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Type Control preview set

Ieyasu Tokugawa

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Well, I started out with the Philosopher's Stone single a long time ago, and somebody had said I should make a set out of it. So I decided to try it out. Basically, these cards are made to change their types and activate corresponding effects, which will vary from card to card.

[center][spoiler=Philosopher's Stone]

This monster cannot be destroyed by battle with monsters with the same Attribute as this card or be destroyed by the effect of other monsters with the same Type as this card. Once per turn, you can remove 1 monster in your Graveyard from play and select 1 monster in your opponent's Graveyard. This card's Attribute and Type become the same as the selected monster's. If a monster with the same name as the selected monster attacks this card, destroy this card immediately without applying damage calculation.
The single from a long time ago. Downloaded the template from the MSE website. Anyway, basically relies on your opponent's Graveyard to keep it alive. It would be really fun against decks like Blackwings who use a lot of monsters with the same type and attribute. The last effect is so that your opponent will have a way out of this guys effect, otherwise it would probably be OP'd.
[spoiler=Flower Princess]

When this card is Summoned, you can discard 1 card and select 1 Type and Attribute. This card is treated as the selected Type and Attribute. Once per turn, you can activate the following effects. *If your opponent controls a monster with the same type as this card, destroy 1 monster on the field. * If your opponent controls a monster with the same attribute as this card, destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field. *If your opponent controls a monster that has the same Type and Attribute as this card, destroy 1 card on the field and draw a card. This effect cannot be activated the turn this card was summoned.
I love this pic, I don't care what you think. The restriction at the end is only for the last bullet. If I hadn't done that, you would easily be able to just herpderp draw card instant +1. You'll have to actually protect it to get that advantage though :P. Otherwise you basically a 1 for 1 card removal.
[spoiler=Celestial Warrior]

Once per turn, you can select 1 other monster you control. This card's type becomes the same as the selected monster's. When this monster battles a monster whose type is the same as this monster's, destroy it before damage calcuation.
Abusable with the other 2, but can be a simple beatstick if need be. Plus even on its own it kills some of the more powerful cards out ther (byebye Collosal :P)

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I prefer using the using the MSE template, don't need a secondary editor for the images, the text box comes out properly, but the font they give you for the name is terrible.

I like the idea. It would be really good against players that completely rely on some archtypes without adding in some of their own cards. And, there are a lot. I think you could develop it a bit more. Having it as a rock for its standard type is good, making it completely unabusable. My first thought was to make the effect [u]have to[/u] be once per turn to keep it active, but thats too costly. I think you need to add in some sort of extra cost though and possible advantage. Maybe limit it to just type or attribute and have [u]all[/u] monsters on your side of the field become that type or attribute. That could really mess with your opponent and could set up some nice support.

The card is pretty balanced, although I can't really see it being used because of its last effect. Even tho its needed. I think limit its effect to just type. And maybe have an effect saying you can't choose a type that already exists on the field. Since the effect is so open, you need that sort of restriction. Then the idea with the card would be to find your opponents primary type and then when you find a gap when they don't have that type on the field, play this card and make them suffer. That way you could prob get rid of the last effect and maybe add some sort of defensive effect like PH.S. I'd prob change its primary type to a less supported type as well.

Pretty standard support to go with the other 2, again maybe I'd make her primary type a less supported one, regardless of the pic.
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[quote name=':bcoe' timestamp='1300664915' post='5086349']
I like the idea. It would be really good against players that completely rely on some archtypes without adding in some of their own cards. And, there are a lot. I think you could develop it a bit more. Having it as a rock for its standard type is good, making it completely unabusable. My first thought was to make the effect [u]have to[/u] be once per turn to keep it active, but thats too costly. I think you need to add in some sort of extra cost though and possible advantage. Maybe limit it to just type or attribute and have [u]all[/u] monsters on your side of the field become that type or attribute. That could really mess with your opponent and could set up some nice support.

