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Enigma City [Started/Still Accepting via OoC]


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[url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/242585-enigma-city-not-started-accepting/page__p__5070154__fromsearch__1#entry5070154"]OoC Thread[/url]

It was just another fine morning, the only time of the day where C.R.I.M.S.O.N. would not attack. Xavierlyn was at her rooftop garden, watering her plants. "Oh look, you poor things... let me help..." Xavierlyn, noticing that most of the plants have whithered, waved her arms and chanelled a weak beam of energy at the plants, allowing them to live once more. "This is perfect."

Next, she stared into the sky. "Crimson... they strike in the Darkness..."


Meanwhile, in the C.R.I.M.S.O.N. HQ, an area far far away from Enigma City, possibly an alternate dimension, a dark, cloaked figure was sitting on his throne. It was the leader, the leader of the evil Alliance C.R.I.M.S.O.N.

"Now, my minions, I am afraid our job will not be as easy as it seems anymore, because the citizens are starting to fight back. I have done enough research to prove that some are strong enough to destroy us. I mean, Time-Space manipulation? Reality Warping? What is this?"

"Easssssy," a giant ice leviathan from the crowd spoke, "we jusssst keep hammering..."

"SILENCE!" the leader screamed as he banged his arm on his throne. "That old trick will not work this time, so, anyone else apart from [i]yooou[/i] have good suggestions?"
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Luke perched at the top of a skyscraper, with his Hawk right on his shoulder. "Cirrus, Night Flying, isn't it great?" He asked his Hawk, who understood and nodded, squawking. Luke kept his wings outstretched, and flew. No cares, just Freedom. Only time it was broken was when he was shot by a Crimson Grunt and he had to fight his way out of that one. But it was night, so he turned back into a human, and gave Cirrus some food. He smiled, put his Cirrus in it's storage cage, which was only used at Night, to follow Crimson rules, mounted his Motorcycle, and headed off.
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"Y'know, being called Minion isn't very nice. Especially since I dont officially work for you." A voice uttered, coming from nowhere, yet everywhere at once. The owner of the voice stepped forward, coming from behind the Leviathan and even shocking the giant Dragon creature. "And you have no need to worry about the Space/Time Manipulator." The man said, revealing himself as a teenage boy, with medium length brown hair and a Samurai sword down his back, his back being covered by a plain white shirt, that went with the Jeans he was wearing. On his feet were some white/cream-ish trainers, and on his face was a small smirk. The Leviathan laughed as he said the last Sentence. "You exsssssspect ussssss to believe you took down a Ssssspace/Time Manipulator all by yoursssself? Ssssshhhhhrimp." The man grinned even wider at this, turning to face the ten foot tall Dragon-like creature. "No." He stated, blandly, before blurring out of focus and appearing on the Leviathan's shoulder, his blade at the Dragon's neck. "I'm saying he has nothing to worry about because [i]I am the Manipulator.[/i] Akira Kurosawa. Atleast, that's what I call myself. Do you know, the name Akira means Killer. Want to test if the name fit's me?" Akira asked, edging his blade closer to the Dragon's neck. "As I was saying, you have no need to fear the Space/Time Manipulator." Akira said, merely lifting his head. "Though I am intrigued by the Reality Shifter. It could maybe match my power." He smiled again at this, knowing it was unlikely. It would be an untrained child, most likely, who had just developed their power. Probably one that had been pampered all their life, and never known pain at all. Unlike Akira. He had been raised a weapon. Created to kill. Nothing would stop him. "Just tell me what you want doing, and I'll do it. Be it day or night, Acid Rain, Heatwave Shine, or Artillary fire. For pay of course."
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Aldan sat back as he watched Akira appear and slightly shifted a little. He spoke as soon as Akira finished speaking, "Don't worry Akira, I'm pretty sure you'll have a chance to show what you're made of. You'll just have to be a little careful you don't underestimate our foes.

