or a Froslass. Frosty was always intrested in evolving, but didn't know what path to take. Should she enhance his ice abilities by evolving into Glaile, or gain ghost abilities by evolving into Froslass? Soon, her mother approched Frosty with a Dawn Stone, and asking Frosty to touch it. However, Frosty refused, wanting to wait. However, she carried this Dawn Stone in a plastic case in her bag. But soon, something bad happened. Frosty had accidently gotten herself lost in Nova Forest. She didn't know how she got lost, but Pansage kept attacking her with a Vine Whip attack. Luckily, she wasnt too injured. Her parents posted a rescue mission to anyone who would take it. Soon enough, she was rescued by a rescue team. Ever since that day, she wanted to form a rescue team. She soon formed Team Icy Wind to help pokemon in need.

Attacks: Icy Wind, Headbutt, Ice Fang, Double Team

Ability: Ice Body

Personality: Frosty is a brave girl who would probably venture into places she probably shouldnt have (Like Nova Forest). She is also a leader who can encourage people. Frosty is also compassionate to other pokemon. She is headstrong and she would stand up for pokemon in need. Frosty is also smart, but she isn't the brightest of pokemon. She can be determined very easily, and once she makes up her mind, that's that.

Good or Evil: Good[/spoiler]
Sidekick 1
Sidekick 2[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Evil Teams]
[spoiler=Team Disaster]
Team Requirements: You must be Evil and you must test your skills with the two Sidekicks and defeat them if you wanna join as an extra member.

[spoiler=Team Leader - Volcarona]
Username: Jolta
Name: Volcarona
Originally Human
Gender: Female
Species: Volcarona
Position in Team: Leader
Bio: She was once a teenage girl, living a normal life, until one day, something bad and unspeakable happened, turning her into a furry, ugly-looking Larvesta! She guided herself into Nova Town, looking around. One fine day, she decided to cause mischeif in town, using Flame Wheel and Bug Buzz to cause disturbances. Most of the time, she has been stopped by Jolta. Eventually, she evolves into a Volcarona and things just goit worse, thus Jolta decided to learn Magnet Rise so that he can stop her evil deeds.
Attacks: Hurricane, Fiery Dance, Quiver Dance, Incinerate, Attract
Ability: Flame Body
Personality: She tends to be sneaky and tenacious.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Sidekick 1 - Buster/Combusken]
Username: The Scarlet Emissary
Name: Buster
Originally Human or Purely Pokemon: Pokemon
Gender: Male
Species: Combusken
Team Name: Team Disaster
Position in Team: Sidekick
Bio: Buster was born with the ability Speed Boost, meaning he would get faster and faster anytime in a battle. Though this had a positive effect on him for a while, he transformed dramatically when he realised that he was truly limitless; Buster began to commit evil deeds, from robbery to murder, just because he believes (to him, knows) he can get away from it and never be caught...
Attacks: Double Kick, Brick Break, Flame Charge, Crush Claw, Quick Attack
Ability: Speed Boost
Personality: Buster hasn't a care in the world, for with his ability, he can evade, outspeed and outmaneuver any pokemon; this made him a very uncaring person, and he would easily kill someone he cared about without even flinching...
Good or Evil: Evil [/spoiler]
Sidekick 2[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Team Meanies]
Requirements - Must be Evil and help with World Domination!