[b]Removing a monster from play is already costly, unless you're running a macro deck of sorts, and I don't see this going into that kind of deck. And I don't see how changing the type/attribute of all my monsters screws with the opponent since all my guys are pretty much going to be able to change their own types/attributes[/b]

The card is pretty balanced, although I can't really see it being used because of its last effect. Even tho its needed. I think limit its effect to just type. And maybe have an effect saying you can't choose a type that already exists on the field. Since the effect is so open, you need that sort of restriction. Then the idea with the card would be to find your opponents primary type and then when you find a gap when they don't have that type on the field, play this card and make them suffer. That way you could prob get rid of the last effect and maybe add some sort of defensive effect like PH.S. I'd prob change its primary type to a less supported type as well.

[b]Last effect is destroy something and draw a card. I'd use that over either of the other effects if I had the option. And if I couldn't choose a type on the field, I think this thing would be horribly UP'd. I don't expect this thing to be able to last longer than a turn without protection. And if this was supposed to be a defensive card, I would've given it better stats. Also, it's type changing effect only happens once, when it's summoned, and a lot of Machine support requires the monster on the field.[/b]

Pretty standard support to go with the other 2, again maybe I'd make her primary type a less supported one, regardless of the pic.

[b]This card is so good because warriors are so supported. There are plenty of other Warrior cards to put in a Warrior deck, and if this is in a Warrior deck, it pretty much is only useful against your opponent's warriors, nothing else.[/b]
Thanks for the comment.
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[center][b]Philosopher's Stone[/b]
1 Thing, the spoiler says "Pholosopher's Stone".

The name is very original, which I like, and the img is good. Though the chosen template looks horrible imo.
OCG fix: [i]effect [/i]= [i]effect(s)[/i]
I really like its effect, very original. And it would work way better then my Type Control cards (which failed horribly).
Imo it is very situational though, as you'll have to rely on your opponent using that certain Deck. Which could be manipulated by the "DNA" cards, but they aren't very relyable aswell.

So a 8.6/10

[b]Flower Princess[/b]
Good img and fitting name.
OCG fix: the 3rd Attribute misses its caps.
Again I really like this cards effect. It's very orignal.
This card is much more ballanced then the previous one imo, its low stats really compensate its potentially destructive effect.

A 9.5/10

[b]Celestial Warrior[/b]
The img ok, but the name is very fitting.
OCG fix: [i]type[/i] = [i]Type[/i]
Again I like its effect. There lies beauty in its simplisity.
It has great sinergy with multi Elemental, DNA and the previous card, while still being a good beatstick. Though I would lower its ATK slightly (to 1800-1890) too prevent it from being OP.

A 9.3/10
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[quote name='Lexadin' timestamp='1300715977' post='5087233']
[center][b]Philosopher's Stone[/b]
1 Thing, the spoiler says "Pholosopher's Stone".[b]derp[/b]

The name is very original, which I like, and the img is good. Though the chosen template looks horrible imo.[b]I had it lying around and wanted to use it :P[/b]
OCG fix: [i]effect [/i]= [i]effect(s)[/i]
I really like its effect, very original. And it would work way better then my Type Control cards (which failed horribly).
Imo it is very situational though, as you'll have to rely on your opponent using that certain Deck. Which could be manipulated by the "DNA" cards, but they aren't very relyable aswell.

[b]Considering a lot of good Decks use a certain type or Attribute. Blackwings are for both. Scraps are all EARTHs iirc, Six Sams and X-Sabers are mostly Warriors (though Sabers have beasts and beast Warriors thrown in...), etc. Screw with Lightsworns by making this LIGHT Dragon :P.