- [color="#FF0000"]Darkness Manipulation: Stream [/color]-

Aldan transfered through the Dark stream to appear in front of Akira. "Their resistence may be scattered, but I still think they're capable enough to give us more trouble than you realize." Aldan turned to the cloaked silihoutte and spoke. "I propose we prepare something for them, a little trap to reward them for their resistence. It can be done rather easily, I can request a few Shades from Kraken and we can launch an attack as a smokescreen while you amass the forces on the opposite side. Its well-known Shades are not to be taken lightly, 2 and a Greater Shade should garner a fair amount of their attention. If you like, I can also take Empty Space and Wasted Time here with me." Aldan pointed unhesitatingly to Akira, "We should be able to cause quite a bit of chaos and disorder until you arrive with more of a force to annihilate them." Aldan spoke with a grin plastered upon his face.
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"Your quite cocky....for an Animal." Akira said, letting his blade drop away from the cowering Leviathan's neck, merely blinking as it disappeared out of existance for a split second, only to reappear in the sheath on his back. "Though I'll admit, maybe I'm underestimating them slightly. [i]Slightly[/i]. At the moment, we can safely presume they are weak, unadvanced and poor, with barely a hope of victory." Akira stated, jumping down from the dragon's shoulder and landing neatly on the floor beneath them. "Wasted Time and Empty Space aren't exactly creative Name's either. Especially since I'm not two people." Akira muttered, barely audible to anyone but himself. "Anyway, you do have a Valid plan, though it sounds cowardly." Akira said, before shrugging. "Well, who am I to argue. As long as it brings results I'm in." Akira stated, walking up and offering his hand to the shade for a Handshake. "Who are you then? I'm sorry, it's just we've never met." He said, as polite as he could while still sounding slightly mocking.
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Winter had seen many things during her lifetime, but this city was something else entirely. Barely minutes ago she had witnessed a man leap far higher than was humanly possible, not to mention all the bizarre creatures that walked the streets as though it were the most normal thing in the world. Naturally, Winter took all this in stride, barely even blinking when she watched a man walk through a wall.

[i]Well, I suppose it makes sense. An alchemist would fit in here easily,[/i] she thought [i]Meaning this is going to be harder than I expected.[/i]

A sudden crash and a muffled yell in the distance caught her attention and she followed the source of the noise, coming upon a large back alley between two buildings. A small crowd of people were gatherd there, surrounding two more people, one of which was at least twice the size of a regular human with blood red skin, bulging muscles and giant goat horns and legs. The other man was far small and appeared to be unconscious on the ground.

[b]"Barely a challenge,"[/b] the demon man barked, a wide grin plastered across his face [b]"Any of you other runts want to try me?"[/b]

The crowd backed off slightly, a wave of nervous muttering and shaking heads passing through them. Winter heaved a sigh and approached the man, breaking through the crowd as the temperature in the alley seemed to drop suddenly.

[b]"I can't stand people like him,"[/b] she muttered to herself.

The demon man gave her a funny look and burst out laughing.

[b]"You're joking right?"[/b] He laughed [b]"I'll snap you in two in an instance, puny elf!"[/b]

[b]"I'm not an elf,"[/b] Winter said calmly, her expression not faltering for a second.

[b]"Whatever,"[/b] the demon scoffed [b]"We'll see just how much good those puny toothpicks of yours'll do you!"[/b]

The demon pulled back a massive fist and hurled it at Winter. The homunculus side-stepped the attack and it missed, slamming into the ground.

[b]"They're called katana,"[/b] Winter replied, still calm [b]"And I won't need them against you."[/b]

[b]"Bullplop!"[/b] The demon roared, clasping both hands together and bringing them down.

Winter leapt over the attack, landing on top of the demon's fists and placing both hands upon them. Frost instantly began to coat the devil's fingers before ice began to spread over them, encasing the demon's hands completely. The demon roared, both in surprise and anger, and tossed Winter aside. She skid along the floor, slamming hard into the wall behind her as the demon flailed its frozen hands in an attempt to get them free.

