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A New Sychro Monster That Will Rival The Aseir God Sychro Monsters


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[Spoiler=Majestic Gaia Aideogart the Fiend Dreamer]
Majestic Gaia Aideogart the Fiend Dreamer
This Card name is also treated as Majestic Dragon. This Card cannot be used as a Synchro Material Monster, except for the Synchro Summon of a "Majestic" Monster.This Card can not be Destoryed by effects of Cards effects. Increase the Levels of all other face-up monsters on the field by 3.

[Spoiler=Gaia Aideogart the Feirce Fiend Knight]
Gaia Aideogart the Feirce Fiend Knight
1 Tuner Monster + 1 or more non Tuner Monsters
Increase the Levels of all other face-up monsters on the field by 3. This card gains ATK and DEF equal to the combined Levels of all monsters on the field X 50. Once per turn, you can send 1 monster from your hand to the Graveyard to take control of 1 face-up monster your opponent controls with the same Level as the monster you sent until the End Phase. Once per turn, you can select 1 monster on the field, that monster's Level becomes the same level of 1 Monster in your Graveyard until the End Phase.

[Spoiler=Majestic Gaia Aideogart the Fiend King]
Majestic Gaia Aideogart the Fiend King
lore1 Lv 1 Tuner Monster + "Gaia Aideogart the Feirce Fiend Knight"
This Card can only by Sychro Summon using the above listed Sychro material Monsters. this Card is unaffected by effects of Cards effects. this Card can not be Destoryed by effects of Cards effects. Increase the Levels of all other face-up monsters on the field by 1. This card gains ATK and DEF equal to the combined Levels of all monsters on the field X 25. Once per turn, you can send 1 monster from your hand to the Graveyard to take control of 1 face-up monster your opponent controls with the same Level as the monster you sent until the End Phase. Once per turn, you can select 1 monster on the field, that monster's Level becomes the same level of 1 Monster in your Graveyard until the End Phase.


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umm where the card?? unless my loading broke... O.o

EDIT: nvm it came up XD i must say, with the 50 stats boost, it can be bit Oped and not in the variation of all monsters but with Level bonus to other monsters is another disadvantage to them because most player tend to keep their monsters low enough for Synchro Summon and thus having synchro monsters to be around level 10 to 12 in the instant and the last 2 effects are obviously Tragedoia-like effect. hmm I can say it's a Oped, maybe eliminate the level bonus and change the 50 to 100.
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OMG I love this card it doesn't seem OP'ed at all just a little strange and yes i do agree with judedudemude. If you get rid of the level gain bonus and make it like 100 or 200 ATK gain it will be fine. right now its a [b]9/10[/b] and after the change it will be [b]10/10[/b]. And the reason why it would be a little too OP'ed is cuz it gains ATK and DEF for its own level. But i like the concept and keep it up. :)

P.S: Can I have this card for my Deck? It is really broken. LOL!

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reason why it 50

beacuse it 50 X 12 = 600

that 600 attack points and 600 defense points so his stats as soon he sychro summon would be 2600 atk and 2600 def

(that with it being the only monster card on the field)

if it was increase to 100

100 X 12 = 1200

that 1200 attack points and 1200 defense points so his stats as soon he sychro summon would be 3200 atk and 3200 def

(that with it being the only monster card on the field)

major OP'ed with his other effect as well

plus his other abillity allows him to increase 1 monster on the field level becomes the same level of 1 Monster in your Graveyard until the End Phase.

so even a lv 1 can become more than 12 (the other effect that all monster except this monster gain 4 levels)

card was edited some please see the new change
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[quote name='judedudemude' timestamp='1300242562' post='5076206']
reason why it 50

beacuse it 50 X 12 = 600

that 600 attack points and 600 defense points so his stats as soon he sychro summon would be 2600 atk and 2600 def

(that with it being the only monster card on the field)

if it was increase to 100

100 X 12 = 1200

that 1200 attack points and 1200 defense points so his stats as soon he sychro summon would be 3200 atk and 3200 def

(that with it being the only monster card on the field)

major OP'ed with his other effect as well

plus his other abillity allows him to increase 1 monster on the field level becomes the same level of 1 Monster in your Graveyard until the End Phase.

so even a lv 1 can become more than 12 (the other effect that all monster except this monster gain 4 levels)

card was edited some please see the new change

2000?! I thought it was 2800!! xD i think my screen playing tricks on me. well i think 100 would be decent without the level bonus effect except the level change one its fine plus just remember it can still be summoned a little easy since it only required just regular monsters and regular tuner. it's actually make sense if it ATK and DEF are 3200 right off the bat when it's level 12 so it's good that way with 100 ATK and DEF. Draxon is right that it can be really broken in some decks we know lol.