But yeah, this thing fails agains other Decks, but imo if it could counter everything it would be too OP'd. Plus if you're able to protect this, you can always switch up the types and attributes for stategy (depending on your opponent's grave)[/b]

So a 8.6/10

[b]Flower Princess[/b]
Good img and fitting name.
OCG fix: the 3rd Attribute misses its caps.[b]derp[/b]
Again I really like this cards effect. It's very orignal.
This card is much more ballanced then the previous one imo, its low stats really compensate its potentially destructive effect.

[b]Points lost only for OCG :blink:. That's better than a lot of my cards[/b]

A 9.5/10

[b]Celestial Warrior[/b]
The img ok, but the name is very fitting.[b]Eh, I liked the pic. I might edit it a little to make it look better[/b]
OCG fix: [i]type[/i] = [i]Type[/i]
Again I like its effect. There lies beauty in its simplisity.
It has great sinergy with multi Elemental, DNA and the previous card, while still being a good beatstick. Though I would lower its ATK slightly (to 1800-1890) too prevent it from being OP.

[b]Now I'm tempted to give it 1890 ATK and watch the butthurt comments :rolleyes: But yeah, I should probably change it.[/b]

A 9.3/10
And to everyone I reply to, feel free to counter when I don't agree with you, you might have a valid point that I missed.

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[quote name='Tsukasa Hiiragi' timestamp='1300666944' post='5086423']

Removing a monster from play is already costly, unless you're running a macro deck of sorts, and I don't see this going into that kind of deck. And I don't see how changing the type/attribute of all my monsters screws with the opponent since all my guys are pretty much going to be able to change their own types/attributes.

[b]If you made it change all your guys type or attribute, then you wouldn't need them to have the effect to change themselves. You could just give them a positive effect coming from having the same attribute and not have to add a neg effect to balance it since the risk becomes the balance. In other words set this up as your staple card of the deck to be combo'd with. you can still add the effect to some of your other cards. Aside from that if your opponent has an effect active like a field spell that is meant to support his attribute or type, having all your monsters become the same could mess with your opponents strategy.
Last effect is destroy something and draw a card. I'd use that over either of the other effects if I had the option. And if I couldn't choose a type on the field, I think this thing would be horribly UP'd. I don't expect this thing to be able to last longer than a turn without protection. And if this was supposed to be a defensive card, I would've given it better stats. Also, it's type changing effect only happens once, when it's summoned, and a lot of Machine support requires the monster on the field.

[b]I meant its very last effect of not being able to activate its effect on the turn its summoned. I think not being able to choose a type on the field would make it hard to use, but since you can freely choose any type, you need that level of restriction for a monster card that benefits so heavily from having the same type. And when I said defensive, I meant in terms of an effect, like PH.S's, not physical.[/b]

This card is so good because warriors are so supported. There are plenty of other Warrior cards to put in a Warrior deck, and if this is in a Warrior deck, it pretty much is only useful against your opponent's warriors, nothing else.

[b]"warriors are so supported" thats why I would change it. I was also thinking that way with the assumption the PH.S effect was changed to all monsters you control.
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If you made it change all your guys type or attribute, then you wouldn't need them to have the effect to change themselves. You could just give them a positive effect coming from having the same attribute and not have to add a neg effect to balance it since the risk becomes the balance. In other words set this up as your staple card of the deck to be combo'd with. you can still add the effect to some of your other cards. Aside from that if your opponent has an effect active like a field spell that is meant to support his attribute or type, having all your monsters become the same could mess with your opponents strategy.

[b]Yes, abusing the field spell could do so, but I still don't like the idea of just using this card to do so. I doubt this is going to be that huge of an archetype, so I'll probably have room for other cards to change the types of other monster I control. Plus it would be a pain if I didn't want to change the other guys on the field. I'll consider it though.[/b]

I meant its very last effect of not being able to activate its effect on the turn its summoned. I think not being able to choose a type on the field would make it hard to use, but since you can freely choose any type, you need that level of restriction for a monster card that benefits so heavily from having the same type. And when I said defensive, I meant in terms of an effect, like PH.S's, not physical.