[b]"You'll pay for that you little...!"[/b]

The demon roared, swinging his frozen fists like a club and smashing a sizeable hole in the wall where Winter had been standing. However she darted forwards, passing underneath the demon's reach and freezing his hooves to the ground.


The demon tried to pull his hands free, but without the leverage of his feet found himself unable to do so.

[b]"You little witch!"[/b] The demon barked [b]"How dare you do this to me!"[/b]

[b]"Nothing personal,"[/b] Winter replied, wiping off the blood that was seeping from a crack in her forehead [b]"But you brought it on yourself."[/b]

The demon glared at the crowd still surrounding them.

[b]"What are you looking at, get me free now!"[/b]

Nobody replied, in fact the crowd began to disperse, leaving Winter alone with the demon creature. Winter walked up to him, placing a hand on the demon's leg as ice began to crawl up in, beginning to encase the demon completely. Once she was done she turned her back on the creature, leaving the scene as quickly as she arrived.

[b]"What a waste of time,"[/b] she sighed.
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Xai had settled into a dark alleyway inside Enigma City, she had recently lost the bounty hunters trying to capture her for the ridiculously high bounty on her head. she was starting to get very tired of everybody seemingly attacking her, so it was about time for her to make some good friends, but the question for her was which friends to pick? the whole world seemed to be after her for the money... She lied down on a comfy bag of trash and went to sleep, so as to try to get some rest.
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Aldan stared for a second at the outstretched hand of Akira and reached out to shake. He'd heard the slight tone of mocking in Akira's voice and decided to reciprocate the greeting, "A pleasure to meet you as well, I am Aldan B. Drake, Prodigy Greater Shade, future Shade Master, and Envoy from Kraken the inevitable." Aldan gave a mocking bow.

"I'm glad I had the chance to meet you." Aldan finished with an honest tone and turned once more to the silihoutted figure, "As Akira pointed out, my strategy is not meant for valor, it is meant for effectiveness and to give us a tactical edge, though I can understand those that wish to fight them head on, it would preserve man-power and allow us greater mobility in the future." Aldan lifted his hands in a gesture that suggested reason, "Why fight them head on and lose valuable fighting power when we can take them by surprise and win the battle with far less casualties?" He spoke in a questioning tone.
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"Well, the double-crosser, eh?" the leader stared at Akira. "I hope you don't double-cross me this time. Just look..."
The leader created a holographic screen, previewing information about the numerous superpowered people who are ready to fight back. "All of you, take a look..."

"And of course, this squid-thing with the name that I can't bother pronouncing... and this rainbow-haired girl... careful. They are capable of reality warping. So you, double-crosser, will have to find and fight them. You may not survive, though."
"And I have to deal with the flying guy. Capable of summoning birds from the surrounding areas. He will be a challenging opponent. I need half of my flying units to grab a hold of him."
"And the rest, just strike."

Next, the leader heard Aldan's voice. "That is a very good point. But, how do we sneak-attack? So double-crosser," he looked at Akira, "are your abilities strong enough to bring us [i]all[/i] there without getting noticed?


It was evening.
"How time flies," Xavierlyn looked into the sky from her garden, "Crimson..." she muttered, "they will come soon..." She looked at several black, flower-like plants in her garden. "Exclusive only to Enigma City..." she faced her palm at the flower as she draied some mana from the plants. "Well, [i]now[/i] I'm prepared. I hope."
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Inside C.R.I.M.S.O.N's HQ, Several scientists where sitting inside a Special Laboratory. They worked in silence, the Hum of Machines the only thing to Silence the Silence. The room was ensnared in Pipes and Tubes, flowing blue and red mixtures into the back of the room, where a Steel andf Glass pod was connected to all the equipment. The glass was Opague from the inside, Frost covering both the inside and the outside of the Device. A Female scientist walked over to the Frost covered machine, Placing her Walm plam apon it's Cold glass. "It's still not Working." Another of them tuned to face her, "Give the Exothermic reaction time, My dear. The chemicals are designed to Defrost whatever inside Safey." She turned to face the glass, her palm wet as she removed it. The inprint though had gone though the glass, Showing a pale face and blue hair flowing though a Mixture of Crimson and Royal blue.