[spoiler=Team Leader - Haunter]
Username: Pichu
Name: Haunter
Originally Human or Purely Pokemon: He is really a human. I've played the entrie Story and Post Story of the game.
Gender: Male?
Species: Haunter
Team Name: Team Meanies
Position in Team: Leader
Team Requirements: Must be evil and want to help with World domination!
Bio: Many years ago, there was a foolish human who dared to try and grab one of Ninetales' tails. For this, there was a curse laid upon him. However, the human's Gardevoir took the curse upon herself to save her master and the human fled the scene, fearing for his life, and abandoned his brave Gardevoir. Ninetales then prophesied that this selfish human would one day be reborn as a Pokémon, as punishment for his deed. Haunter is this human, and later tries to save Gardevoir by going with the player and their partner through Murky Cave.
Attacks: Curse, Lick, Dream Eater, Teleport, Spite, and Hypnosis
Ability: Levitate
Personality: Haunter is pure evil. He plans to ruin everyone's lifes. But he perfers to ruin human's life. He is also really bossy.
Good or Evil: Evil~![/spoiler]
[spoiler=Sidekick 1 - Ekans]
Name: Ekans
Originally Human or Purely Pokemon: Pokemon
Gender: Male
Species: Ekans
Team Name: Team Meanies
Position in Team: Sidekick
Bio: Not much is known about Ekans except for his recent actions with Team Meanies. He owns a house shaped like an arbok in Nova Town.
Attacks: Bite, Wrap, Poision Sting, Leer
Ability: Shed Skin
Personality: He is also pure evil. He seems to stray away from Team Meanies at times to stare out into the ocean.
Good or Evil: Evil~![/spoiler]
[spoiler=Sidekick 2 - Medicham]
Name: Medicham
Originally Human or Purely Pokemon: Pokemon
Gender: Female
Species: Medicham
Team Name: Team Meanies
Position in Team: Sidekick
Bio: Medicham has been seen with Team Meanies as always. But now-a-days, she stays at her Medicham shaped home. Some Pokemon think she is hiding something.
Attacks: Ice Punch, Detect, ThunderPunch, Confusion.
Ability: Pure Power
Personality: Pure evil as the others but now she seems to act sweet around her home. Some say it's because she is doing PokeDrugs at home.
Good or Evil: Evil~![/spoiler]

[spoiler=Team Forbidden Pirates]
Team Requirements: Be a mghty Water Pokemon or if you Can Surf

[spoiler=Team Leader - Sally/Milotic]
Name: Sally
Originally Human or Purely Pokemon: Purley Pokemon
Gender: Female
Species: Milotic
Team Name: Team Forbidden Pirates
Position in Team: Leader
Bio (If you're originally human, write about human life. Min. 3 lines): I was left to die as a baby. I went to the sea. (i am a Sea pokemon) I learn how to live on my own and how i did was raid. I work Hard and learned moree and More. Then i found a Good Idea to Grow a team and Raid and get what we Deserve.
Attacks: Surf, Hydro Pump, Waterfall, Mirror Move, Hydro Cannon
Ability: Marvel Scale
Personality: STubborn,Wont give up, Think thats no ones better then her.
Good or Evil: Evil [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Sidekick 1 - Red-Stripe Basculin]
Username: Jolta
Name: Basculin
Purely Pokemon
Gender: Male
Species: Red Stripe Basculin
Team Name: Team Forbidden Pirates
Position in Team: Sidekick
Bio: Basculin used to be within a school, travelling the seven seas and five oceans for many a Pokemon to battle. They wins some, they loses some. The school never allows other species to enter their territory, not even other Basculin. One day, he decides to leave the pack and travel to Nova Town to join a 'Rescue' Team and make new 'friends', which he does.
Attacks: Final Gambit, Double Edge, Crunch, Aqua Tail, Surf, Aqua Jet
Ability: Adaptibility
Personality: Like all Basculin, he is extremely brutal and loves to fight.
Good or Evil: Evil[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Sidekick 2 - Merslf/Shiny Carracosta]
Name: Merslf
Originally Human or Purely Pokemon: Pure Pokemon
Species: Carracosta
Team Name: Forbidden Pirates
Position in Team: Sidekick
Bio : Once, a weakling Merself was always picked around. He became furious and Ran away into the ocean praticing and barley surviving. He couldn't Survive on what he knew. He only survived because after 2 weeks a pirate picked him up and trained him. Training was ruff, he was up all nite and day, he finshed he training but a day after, his ship was attacked and he was the only one to survive. he deicided to join a Other band(Forbidden Pirates) and become even stronger
Attacks: (Max. 6) Surf,Rock Tomb, Hydro Pump, Dive
Ability: Solid Rock
Personality: Survival, he will do anything just to survive. he cares about nothing but surviving and returning alive to prove to all he is truely powerful.
Good or Evil: Evil[/spoiler]



