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Star-Mech Risers

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[spoiler=Plot:] On a post apocalyptic future people are starting to build new cities but away from the old ruins, some people install mech-biologic artifacts on theyr own bodies to incress they abilities(like be stronger or faster or gain wings or shoot fire or thunders these kind of stuff) these arifacts are called Bio-Mechs, when people thought that everything was going well some strange acidents happened, the Ruiners were blamed by it and once again persecuted, the real culprits were the alians creatures(listed \/ the groups) at theyr coming from under and above(the aliens part will not be at the very beggining of the story.) for now it is only the Ruiners being persecuted and stuff.[/spoiler]

Neo-Builder: People that want o create new cities, they persecue the Ruiners because they didn't agreed with them, have a great stock of resurses but those are more distribuated for the people with high monetary power, making the other have less than them but still lots more than the Ruiners.

Ruiners: People that enjoy the old world and its ruins and plains, persecuted by Neo-Builders and because of that are forced to live in the ruins that are almost completly without resourses, gangs were formed among them to help the Ruiners of theyr areas.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Races] The alien races is made up of two species, one of these being the Subterran, beings who ventured to earth centuries before making colonies beneath the surface of the world their technology more advance than that of humans and were able to survive down under the ground quite comfortably, making the rock arund these colonies unbreakable to human devices. These beings are similarly shaped to humans, the only differences being an obvious lack of their nose, their eyes pupils being either red or pure black and their heads shape along with their light blue skin. Their technology is often indicated by purple lights being more advanced than that of most humans, often crafting new gear their jobs all revolvin g around technology and sources of water. Whilst within water these aliens skins become camouflaged with whatever is directly below it making them able to move along the bottom of a lake breathing through specially made devices staying camouflaged within them.

The other Species being the Xenos, a species of beings who have moved through various star systems razing the buildings made by inhabitants of these planets and expanding their territory having decided to move onto the war ravaged earth seeing it as an easy target sending only few to asses it before they invade. Their structure being incredibly different from humans being atleast 1 1/2 the size of a normal human with their skin covered by a dark black exoskeleton along with small claws on their fingers. Xenos' eyes are completely green with only one or two out of 1000 being yellow these being royally born Xenos often refferred to as generals due to their greater knowledge of war strategies and constantly trying to make new technology to enhance their war efforts however this field has not been advanced greatly by this species not able to find materials for most of their generals technological ideas their technology roughly equal to that of humans and indicated by green lights however this technology is hard to keep active due to problems with compatability with xenos bodies making these technological weapons under a time limit before which they must be adjusted and re-charged to work properly, while falty these devices however can injure their user greatly.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=alian app] Name:

Age: (Xenos' adult age is roughly 40 human years, Subterran's adult age is roughly 55 human years)



Species: (Xenos or Subterran)

Bio Mech parts: (Xenos' tech is roughly same level as human but has to be adjusted after a certain time or it could cause fatal on the user, Subterran tech is at a higher level than humans being more efficient and more durable)

Bio Mech Parts Appearance: (describe how the bio mech parts look.. Xenos parts usually have green lights subterran parts usually have purple lights)

Group: (for Xenos it's the military squadron number, for Subterran its the occupation/job i.e. authority/police) [/spoiler]

1- All YCM rules apply;
2- No spamming or trolling;
3- No shortposting, no Godmod or powerplaying;
4- You can have up to 2 Characters.
5- You can only use other member character with the permission of its owner and both of you MUST know and agree with what will happen with them.
6- NPC use is restrained to the hosts, if you want/need to use them for some reason PM me or ANBU.