"Told you. Now, Increasing the Concertration." Everone else stop whatever they where doing and faced the Tube as the Frost turned to water droplets. More of the Inside became visable, Showing the figure in a Jumpsuit of Silver, Black and blue Circuit patterns. He was about 5'8" and His skin pale from the cold Ice He rested in. The Coloured liquid and excess water begain to receed into Pipes. There was gasp's from the croud of Scientists, Intreeged of who was stored inside the Cryogenic pod they had activated. A creak emerged from the Pod, It's glass door opening and releasing the Excess liquids onto the floor. The Teenager inside opened his eyes and coplased out of the pod and onto all fours. There, he coughed and sputtered, Vomiting out the Liquid that filled his lungs. Though the Jumpsuit, Cylinder Bumps layed beside the spine, Glowing a Faint Green.

"So, This is what Project: EVO was. A child. I will inform master on this Reverlation. The remainder of you, Stablise him." The scientist just stoled off, proud of his work.
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The evening came, as typical, she woke up from a dream that she met a strange person with very mysterious woman with almost the same powers as her. with that, Following her instinct, she darted out of the alleyway, and ran towards her left, going into a large spacious park. the Park was desolate of all the people, which she could understand, it was about time for others to go to sleep. she sighed and sat on the grass near a tree...
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"Double-Crosser? For who? I join no sides permantely, for the whole purpose that it will be impossible to call me Double Crosser." Akira stated, chuckling. He kept his smile at the Shades mocking tone, seeing that this guy was very similar to him, powerful and yet over confident. Though Akira had a right. "There is only one party that I refuse to help, and I dont even know exactly who they are. And as long as the price is right, I'm fine with doing anything for Crimson. As for transporting people, even in this form I could do it easily. The only thing would be that everyone would have to hold hands or the like, or else it wouldn't work properly, and I could die halfway through, leaving all your men in the void and possibly distorting the time space continuum, and maybe even causing a disruption in the fabric of reality. AKA, end of the Universe." Akira explained, laughing again as the Silhouette said that he 'might not survive'. "My dear lord in the shadow, I will not die. I cannot be captured, and I would be very surprised if they could even draw a single drop of blood from my body. And the girl? She is just that. A girl. Not even a full grown woman, a Girl. I will have no problem. The main objects that create the podium Reality stands on are at my disposable. And once I take them away, POOF, no girl." Akira said, grinning. "I would not worry. I'll kill them. Just tell me where they are, and you'll never hear from them again."
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Luke had an idea. Putting in his Toby Keith Mix CD, he pulled out his wings, turned on American Ride, and started to fly. At every "Look Ma, No Hands!" He would proceed to let go and fly his Motorcycle without his hands. He turned off the Motorcycle and rode solely on his wings. He pulled on the handles every once in a while, to make the impression that his motorcycle was on, except only his CD player was on, shouting the songs throughout the town. Why try to hide the cover when you had no enemies, except C.R.I.M.S.O.N.? He shrugged and winged it, keeping his flight.
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"Fabrics in reality have been distorted before, but I guess we won't take the risk and simply try to go through the sewers. They aren't [i]that[/i] dirty."
"Be careful, double-crosser, she uses her reality-warping powers to come back when she's wiped out of existance. She uses it to move when time is frozen. She is also capable of wiping [i]you[/i] out of existence just like how you may be able to wipe her out of existence..."
"These are the very locations of your targets. Their usual hangouts, actually. Look carefully and you'll find them..." the leader spoke as he previewed a holographic screen, previewing the usual hangouts of the respective targets. "the rainbow-haired girl is very slippery, teleporting to anywhere in the city when danger lurks, only [i]you[/i] can chase her. And the squid-thing, she is absurbly durable. a punch cannot penetrate through her tentacles."
"And the rest... Super-powered children and people all around town. Everywhere. That's why we must spread. Spread quickly but stealthily. When they fight back, this means war..."