PS; oh the Calculator gonna love this guy!! and make Junk warrior even stronger! lol if there a spell card that inflict 300 damage to the opponent times the level of 1 monster you control talk about taking almost half the LP of the opponent.
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well anthor reason why its 50

because of you only need 1 regular tuner monster + 1 or more regular non turner monsters

this card is design for major stat boost its starts at 2000 but as gains alot very quickly

plus its can be destoryed by card effects and is effected by effects of card effects so it balanced out
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[quote name='judedudemude' timestamp='1300243887' post='5076229']
well anthor reason why its 50

because of you only need 1 regular tuner monster + 1 or more regular non turner monsters

this card is design for major stat boost its starts at 2000 but as gains alot very quickly

plus its can be destoryed by card effects so it balanced out

well that true, now i think of it, Geartown machina can make it happen pretty fast or blackwing too
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[quote name='n8thegr8' timestamp='1300243983' post='5076233']
I think it's pretty good.just a question though. When you take control of an opponents monster is it for the rest of the duel or the ret of the turn? Cuz if it's for the rest of the duel I rink that's a little OPed. Otherwise I like the card.

[quote name='judedudemude' timestamp='1300244203' post='5076243']
if it does not state other wise
it permentent (until it is destoryed or remove form the field) lol

plus you have to discard a monster form your hand that have the same level of the monster you want to take control
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OPed due to the fact that it increases Level based on opponent's monsters as well, and the level-changing effects. Also shuts down all Synchro decks because all Level 10+ Synchros other than this require 2 or more non-Tuners.

- Summons this card, then summons Greed Quesar/Fortune Ladies/The Calculator, which gains ATK.
- Activates Scapegoat. Four Level 5 tokens = extra 1000 ATK.
- I'm sorry, was the last idea not good enough? Tribute a Goat Token later for Nightmare Archfiends. 3 Level 10 Tokens = 1500 ATK.
- Here's an evil combo. Summon Diva, which summons Atlantean Pikeman. Both are now Level 6. Synchro another one of these cards. Now you have 2 Level 16 monsters plus a +8 Level on all other monsters, yes?

Only reason its Snatch Steal effect actually makes a little more sense (even if it's OPed) is because it becomes impossible to take control of most monsters over Level 4 (who runs Level 9s in their Main Deck anyways?), and most low-level cards will still be hard to steal.

To balance:
- Remove BOTH Level-gaining effects, or at the very least reduce the Level gain of the first one (+4 Levels) to something smaller and remove the one that allows your monsters to change their Levels to monsters in the Graveyard .
- Change the ATK gain effect to ONLY YOUR MONSTERS.
- Increase the ATK gain per level to 100. 3200 ATK (after effect, when it's the only monster you have) is fine for a Level 12 Synchro, Ally of Justice Decisive Armor is 3300 and it's only a Level 10 Synchro.
- Make the take control effect last until the End Phase, just like Tragoedia.
- Change the Synchro Materials to 2 non-Tuners, just because it's almost standard for most Level 9+ Synchros without Tuner or non-Tuner requirements. It's going to be nearly impossible to Synchro with only 1 non-Tuner anyways.
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[quote name='jushirouki' timestamp='1300248642' post='5076360']
OPed due to the fact that it increases Level based on opponent's monsters as well, and the level-changing effects. Also shuts down all Synchro decks because all Level 10+ Synchros other than this require 2 or more non-Tuners.

- Summons this card, then summons Greed Quesar/Fortune Ladies/The Calculator, which gains ATK.
- Activates Scapegoat. Four Level 5 tokens = extra 1000 ATK.
- I'm sorry, was the last idea not good enough? Tribute a Goat Token later for Nightmare Archfiends. 3 Level 10 Tokens = 1500 ATK.
- Here's an evil combo. Summon Diva, which summons Atlantean Pikeman. Both are now Level 6. Synchro another one of these cards. Now you have 2 Level 16 monsters plus a +8 Level on all other monsters, yes?

