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[quote name='Maha Guns' timestamp='1300334334' post='5078239']
can you post the lore/effect? so we can fix it

Select up to three monsters on your side of the field.
Distribute 3 Life counters among them.(Not each) When a monster with a life counter were to be destroyed, you may remove one life counter to negate its destruction and end the opponants current phase. If it were to be destroyed by battle, battle damage is not conducted.
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Haha, i did.. I had my post to celebrate it, check it if you had some time Genuine. B)

OCG Fix:

Select up to 3 monsters you controls. Distribute 3 Life [b]C[/b]ounters among them (Not each) . When a monster with a Life Counter on it would be destroyed, you can remove 1 Life Counter from it to negate its destruction and end the opponent's current phase. If it were to be destroyed by battle, battle damage is not applied.

Im not sure about the "destruction"

suggestion> make a drawback when you activate this card, example. pay some cost or tribute 1 monster maybe :D

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[quote name='poinl' timestamp='1300334563' post='5078246']
Select [s]up to[/s] three monsters on your side of the field. Distribute 3 Life [b]C[/b]ounters among them.[s](Not each)[/s] When a monster with a [b]L[/b]ife [b]C[/b]ounter [b]would[/b] be destroyed, you may remove one [b]L[/b]ife [b]C[/b]ounter to negate its destruction [s]and end the oppon[b]e[/b]nts current [b]P[/b]hase[/s].[b] (Do not apply damage calculation if the monster would be destroyed by battle)[/b]
First strike out is what I think balances it out a bit. Second strike out is unneeded. Third one is another balance thing. All the bolds are what I think is correct OCG.
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