Xavierlyn used her mana-manipulating abilities to levitate and land on the ground. "Now its time to walk, I bet C.R.I.M.S.O.N. is after us. Using my abilities, I can create enough money to bribe people, but that's just stupid. their workers are too loyal."

Next, she saw Luke in the sky. "Flyin' high, don't know why. Look, the gorgeous sun is setting already."
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Xai looked above to see Luke flying from her right, she became curious about what he was flying from and darted the opposite direction that Luke was flying, her tentacles flowing behind her to remove drag and increase her Speed. after running for a few minutes, she arrived to a beautiful and colorful garden and she also saw the same Rainbow-haired person from her dream earlier. Xai very cautiously approached her, careful not to do anything that might upset her....
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At this time a rather tall and surprisingly human figure slowly shambled into the C.R.I.M.S.O.N. meeting room, whether he cared about his lateness being impossible to determine, due primarily to the featureless mask upon his face. As he entered, he offered a slight bow of his head to the already present Greater Shade before simply taking his place amongst those surrounding the leader, standing with perfect posture and without any motion. His tall form was clad exclusively in black, the tight fitting clothes visible in places beneath his form-fitting Kevlar armor that seemed to exaggerate the muscular nature of his body. One might think he was unarmed at this moment, due to the fact that the pair of Kama upon is back were completely shrouded by the curtain of silver hair which flowed down from his head and onto his back. Despite his lack of motion, one might be able to determine that he was relaxed simply from the ease with which he stood, and the fact that his hands hung open at his sides. Some of the older members of C.R.I.M.S.O.N., and most certainly Akira, would recognize this man as the simply named Astrum di Morte.
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Akira smiled, nodding towards the leader. "I understand. I'll be as ccareful as I can." He stated, bowing once and turning to leave. He took a step forwards before turning back to face the Leader. "The only thing is, I was created a Double U, Oh, Em, Dee. A weapon of Mass Destruction. She's probably lived a Normal life. I have Experience, and that's all that's needed." Akira said, again turning around, just as Astrum entered the room. Akira nodded a greeting at the Infamous man, simply Stating "Your Late. I'm sure they'll inform you on what you need to do." Akira sighed, walking out of the door, the first to exit. "Well, I guess it's time to start." Akira said with a smile, opening a human sized portal next to him. Stepping into it, he appeared at the entrance to Enigma city. "Time to hunt you down Reality warper. I'd like to see your powers. If you're capable of using them properly." Akira murmered, walking through the entrance of the city, already noticing people of multiple different races, all acting very confident. After all, it was only a boy, right? However, he knew that they knew he worked for C.r.i.s.o.n, or else he would've been attacked by now. He smiled again, almost chuckling, as he walked closer to the centre of the City, hopefully towards the location of the Reality warper or the Squid-like creature.
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Luke landed in a safer part of town, near an Eatery. He walked into an open, but "quiet" restaurant. He requested a large meal, because he lost energy quickly using his Hawk Forme, and he needed to sustain his life. He ate when he pleased; a hawk would do the same. When they asked him why he was eating so much, he only said, "It's night. C.R.I.M.S.O.N is out hunting." He slowly dined on his meal, so the meal's energy would spread around the body. After about thirty minutes, he completed the large meal fit for three men, paid his bill, and left for the roads and skies. He put on a biker's Mask Helmet to hide his face, and put his wings inside his body. His Hawk came back to him, obviously finished a meal as well.
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The Teenager from the Cryotube began to stop Vomiting Blue and red chemicals, spitting out the remainder onto the floor with distaste. He shivered from the cold Violently, Slipping onto the wet floor as he Failed to retain his foothold. One of the Croud of scientists burst though to the Teenager with blankets and a First aid kit. There, one was layed onto the Back of the Teenager to keep him from Contacting Hypertherma. There, he grabbed the First aid case and opened the Latch, Digging though Bandages and Plasters to find more Advanced equipment. A silver Resperator was placed over his mouth by the Scientist, Letting Oxygen to fill his lungs. Two other scientists grabed the Teenager by his arms and Proceded to lift him from the floor. Resting some of his weight onto there Sholders, the other's cleaing a Path, rushed him out of his Resting place and into C.R.I.M.S.O.N's Hallways.