Only reason its Snatch Steal effect actually makes a little more sense (even if it's OPed) is because it becomes impossible to take control of most monsters over Level 4 (who runs Level 9s in their Main Deck anyways?), and most low-level cards will still be hard to steal.

To balance:
- Remove BOTH Level-gaining effects, or at the very least reduce the Level gain of the first one (+4 Levels) to something smaller and remove the one that allows your monsters to change their Levels to monsters in the Graveyard .
- Change the ATK gain effect to ONLY YOUR MONSTERS.
- Increase the ATK gain per level to 100. 3200 ATK (after effect, when it's the only monster you have) is fine for a Level 12 Synchro, Ally of Justice Decisive Armor is 3300 and it's only a Level 10 Synchro.
- Make the take control effect last until the End Phase, just like Tragoedia.
- Change the Synchro Materials to 2 non-Tuners, just because it's almost standard for most Level 9+ Synchros without Tuner or non-Tuner requirements. It's going to be nearly impossible to Synchro with only 1 non-Tuner anyways.

first the first part you was naming combos (any card can be op'ed if you know the right combo)

2nd Change the Synchro Materials to 2 non-Tuners, just because it's almost standard for most Level 9+ Synchros without Tuner or non-Tuner requirements. It's going to be nearly impossible to Synchro with only 1 non-Tuner anyways.

on the card 1 tuner monster + [b]1 or more non turner monster[/b]

so it very possible

the reason why it lv 12 because of the level gain of all monster except this monster and boost it gets for the combined level (this card mainly a basic beatstick)

3rd it can be destoryed/removed form the field by efects of cards effects

4th it is effected by the effects of cards effects

i might make the opponent monster control only last until end of turn

i edit the card some ..........
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First off, extremely overpowered, and doesn't make much sense.

1 Tuner Monster + 1 or more non Tuner Monsters
Increase the Levels of all other face-up monsters on the field by 3. This card gains 50 ATK and 50 DEF equal to the combined Levels of all monsters on the field. Once per turn, you can send 1 monster from your hand to the Graveyard to take control of 1 face-up monster your opponent controls with the same Level as the monster you sent until the End Phase. [s]Once per turn, you can select 1 monster on the field, that monster's Level becomes the same level of 1 Monster in your Graveyard until the End Phase.[/s][u]-This last part is bullcrap. It would piss off anyone they were dueling because of the first effect, so I'd leave this out.
If this was a real card and for some reason was not immediately banned, this could be like an ultra-Synchro machine.
Overall rating 6.5/10
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[quote name='judedudemude' timestamp='1300251002' post='5076413']
thanks Infernity Mirage for the comments

what if i keep the effect like it is but drop the ATK AND DEF to like 1500 or 1000 ??? would that make it balanced ???

i also added some new cards
I personally would make the ATK and DEF ? like The Calculator and put it to something like 200 or so. That or I would just completely remove the ATK and DEF gaining ability.
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i fixed the ocg and i thinking more of the line of 1000 atk and 1000 def

to make it balanced
[Spoiler=Majestic Gaia Aideogart the Fiend Dreamer's NEW OCG]
Majestic Gaia Aideogart the Fiend Dreamer
This Card name is also treated as Majestic Dragon. This Card cannot be used as a Synchro Material Monster, except for the Synchro Summon of a "Majestic" Monster.This Card can not be Destoryed by effects of Cards effects. Increase the Levels of all other face-up monsters on the field by 3.

[Spoiler=Gaia Aideogart the Feirce Fiend Knight's NEW OCG]
Gaia Aideogart the Feirce Fiend Knight
1 Tuner Monster + 1 or more non Tuner Monsters
Increase the Levels of all other face-up monsters on the field by 3. This card gains ATK and DEF equal to the combined Levels of all monsters on the field X 50. Once per turn, you can send 1 monster from your hand to the Graveyard to take control of 1 face-up monster your opponent controls with the same Level as the monster you sent until the End Phase. Once per turn, you can select 1 monster on the field, that monster's Level becomes the same level of 1 Monster in your Graveyard until the End Phase.[/Spoiler]

