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spirit cards, 5 card set One of my best a must see


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My new spirit 5 card set, plz rate and comment, enjoy


LORE:This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card returns to the owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn that this card is Normal Summoned or fliped face-up. When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, Special Summon 1 monster from your opponents Graveyard. During the 3rd turn after this card's effect has been activated, destroy all monsters on your side of the field and Special Summon this card to your side of the field in face-up attack positon, return this card to the owner's hand at the end of the turn.


LORE:This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card returns to the owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn that this card is Normal Summoned or fliped face-up. This card cannot be destroyed by a monsters effect. As long as you have a Spirit monster in your Graveyard, all monsters Special Summoned from the Graveyard gain this effect.
-During each of your Standby Phases, inflict damage to your opponent equal to this monsters LV x200.


LORE:This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card returns to the owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn that this card is Normal Summoned or fliped face-up. This card cannot be destroyed by a monsters effect. Once per turn you can flip a coin.
-Heads, increase your life points equal to the number of Spirit monster on the field x200.
-Tails, increase this monsters ATK by 500 for each Dark Spirit monster on you side of the field.


LORE:This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card returns to the owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn that this card is Normal Summoned or fliped face-up. This card cannot be destroyed by a monsters effect. As long as their is a Spirit monster in the Graveyard, All Spirit monster gain 200 ATK/DEF. Once per turn you can pick one of your oppnent monsters and return it to their hand.


LORE:This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card returns to the owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn that this card is Normal Summoned or fliped face-up. This card cannot be destroyed by a monsters effect. As long as your opponent has 5 or more cards in their hand, all Spirit monster cannot be destroyed by battle. Once per turn you can pay 500 Lifepoints to look at your opponents hand.


LORE:As long as this card is faced-up on the field, all Spirit monsters do not return to their owners Hands. during each of your Standby Phases you must pay 200 Lifepoints, if you cannot destroy this card.
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thxs i always like making spirit cards

thxs i always like making spirit cards

also im thinking of making this into a 3 card set seeing as there are more pics like this

thier it is now going to be a 5 card set and my newest monster has been added, enjoy.
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I like making spirit cards too, they're not very popular on this forum tho.

Your first card contradicts itself. You say it can't be special summoned, yet its last effect special summons itself. I know what you mean, that it can't be SS any other way, but as far as I know, most, if not all Spirit monsters cannot be special summoned at all. Its just one of those effects you have to stick with when it comes to Spirit monsters for balancing reasons. Your effect is pretty creative and it looks like you put thought into it, but I don't think it would ever get by, its effectively 2 monster reborns, even if it does destroy all you control.

Second. This is obviously meant as a combo with the first Spirit card. To be honest, I think your going the wrong direction when it comes to these cards. They are completely revolving around the Graveyard and Special Summoning, when thats what Spirit monsters are exactly not meant to be about. So for the monsters to have this effect, this card must be face-up on the field and you must have another spirit monster in the Graveyard. Also for a continuous, this card's effect is somewhat useless unless you use something like Forbidden Chalice because its returned to your hand before the standby phase. (or do the monsters just permanently get the effect without the need for this card to be on the field.) Either way, this needs to be a normal effect card, since there is no reason for the spirit mechanic.
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