"What's your Name?" There was a Pause as they walked down the Hallway.

"Lucciano." A muffled sound came from the Teenager as He strugled to stand, Shivering violently.
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In a field near the edge of Enigma City, Zero was seen taking a nap. A loud noise disturbed his nap and he woke up.
[b]"What could it possibly be?"[/b] Zero asked himself.
He wandered to where the noise came from. He saw 3 people on the ground, unconscious. He examined them closely and noticed they all had claw marks on them.
[b]"What the?"[/b]
A gigantic roar came from behind him and he quickly turned around. He saw a creature behind him glaring menacingly. It was twice the size of a regular human. He was covered in fur and bulging muscles and had fearsome claws covered in blood.
"So, it was you," Zero said calmly.
The huge beast let out a giant roar and lunged towards Zero to attack. Zero quickly stepped out of the way with ease. The creature kept launching attacks at Zero without giving him a second to rest. After a while, the beast became exhausted while Zero was still running circles around him.
[b]"Is this it? Time to end this,"[/b] Zero announced.
Zero quickly jumped onto the tired beast's back. The beast roared in frustration. Zero placed his hand on the beast's back. Electricity surged from his hand into the beast who cried in agony.
[b]"See ya."[/b]
Zero left the paralyzed creature and walked over to the people sprawled on the ground. He quickly brought them to a hospital. He peered at the sky.
[b]"It's already night time,"[/b] Zero sighed. [b]C.R.I.M.S.O.N's coming soon."[/b]
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Alden waited and listened while the silihoutte figure and Akira spoke. When Astrum entered the room, Alden rose an eyebrow and nodded at the strange figure.

As soon as Akira had left through the portal, Alden spoke, "Very well than, I shall start heading to Enigma city and cause as much chaos as possible. Akira should be able to handle the reality girl and I can probably put a big dent in their concentration while I'm there." Alden turned to walk away and stopped suddenly, "One more thing though I want to run by you though." Alden turned around with his evil gaze and malicious smile firmly affixed upon his face,

"The time for my final ascension is upon us. When; I do not know. It could be tommorrow, next week, next month, or a few monthes, but it is coming. When it does, I will have a chance to reach the highest possible power for a Shade, A Shade Master. The change is said to take an undefined amount of time, but anticipate that I will be called away when it happens. As soon as I've finished the transformation I will rejoin you but do not make advanced preparations for me. The messenger will come for me when I am called upon so be ready for when I will be absent."

Alden ceased his speech turned around again before vanishing into the wisping stream of Darkness, heading for Enigma city.
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"And you, Astrum De Morte..." the leader spoke. "You too, will have a specific target. You are physically built to the extreme, thus you will be a good matchup for this guy... I think he's called... Nash or something... look..."
The leader created a holographic screen, previewing a silver-haired boy. "This is the person. Doesn't look strong..."

The leader's head zoomed closer into the crowd. "But he is... So yeah. OK, here's the time. Those of you without specified targets will have to randomly attack [i]anyone[/i] who is a big threat. Before they get us. Now, time to strike..."


It was finally night. The bright, white moon shone down on all. "someone's coming for me... I feel it. Oh well..." Xavierlyn jumped down and went near an alley, not surprised to see three, humongous, snake-like creatures with wings. "Leviathans? I dealt with those a bazillion times. Now, lets try...." she drained much mana from the surroundings and chanelled it at the three. The three leviathans then fired ice, fire and lightning in attempt to negate.