[spoiler=Features in Nova Town]
[b]Wise Shedinja[/b] - an all-knowing Wise Shedinja living in a Shedinja-shaped house on the Northern Side of Nova Town. He will give you random words of wisdom when you talk to him. You may ask him a question and get an answer. He lives with a Ninjask and Nincada.
[b]Kanghaskan Storage Centre[/b] - Run by Kanghaskan and her son. She helps you store your stuff in her Kanghaskan-head-shaped storage centre.
[b]Hitmon-wares[/b] - Run by Hitmontop, Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan. Hitmontop sells Regular Items and Seeds, Hitmonlee sells TMs and HMs while Hitmonchan sells Orbs and Berries.
[b]Audino's Nursery[/b] - Run by Audino. She takes care of eggs given to you as rewards from Missions. She also heals you after having a battle within the Town area or in a dungeon.
[b]Bulletin Board[/b] - A board filled with info about Missions and stuff.
[b]Electrivire's Link Shop[/b] - Electrivire will allow you to learn a move you have forgotten if you give him a Link Box.
[b]Magmortar's Move Tutor[/b] - If you give Magmortar specific items that can only be found in Dungeons, he'll teach you a special move.
[b]Neighbourhood[/b] - Numerous houses lined up together, and one of them is yours. They take the shape of different Pokemon Heads.
[b]Lukos' Dojo[/b] - A Dojo run by a Dragonite named Lukos. Helps Pokemon get stronger by the work of Training
[b]Harbour[/b] - A Harbour near the sea, where boats park and Pokemon can travel to and from Nova Town.
[b]The Monkey Bar[/b] - A bar somewhere in the middle of the town, run by a Simisear, Simipour and Simisage. This is a usual hangout for Pokemon, including bad guys like Team Disaster.
[b]The Dark Sea[/b] - A shop run by a Spinda who calls himself The Chief. He sells almost anything he can find to help seaworthy sailors, or basically anyone.
[b]Nova Forest[/b] - A Forest on the western side of Nova City. It is inhabited mainly by Burmy, the elemental monkey trio, and numerous Grass, Water, Fire, Normal, Flying and Bug-Type Pokemon
[b]Nova Cave[/b] - A Cave on the south-eastern side of Nova City. It is inhabited mainly by Bat Pokemon, Ghost, Steel, Normal, Rock and Ground-Type Pokemon. Porygon, Magnemite, Grimer and Voltorb evolutionary lines live there too. It is believed that if you go to the other side of the cave, you will uncover an extremely civilised city beyond human technology.
[b]Excadrill Chasm[/b] - A giant Chasm found near the neighbourhood area. Diglett, Dugtrio, Drilbur and Excadrill can be found here.
[b]Eevee Forest[/b] - A mysterious passageway which eventually leads to another Town. It is inhabited by only Eevee and Eeveelutions. After reaching that town, you can go to and from it via the Harbour.[/spoiler]

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  • Replies 121
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Username: Trident Dragon/Assult Mode
Name: Meta
Purely Pokemon
Gender: Male
Species: Metang
Team Name: Team dynamic (hopefully)
Position in Team: side kick

not sure of where or when he was born, all's he can remember is one day waking up as beldum in a snowy montain, surrounded by dangerous beartics. beliving he was doomed he was saved by a sneasel named Snel who lured beartics away using a combination of "Taunt" and "Agility", since then meta has always followed Snel and aspired to become a great pokemon like him. one day Snel said "I'm going to join a Rescue team" and left, Meta hasn't seen him since but he has trained until evolving into Metang and has gone to Nova town in hopes of being accepted into Rescue team.