[spoiler=Races:] Will apear later on the first ark, when they apear I will edit this.[/spoiler]

[b]Bio Mechs:[/b]
[b]Bio Mech Apearence:[/b]

[spoiler=My characters(read parts of it are relevant to the story adn future plot):]
[spoiler=Joshua Linderberg]
[b]Name:Joshua Linderberg[/b]
[spoiler=[b]Apearence:[/b]]Short Black hair, black eyes, his arms and legs are Bio-Mechs, wears Blue jeans, black shoes, a white short sleaved shirt and a dark Jeans jacket and a Lance/Spear with Angel wings pendant.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=[b]Bio:[/b]] Lived in the new cities all his life, he and his brother were always very close, two years ago from now he and his brother were training at the ruins when a giant explosion happened it took his brother life, but his body were never find and his arms and legs, sinse that day he and his friends always serch for his brother with hope os finding him alive, but he is the only one that realy beive on it...[/spoiler]
[spoiler=[b]Personality:[/b]]Calm and gentle most of time, when is needed he is a fearsome warrior and always protect the ones that he cares for. [/spoiler]
[b]Bio Mechs: Right and Left Arms(gives him an incredible strength and speed on his arms, on his left arm there is lance/spear tip shaped spike on his forearm which sticks out for fights or when it is needed and is re-tractable for when he doesn't need it) Left and Right Legs(Add him incredible speed and agility also incress his legs strength)[/b]
[b]Bio Mech Apearence:[/b]Legs are normaly cover by his clothes but they look like metal legs with red details and lights, his arms looks like metal arms when activated fro battle some parts of it flashed with a red light, each time it flashes more power is used.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Jonathan (aka "5")]
[b]Name:[/b]Jonathan --------------
[b]Age:[/b] 20
[spoiler=[b]Apearence:[/b]]Long not very dark gray hair, black right eye, have a Bio-Mech left eye, right arm, Skeleton, and parts of his skull, wears a dark gray overcoat, Black pants and boots, a Dark blue short sleaved Shirt and a necklace of a sword with demon wings.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=[b]Bio:[/b]]Somehow lost his memory on an acident that made him lost his righ arm and left eye, he was found uncounsious by the gang of the ruins and to save his live they added him a Bio-Mech Arm and skeleton since most part of his uper skeleton was complety destroyed on the acident(everything exept for the skull), when he woke up he was with the gang on the ruins, sinse that time they are like a family sinse they don't have anyone else, Jonathan or like he was called 5, he is in a relationship with a girl from the gang, she is know as 3.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=[b]Personality:[/b]] A fighter by nature, love to fight, but he also protects the one she cares about and is loyal adn truth to his friends.[/spoiler]
[b]Bio Mechs: Left eye(capable to messure any distance), Skeleton(Incress his Speed, Strength, acuracy, everything.), Right arm(incress speed, strength, acuracy, and can open and release metal plates that make the form of a big shield of metal and energy), Claymore sword(a semi-indestructible sword with an incredbly sharp blade)[/b]
[b]Bio Mech Apearence:[/b]His Bio-Mech arm looks just like a normal arm, and his left eye is like his normal eye but it change to red whenever he wants.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Accepted Apps:]
[spoiler=Gabriel Maeso][spoiler=Joshua Linderberg]
[b]Name:Joshua Linderberg[/b]
[spoiler=[b]Apearence:[/b]]Short Black hair, black eyes, his arms and legs are Bio-Mechs, wears Blue jeans, black shoes, a white short sleaved shirt and a dark Jeans jacket and a Lance/Spear with Angel wings pendant.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=[b]Bio:[/b]] Lived in the new cities all his life, he and his brother were always very close, two years ago from now he and his brother were training at the ruins when a giant explosion happened it took his brother life, but his body were never find and his arms and legs, sinse that day he and his friends always serch for his brother with hope os finding him alive, but he is the only one that realy beive on it...[/spoiler]
[spoiler=[b]Personality:[/b]]Calm and gentle most of time, when is needed he is a fearsome warrior and always protect the ones that he cares for. [/spoiler]
[b]Bio Mechs: Right and Left Arms(gives him an incredible strength and speed on his arms, on his left arm there is lance/spear tip shaped spike on his forearm which sticks out for fights or when it is needed and is re-tractable for when he doesn't need it) Left and Right Legs(Add him incredible speed and agility also incress his legs strength)[/b]
[b]Bio Mech Apearence:[/b]Legs are normaly cover by his clothes but they look like metal legs with red details and lights, his arms looks like metal arms when activated fro battle some parts of it flashed with a red light, each time it flashes more power is used.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Jonathan (aka "5")]
[b]Name:[/b]Jonathan --------------
[b]Age:[/b] 20
[spoiler=[b]Apearence:[/b]]Long not very dark gray hair, black right eye, have a Bio-Mech left eye, right arm, Skeleton, and parts of his skull, wears a dark gray overcoat, Black pants and boots, a Dark blue short sleaved Shirt and a necklace of a sword with demon wings.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=[b]Bio:[/b]]Somehow lost his memory on an acident that made him lost his righ arm and left eye, he was found uncounsious by the gang of the ruins and to save his live they added him a Bio-Mech Arm and skeleton since most part of his uper skeleton was complety destroyed on the acident(everything exept for the skull), when he woke up he was with the gang on the ruins, sinse that time they are like a family sinse they don't have anyone else, Jonathan or like he was called 5, he is in a relationship with a girl from the gang, she is know as 3.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=[b]Personality:[/b]] A fighter by nature, love to fight, but he also protects the one she cares about and is loyal adn truth to his friends.[/spoiler]
[b]Bio Mechs: Left eye(capable to messure any distance), Skeleton(Incress his Speed, Strength, acuracy, everything.), Right arm(incress speed, strength, acuracy, and can open and release metal plates that make the form of a big shield of metal and energy), Claymore sword(a semi-indestructible sword with an incredbly sharp blade)[/b]
[b]Bio Mech Apearence:[/b]His Bio-Mech arm looks just like a normal arm, and his left eye is like his normal eye but it change to red whenever he wants.[/spoiler]

