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My Naruto Deck - Rate/Fix? - Shippuden-


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Hey everyone! I want to build a Naruto Deck that is fair, yet powerful. It is a pseudo-Harpy style in that it focuses around only a few monsters.
Check it! XD

[b]Any ideas/ratings/fixes are ALWAYS appreciated![/b]

[quote] Ninjas and Support

[quote]Sauske -








[quote]Naruto -









[quote]Ninja Support





[quote]Atasuki -


Please Keep in mind this is a work in progress!
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First off, before i can help at all, you need more organization, put the cards in spoilers. how you do that is
{Spoiler= <Whatever you want to name the section>} Your cards' image file here [\Spoiler] just replace the ->\<- with ->/<- and these {} with these []

So it would look like this [spoiler= Monsters (Or whatever you want to call it)] Your Cards of that Category here[/spoiler]
Also, if needed you can put spoilers inside of Spoilers, and i will tell you how if you need it.

Do this and i will Help you out more
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The translation is fairly decent for the most part, the Tsukuyomi Jutsu isn't half bad and kind of creative, something like a temporary Future Visions with an additional effect (and by god I love Future Visions). The rest of the Sasuke cards are okay, but unimaginative. Chidori is just a more restrictive version of Lightning Vortex, why would you want to use it? Also, as someone who has watched the show for at least a while, I can say that Chidori is not that much of a mass destruction tool. It focusses on one opponent, but then is quite devastating.

The Kagebunshin Jutsu is way too strong. 5 1900 ATK monsters in one turn are an OTK in and off themselves. You should try to work around it to balance it out a little. At least make them non-Tributable, or inflict 0 battle damage. The rest is a little too basic, but not really bad either. Just try to be a little more inventive when it comes to the effects of the card, the characters and their techniques are unique enough, there's a lot of potential that's wasted this way. Same goes for the generic support.

Still, for a One-Star member, those are quite a look, guess we can expect some great things from you in the future ;)

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[quote name='3odd5' timestamp='1300714130' post='5087198']
the only thing i would change is the sasuke uchiha-mangyeko sharingan.....isnt that the amatorosa (idk how to spell it) thats in his eyes not the mangyeko correct me if i'm wrong

Amaterasu is the jutsu the Mangekyou allows Sasuke/Itachi to use. The Mangekyou is the eye itself. Set of cards are great. I'll rate them 8/10, as there are some OPed cards *coughkagebunshinscough*. Good for a beginner. :D

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[quote name='#Sasuke Uchiha#' timestamp='1300878529' post='5091330']
Amaterasu is the jutsu the Mangekyou allows Sasuke/Itachi to use. The Mangekyou is the eye itself. Set of cards are great. I'll rate them 8/10, as there are some OPed cards *coughkagebunshinscough*. Good for a beginner. :D

lol thx for clearing that up man

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