Attacks: Pyschic, Take down, Iron Defense, Agility, Metal claw and Bullet Punch
Ability: Clear body
Personality: at times he can be very calm and collective, you can't usually tell what he's thinking and usually is emotionless. but when he does let his emotions out he acts like a computer overloading, when he's like this he is usually very friendly or a large cry baby. he seems to suffer from mood swings making him unpredictable. but one thing is gauranteed, and that he is loyal to everyone of his friends.
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Username:Munky Cheez! or Munky or monkey or cheez or cheese
Name:Charlie(ha get the pun?)
Originally Human or Purely Pokemon: Human
Team Name:Team DarkJustice
Position in Team: Leader
[color="#FF0000"]Team Requirements:[/color]You must have extreme Valor(bravery) Honor, and Generosity Strength is also important as you must battle the Leader to prove your worth.
Bio:Before he was even born Charlie was Hyper Spirited. He was raised by a happy family and lived a dull life. He always believed that he had a higher purpose in life though. Charlie had a knack for superheroes and always pretended to be one. He helped whenever possible and he learned a lot from his experiences helping people. He usually exhausted himself doing this however. Now Charlie has woken up a Pokemon! He wonders what he is to do now but right now he just needs to figure out what is happening.
Attacks: Flamethrower,Dragon Claw,Shadow Claw,Aerial Ace,Brick Break,Protect
Ability: Blaze
Personality:Cool but when someone is hurt he rushes in very stupidly
Good or Evil:Good
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[quote name='Chibi Demon Kid' timestamp='1299956716' post='5069014']
Question? Could my character be an Extraterrestrial Pokemon (But, I would closely base them around an existing pokemon, so...)?

Sorry, I guess you'll have to use existing Pokemon, like Elgyem and Beeheeyem.

Well, I'll wait 'til your bio is fully Constructed Munky Cheez...
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Username: Christian Exodia

Name: Draco

Originally Human or Purely Pokemon: Purely Pokemon

Gender: Male

Species: Dratini

Team Name: Team Dragon

Position in Team: Leader

Team Requirements: You must be [s]this tall to ride[/s] loyal to the town and team, and tough enough to hold your own in a One on One, One on Two, and One on Three Battle. If not, they would send you straight to the Dojo.

Attacks: Tackle, Dragonbreath, Thunder Wave, Slam, Dragon Rage.

Ability: Shed Skin; Marvel Scale(Hidden Ability)

Personality: He is a strong leader, but kind. He leads by support, not fear. He is a very bold pokemon in the face of danger, but a little of a Crybaby. Draco is a new leader at this, he may not always make the right decision, but he means well. He is headstrong, running into things just ahead of the pack, but he sometimes comes back on his face.

Good or Evil: Good

Can I be the Dojo owner?
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OK, Shopkeeper app added...

Well, you may app for a new Team, or join an existing one... Not all members of the team have to be originally human...

And of course, you can app more than 1 member in your Team controlled by you. You can even app all 3 members in your Team
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Name: Lukos(Latin for Wolf)

Gender: Male

Species: Dragonite

Originally Human or Purely Pokemon: Purely Pokemon

Shop/Feature Running: The Dojo

Function of Shop/Feature: To train weaker Pokemon into stronger ones.

Attacks: Dragonbreath, Fly, Air Cutter, Dragon Rage, Fire Blast

Ability: Inner Focus; Multiscale(Hidden)

Personality: He is a tough Pokemon; hardened like stone from years of Discipline and Training with the Masters, after his long stint as a Pokemon Rescue Team Leader with two other Pokemon; a Beldum and a Larvitar. He, though, has a soft spot for the youngest of the Pokemon, and especially his Draco. He is Headstrong and Stubborn, like his son, but with some self-control over it.