It, however, caused an explosion, thus the Leviathans flew away.
"Now, to power me up..." Xavierlyn felt an extremely powerful threat. She drained as much mana from her surroundings...
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Astrum simply nodded his head towards the leader, the fact that just a few moments ago he had been completely motionless with his masked face turned towards the image of the silver-haired youth giving testament to the fact that he had been memorizing every nuance of the male's appearance. Having completed his nod, he turned away from the group and, finding the nearest opening which would allow him to exit the headquarters, a small window in this case, leapt straight out into the surrounding the building. Despite whatever height there was of the fall, he would find himself unharmed due to his much more durable than normal body. He turned himself towards the distant city, the moonlight gleaming only on his silver hair, which was soon fluttering about behind him as he sprinted off towards the metropolis.

[i]"And so it begins again, the endless hunt."[/i] He thought to himself, the city growing in his view with every passing moment. A thought crossed his mind that the boy just might look something like him, but it was soon thrown out as quickly as it had come. Regardless of who he was, this "Nash" boy was his prey, and would find himself in a dire situation very soon.
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Xai followed and looked at the Mystertious Rainbow-haired girl just before sensing the threat, she stared blankly in the direction she ran from and closed her eyes, she started to dream, she dreamed that she was battling a rather massive Leviathan in a black void. Suddenly, 3 red Wyverns had breathed fire right at Xai, with quick thinking, She put her Tentacles toward the fireballs to act as a shield, which in turn, blocked them without much of a scratch to her or the Mysterious Girl, She glared at the Wyverns, her eyes glowed a brilliant Scarlet, she swung her tentacles twice, Creating an X shaped hole in the air, Several Seconds later, the head of a Humongous Leviathan, at least 10 times bigger than your average one, shot out of the hole and breathed black fire at the Wyverns, quite literally burning them so hot that there wasn't any ashes left to spare, She then closed the hole, trapping the Leviathan back into that very dream.
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It was a dark and stormy night. Roughly around 11 p.m. to midnight. It was raining, badly. A thunderstorm was on its way. A small community, a town if you say, in Enigma City, had multiple complaints of a demon terrorizing the surface, silently killing the “heroes” during nighttime.

The top police chief, Sergeant Hirohito Azusa, was terribly afraid that he would be next. To brighten his day before his death, he picked up the telephone and dialed the number 1 exterminator for the job.

“Hello??” His voice was full of pain and a little hint of crying.
“….” The man who answered the call didn’t say a word. “What is it?” He sound annoyed.
“Please help us, there’s a demon on the loose and he killed all the firemen, doctors, nurses, and all the police chiefs. I may be next!” Hirohito kept looking at his surroundings, making sure the demon was not near him.
The man sighed, “I’m on my way.”
“Hurry….Hello?” He kept saying hello until he finally realized the man hanged up the phone.

He was sweating like a pig, or badly. His nose was running, feeling like he pissed in his own pants. There was a pounding at the door that turned his attention. “Hello?” He said. The door was kicked open as the police chief hid under his desk, taking out his gun. He cocked it, trying to keep his cool but still shaking like a leaf.

“Hey! I’m here!” The man called out as the police chief sighed in relief. “Thank God. I’m so glad your---“Those were the police chief’s final words until the demon’s claw went through his stomach and used both claws to rip the police in two, blood and guts everywhere.

The man sighed, tightening his combat gloves and blankly looked at the demon. "[b]Who are you? What purpose do you have with me?[/b]" The demon growled at the strange man. Nash took off his black coat and threw it in the air as it landed on top of a desk filled with papers covered in blood.

"......" -____- Nash gave no response to the demon. And within a short time, he performed a short dash with speed faster then the normal human brain could process, almost like he appeared to be teleporting, below the demon and with only the palm of his hand, popped the demon up in the air with much force.
The force was so great that the demon crashed through the ceiling and up towards the sky. Nash looked up, leaped to the demon's presence with ease.

On each side to the other, Nash attacked the demon while "teleporting" to one side to the other swiftly. He finished the demon off by drawing his sword with his right hand and decapitating the demon, then tearing him to shreds while "teleporting" from one side to the other simultaneously. He landed on the ground with ease.

"You're a joke." He snort in disappointment as he walked out of the police station.

Just another day in Enigma City. "....Similar to C.R.I.M.S.O.N."
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