[b]I noted that the very last part only applied to the third bullet, so you can still use the first two effects when it's summoned. And I still don't imagine this being a defensive card, it's meant for a quick 1 for 1 removal then to pretty much be tribute/synchro fodder.[/b]

"warriors are so supported" thats why I would change it. I was also thinking that way with the assumption the PH.S effect was changed to all monsters you control.

[b]I don't plan on changing PH.S yet, so not quite yet. Like I said, it's more of a Warrior counter than a Warrior support card. And a deck with these cards wouldn't have specific type support since they'd change depending on what the opponent's playing. It would suck if I had Icarus Attack maindecked only to face an opponent's Six Sam deck.[/b]
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The effect of Philosopher's Stone gives me a good idea for your set, how about making a new Type Mechanic for your monsters in your set that has the first effect part of Philosopher's Stone. Not all of the cards in your set should be the type mechanic that I'm suggesting but some certain cards, now if you don't know what I'm talking about here's the part of Philosopher's Stone's effect you should make a type mechanic for: "This monster cannot be destroyed by battle with monsters with the same Attribute as this card or be destroyed by the effect of other monsters with the same Type as this card", then you can put the effect afterwards and the name of the type mechanic could be up to you.

Overall, these cards are awesome! The images, the creativity, and the effects, I'm not really sure about the OCG because I myself don't have the gold standard of Original Card Grammar (Nobody does on this website) but I have to say your OCG is better than mine! To conclude: 10/10, keep it up! I would like to see some more out of this set!
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[quote name='Tsukasa Hiiragi' timestamp='1300732564' post='5087678']
If you made it change all your guys type or attribute, then you wouldn't need them to have the effect to change themselves. You could just give them a positive effect coming from having the same attribute and not have to add a neg effect to balance it since the risk becomes the balance. In other words set this up as your staple card of the deck to be combo'd with. you can still add the effect to some of your other cards. Aside from that if your opponent has an effect active like a field spell that is meant to support his attribute or type, having all your monsters become the same could mess with your opponents strategy.

[b]Yes, abusing the field spell could do so, but I still don't like the idea of just using this card to do so. I doubt this is going to be that huge of an archetype, so I'll probably have room for other cards to change the types of other monster I control. Plus it would be a pain if I didn't want to change the other guys on the field. I'll consider it though.[/b]

I meant its very last effect of not being able to activate its effect on the turn its summoned. I think not being able to choose a type on the field would make it hard to use, but since you can freely choose any type, you need that level of restriction for a monster card that benefits so heavily from having the same type. And when I said defensive, I meant in terms of an effect, like PH.S's, not physical.

[b]I noted that the very last part only applied to the third bullet, so you can still use the first two effects when it's summoned. And I still don't imagine this being a defensive card, it's meant for a quick 1 for 1 removal then to pretty much be tribute/synchro fodder.[/b]

"warriors are so supported" thats why I would change it. I was also thinking that way with the assumption the PH.S effect was changed to all monsters you control.

[b]I don't plan on changing PH.S yet, so not quite yet. Like I said, it's more of a Warrior counter than a Warrior support card. And a deck with these cards wouldn't have specific type support since they'd change depending on what the opponent's playing. It would suck if I had Icarus Attack maindecked only to face an opponent's Six Sam deck.[/b]

Sorry, I was in a rush last time and I misread what you meant about the last effect only applying to the 3rd bullet. I thought it meant for all its effects.

I think you need to add more cards to develop the idea and then the existing cards a bit more. There are too many different ways to go about type or attribute control and with only 3 cards its hard to get a proper idea of how your going to do it. All I'd say is make sure you have some sort of stricter limitations on them when it comes to the ease of switching attributes or types, and limit it to one or the other per card unless you find a way of making them necessarily combo with each other to get both, since they would become very splash-able if you didn't, especially for synchro's. (Symphonic warrior's are a good example)
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