[Spoiler=Majestic Gaia Aideogart the Fiend King's NEW OCG]
Majestic Gaia Aideogart the Fiend King
1 Lv 1 Tuner Monster + "Gaia Aideogart the Feirce Fiend Knight"
This Card can only by Sychro Summon using the above listed Sychro material Monsters. this Card is unaffected by effects of Cards effects. this Card can not be Destoryed by effects of Cards effects. Increase the Levels of all other face-up monsters on the field by 1. This card gains ATK and DEF equal to the combined Levels of all monsters on the field X 25. Once per turn, you can send 1 monster from your hand to the Graveyard to take control of 1 face-up monster your opponent controls with the same Level as the monster you sent until the End Phase. Once per turn, you can select 1 monster on the field, that monster's Level becomes the same level of 1 Monster in your Graveyard until the End Phase.[/Spoiler]
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that tuner monster's effect is somewhat fair since boost other monster's level by 3 (including your opponent) it a good number depending their deck and would likely to be given chance to perform Synchro Summon better. not being destroyed by card effect might be a fair trade off. and only be used for a specific monster in the snychro summon too.

so the majestic one: i think just taking out the unaffected part out just for fairness and i think the rests seem to be in order.
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[quote name='judedudemude' timestamp='1300258773' post='5076557']
well i decreassed the other effects for that part but

instead of unaffected i can make it "this monster can not be destoryed in battle"

does that sound good ???

maybe but i doubt he will need it though, there a good change that he will come out strong enough with effect destruction immunity
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thanks AsterikcAde

so i should keep Majestic Gaia Aideogart the Fiend King the way he is for now ???

so i make Gaia Aideogart the Feirce Fiend Knight ATK and DEF 1000 ??? to balance him out ???

i choose the name because they work with the Gaia set plus Majestic Dragon and or Majestic Gaia Aideogart the Fiend Dreamer
can be used for the sychro summoning of Majestic Gaia Aideogart the Fiend King

plus Majestic Gaia Aideogart the Fiend Dreamer can be use for Majestic Stardust Dragon and etc. (1 example is good enough)

Majestic Gaia Aideogart the Fiend Dreamer was alter just a bit ...
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[quote name='judedudemude' timestamp='1300240090' post='5076145']
[Spoiler=Majestic Gaia Aideogart the Fiend Dreamer]
Majestic Gaia Aideogart the Fiend Dreamer
This Card name is also treated as Majestic Dragon. This Card cannot be used as a Synchro Material Monster, except for the Synchro Summon of a "Majestic" Monster.This Card can not be Destoryed by effects of Cards effects. Increase the Levels of all other face-up monsters on the field by 3.

[Spoiler=Gaia Aideogart the Feirce Fiend Knight]
Gaia Aideogart the Feirce Fiend Knight
1 Tuner Monster + 1 or more non Tuner Monsters
Increase the Levels of all other face-up monsters on the field by 3. This card gains ATK and DEF equal to the combined Levels of all monsters on the field X 50. Once per turn, you can send 1 monster from your hand to the Graveyard to take control of 1 face-up monster your opponent controls with the same Level as the monster you sent until the End Phase. Once per turn, you can select 1 monster on the field, that monster's Level becomes the same level of 1 Monster in your Graveyard until the End Phase.

[Spoiler=Majestic Gaia Aideogart the Fiend King]
Majestic Gaia Aideogart the Fiend King
lore1 Lv 1 Tuner Monster + "Gaia Aideogart the Feirce Fiend Knight"
This Card can only by Sychro Summon using the above listed Sychro material Monsters. this Card is unaffected by effects of Cards effects. this Card can not be Destoryed by effects of Cards effects. Increase the Levels of all other face-up monsters on the field by 1. This card gains ATK and DEF equal to the combined Levels of all monsters on the field X 25. Once per turn, you can send 1 monster from your hand to the Graveyard to take control of 1 face-up monster your opponent controls with the same Level as the monster you sent until the End Phase. Once per turn, you can select 1 monster on the field, that monster's Level becomes the same level of 1 Monster in your Graveyard until the End Phase.


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hmm i really like the concept of these cards although I do feel you need to change the effects up a bit. I can't think of anything good at the current moment, but maybe you can change them along the lines of "all level level 3 or lower monster's level are increased by 2" or something. I would also change how the ATK and DEF addition is calculated. But overall, these cards really do have some potential, 8.5/10. I'll comment again when I can think of something better.
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