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[Contest] Deck of Epicness

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This is a contest to find the Deck of Epicness.

1. All YCM rules
2. Follow the requierments
1. The deck must be playable in Yu-Gi-Oh Tag Force 5.
2. Must fit under one of the types of decks.
[spoiler=Types of Decks]
1. Synchro Spam (A deck to spam Synchros.)
2. Overwealm (A deck that summons alot.)
3. Monsters only (A deck with only monsters.)
4. Spells Only (A deck with only Spells.)
5. Traps Only (A deck with only Traps.)
6. Mismatch (Random cards.)
7. Tier (Any tier decks.)
[spoiler=Judging Items]
1. Creativity (How original and creative it is.)
2. Fun (How fun to play is it.)
3. Win to Lose Ratio (How much it wins and loses.)
1st: 4 reps
2nd: 3 reps
3rd: 2 reps
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