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using our own creations in a duel

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This idea has been suggested countless times before and shot down.

Let me spell out the problems for you:

[list][*]We have no relation with Konami or Upper Deck to print the cards, and we're never going to.[*]You'd just be wasting your own money since you can't use the cards.[*]Konami isn't going to print fake cards, ever.[/list]
And there are many more problems.
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[quote name='Darkplant' timestamp='1300675116' post='5086708']
No, you just print it and ask friends if you can use it. If you want to download a life I can't tell you how.
Drat! I really needed to find out where I can download a life :(

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just proxi the crd su made and play with your firends. altho u cant us them in offical play using htem with frieds is alway fine ge them to make a few cards for themselvs to makes a deck feel more like yours if card su mad eare in it. then ask around your local card shops see if u can get a proxi turni going once a week, yet again wont count for real points in the game but u get to see allkinds of cool cards abd deck outher people made. as for making them real wut would be the point then every deck would be op as hell cuz every 1 would make there version of the god cards and ect or 1 looser would me a deck of 4star 999999999999 ATK cuz they think thas cool or the game is inbalansed.

that only help i can give.

gl have fun.
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[quote name='Kito' timestamp='1300953947' post='5093113']
just proxi the crd su made and play with your firends. altho u cant us them in offical play using htem with frieds is alway fine ge them to make a few cards for themselvs to makes a deck feel more like yours if card su mad eare in it. then ask around your local card shops see if u can get a proxi turni going once a week, yet again wont count for real points in the game but u get to see allkinds of cool cards abd deck outher people made. as for making them real wut would be the point then every deck would be op as hell cuz every 1 would make there version of the god cards and ect or 1 looser would me a deck of 4star 999999999999 ATK cuz they think thas cool or the game is inbalansed.

that only help i can give.

gl have fun.
*clears throat*
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You know, what most people do is print them out and then put them in front of actual cards in a sleeve. It's easier and if the text gets too small you can always just open up the file on this site to show/see what the effect is. It's pretty cheap this way (if you conserve paper by putting several on a sheet), and it's not much different shuffling and drawing wise to the real thing.
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[quote name='CamperCarl00' timestamp='1301112673' post='5097082']
You know, what most people do is print them out and then put them in front of actual cards in a sleeve. It's easier and if the text gets too small you can always just open up the file on this site to show/see what the effect is. It's pretty cheap this way (if you conserve paper by putting several on a sheet), and it's not much different shuffling and drawing wise to the real thing.

yes this is called proxieing

mt gramer bad do to my lac of knolage in grammer my dad is wth me some times but when he is not my spelling takes a hit.
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