some stuff:
1- ok I will need at least the other 4 members of the Ruiners(Jonathan is nuber 5 so I will need the others, and remember number 3 is a female character) and some people that are related to Joshua somehow(friends, hate him, love him...) before starting.
2- Plot ideas must be PMed to me and if I add it you will be rewarded.
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WIP App.s (NeoBuilder, Xenos Leader and Subterran Leaders son @ppl still making apps.[and no you may not make a leader for the subterran, he will be an npc and i have plans for him throughout the plot.. sorry?])

[spoiler=App1]Name: Kazuya (has adopted a more human name due to various trips to surface)

Age: 50 Human years, roughly 19 or so in subterran years



Species: Subterran

Bio Mech parts: Left Arm being completely bio-mechanical, having three small holes on it each able to extend a thin blade from for battle. Large Retractable wings on his back that go into his skin when retracted, sharp edges make them capable of cutting most non-metal susbtances

Bio Mech Parts Appearance: Left arm appears to e glowing purple when not covered, this due to the amount of unseen very tiny light producing objects on it, these objects also on the extendable weapois inside the arm.the wings are connected by a section in the middle below which are the repulsors which cause the flying capabilities, on this middle sectioon is a large of pourple light no light being seen on the rest of the wings which appear to be black.

Group: Military Commander/Prince (son of the current Leader)[/spoiler]
[spoiler=App2]Name: Shixuxada (referred to as 'Shi' or 'commander' by those that know who he is

Age: 45 Human Years, roughly 20-21 Xenos Years



Species: Xenos

Bio Mech parts: a large gun/glove which fits over his left hand having a large ole in the middle of it capable of firing large green balls these alls actually being 100s of nanoots capable of disabling and eventually destroying any object, if active for too long the nanobots attempt to eat the user.

Bio Mech Parts Appearance: looks similar to a large glove with an extendable barrel in the middle of the palm, while active the barrel extends and can fire causing the hand to need to be open, this glove is surrounded by green light caused from 10 visile circular light producing objects.

Group: Squadron 1, War Captain, Space to Ground Invasion Divison [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Human App]Name: Kazu
Age: 26

Group: Neo-Builders (kinda)




Bio Mechs: Upper body has been replaced with bio-mech mixed with old technology able to keep him alive and make his chest resistant to most form of damage, also having a small chain with a blade on the end he can pull out from it.

Bio Mech Appearence: the same shap[eas his upper ody had been completely now metal mixed with some stone, a red blinking light coming from the middle of his chest while it is active (always). [/spoiler]
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