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A Ninja Deck? Really?


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My current take on Ninjas. I decided not to go with Transformation Ninjas and try to focus more on massive destruction. Key Card: Magical Hats.


Monsters: 17
3 White Ninja
3 Crimson Ninja
2 Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
2 D.D. Warrior Lady
2 Cyber Dragon
1 Goe Goe the Gallant Ninja
1 Armed Ninja
1 Karakuri Ninja mdl 339 "Sazank"
1 Honest
1 Spirit Reaper

Spells: 13
3 Fuhma Shuriken
2 Cursed Armaments
2 Book of Eclipse
2 Double Cyclone
1 Dark Hole
1 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Book of Moon
1 Vylon Matter

Traps: 10
3 Magical Hats
2 Chain Whirlwind
2 Wild Tornado
1 Dark Coffin
1 Malevolent Catastrophe
1 Mirror Force
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