Good/Evil: Good

Expect One More.
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It said not to app for a third evolved form, but should Gengar count since he is cannon and really weak(2nd boss in Red/Blue)

Username: Pichu
Name: Haunter
Originally Human or Purely Pokemon: He is really a human. I've played the entrie Story and Post Story of the game.
Gender: Male?
Species: Haunter
Team Name: Team Meanies
Position in Team: Leader
Team Requirements: Must be evil and want to help with World domination!
Bio: Many years ago, there was a foolish human who dared to try and grab one of Ninetales' tails. For this, there was a curse laid upon him. However, the human's Gardevoir took the curse upon herself to save her master and the human fled the scene, fearing for his life, and abandoned his brave Gardevoir. Ninetales then prophesied that this selfish human would one day be reborn as a Pokémon, as punishment for his deed. Haunter is this human, and later tries to save Gardevoir by going with the player and their partner through Murky Cave.
Attacks: Curse, Lick, Dream Eater, Teleport, Spite, and Hypnosis
Ability: Levitate
Personality: Haunter is pure evil. He plans to ruin everyone's lifes. But he perfers to ruin human's life. He is also really bossy.
Good or Evil: Evil~!

Name: Ekans
Originally Human or Purely Pokemon: Pokemon
Gender: Male
Species: Ekans
Team Name: Team Meanies
Position in Team: Sidekick
Bio: Not much is known about Ekans except for his recent actions with Team Meanies. He owns a house shaped like an arbok in Nova Town.
Attacks: Bite, Wrap, Poision Sting, Leer
Ability: Shed Skin
Personality: He is also pure evil. He seems to stray away from Team Meanies at times to stare out into the ocean.
Good or Evil: Evil~!

Name: Medicham
Originally Human or Purely Pokemon: Pokemon
Gender: Female
Species: Medicham
Team Name: Team Meanies
Position in Team: Sidekick
Bio: Medicham has been seen with Team Meanies as always. But now-a-days, she stays at her Medicham shaped home. Some Pokemon think she is hiding something.
Attacks: Ice Punch, Detect, ThunderPunch, Confusion.
Ability: Pure Power
Personality: Pure evil as the others but now she seems to act sweet around her home. Some say it's because she is doing PokeDrugs at home.
Good or Evil: Evil~!

all info found here--> http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Team_Meanies

Should I post a RP Sample? I knwo you've seen me RP before.
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Name: Sally
Originally Human or Purely Pokemon: Purley Pokemon
Gender: Female
Species: Milotic
Team Name: Team Forbidden Pirates
Position in Team: Leader
Team Requirements: Be a mghty Water Pokemon or if u Can Surf
Bio (If you're originally human, write about human life. Min. 3 lines): I was left to die as a baby. I went to the sea. (i am a Sea pokemon) I learn how to live on my own and how i did was raid. I work Hard and learned moree and More. Then i found a Good Idea to Grow a team and Raid and get what we Deserve.
Attacks: Surf, Hydro Pump, Waterfall, Mirror Move, Hydro Cannon
Ability: Hydration( http://pokemondb.net/ability )
Personality: STubborn,Wont give up, Think thats no ones better then her.
Good or Evil: Evil
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Username: The Scarlet Emissary
Name: Buster
Originally Human or Purely Pokemon: Pokemon
Gender: Male
Species: Combusken
Team Name: Team Disaster
Position in Team: Sidekick
Bio: Buster was born with the ability Speed Boost, meaning he would get faster and faster anytime in a battle. Though this had a positive effect on him for a while, he transformed dramatically when he realised that he was truly limitless; Buster began to commit evil deeds, from robbery to murder, just because he believes (to him, knows) he can get away from it and never be caught...
Attacks: Double Kick, Brick Break, Flame Charge, Crush Claw, Quick Attack
Ability: Speed Boost
Personality: Buster hasn't a care in the world, for with his ability, he can evade, outspeed and outmaneuver any pokemon; this made him a very uncaring person, and he would easily kill someone he cared about without even flinching...
Good or Evil: Evil
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lolYes. You gaiz are all accepted.

Once we get 2 full good teams and 2 full evil teams we can begin...

I'll make a character to join Team Forbidden Pirates...

Oh yes, please note that the different Wormadam Cloaks and the two different Basculin are considered different Species because they can't switch between each forme...
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