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D-Ratio 1/8192 [Dragunity]

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First of all, Rep to anyone who gets the reference (and no cheating).
That said, I would greatly enjoy assistance with this deck.

[u]Monsters ( 18 )[/u]

3 Dragunity Dux
3 Dragunity Legionnaire
3 Dragunity Phalanx
2 Dragunity Aklys
1 Dragunity Darkspear
1 Dragunity Arma Mystletainn
1 Dragunity Arma Leyvaten
1 Mist Valley Falcon
1 Grow up Bulb
1 Morphing Jar
1 Dandylion

[u]Magic ( 15 )[/u]

3 Dragon Ravine
2 Terraforming
2 Cards of Consonance
1 Foolish Burial
1 Pot of Avarice
1 Giant Trunade
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Release Restraint Wave
1 Monster Reborn
1 Dark Hole
1 Book of Moon

[u]Trap ( 8 )[/u]

2 Icarus Attack
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Seven Tools of the Bandit
1 Mirror Force
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Call of the Haunted

[u]Extra ( 15 )[/u]

1 Shooting Star Dragon
1 Trident Dragion
3 Dragunity Knight - Vajrayana
2 Stardust Dragon
1 Red Dragon Archfiend
1 Formula Synchron
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Thought Ruler Archfiend
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Ancient Fairy Dragon
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Tech Genus Hyper Librarian

Any help?
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Here is my Deck:


3x Phalanx
3x Aklys
3x Legionnaire
3x Dux
2x Mistelteinn
2x Leyvateinn
1x Light an darkness dragon

Spells + Traps (23)

3x Dragon Canyon
3x Terraforming
2x Cards of consonance
2x Dimension Prison
2x Trap Stun
2x Bottomless Traphole
2x MST
1x Monster Reborn
1x Mirror Force
1x Book of moon
1x dark hole
1x dark bribe
1x foolish burial
1x pot of avarice

Extra Deck ( 15 )

1 Trident Dragion
3 Dragunity Knight - Vajrayana
1 Dragunity Knight - Gae Dearg
3 Stardust Dragon
1 Red Dragon Archfiend
2 Scrap Dragon
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Tech Genus Hyper Librarian
1 Ally of Justice - Catastor
tell me what i could change

sorry, i meant dragon revine with dragon canyon
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[quote name='coolstrider' timestamp='1300816187' post='5089613']
Here is my Deck:


3x Phalanx
3x Aklys
3x Legionnaire
3x Dux
2x Mistelteinn
2x Leyvateinn
1x Light an darkness dragon

Spells + Traps (23)

3x Dragon Canyon
3x Terraforming
2x Cards of consonance
2x Dimension Prison
2x Trap Stun
2x Bottomless Traphole
2x MST
1x Monster Reborn
1x Mirror Force
1x Book of moon
1x dark hole
1x dark bribe
1x foolish burial
1x pot of avarice

Extra Deck ( 15 )

1 Trident Dragion
3 Dragunity Knight - Vajrayana
1 Dragunity Knight - Gae Dearg
3 Stardust Dragon
1 Red Dragon Archfiend
2 Scrap Dragon
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Tech Genus Hyper Librarian
1 Ally of Justice - Catastor
tell me what i could change

sorry, i meant dragon revine with dragon canyon

Your deck is worse than the OP's deck.
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1/8192 is the chance of finding a shiny Pokémon.

As I consider myself a former Dragunity duelist I decided to take a look, but since I haven't played this game that much since the new Dragunity Deck I don't know if this is good or bad. Looks good in my opinion, though.

EDIT: Damn, ninja'd. But since Imitador just dropped a +1 comment and since I'm cuter than evilfusion I get the rep, 'k?
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No, to all of you.

The fact that it is the Shiny rate is because it is an easy coded power of two *.012% chance, by the way.

I was referring to the game "Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter" where humans have "D-Ratios" that suggest the probability of them merging with Dragons (vs. Dying).
1/8192 is the hero's ratio (but he gets one anyway, since he's so lucky).

SINCE, HOWEVER, you all did not cheat, you all win.

Anyway, to the deck, what do I add when I take out the REDMD stuff? These are the only Dragunity cards I am thus far familiar with.
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People run Dragunity rather differently... the problem is that if they use that... well... I personally like what you've got here MUCH more... but I am going to try to find my own intermediate of the 2 styles
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[quote name='Boss Z' timestamp='1301014325' post='5094737']

People run Dragunity rather differently... the problem is that if they use that... well... I personally like what you've got here MUCH more... but I am going to try to find my own intermediate of the 2 styles

13 Monsters, what?

That's ridiculous... still, nice to know 3 Dux/Legion/Phalanx/2 Aklys is the go to
I wanted to give Myst a shot, and so far it's not bad
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[quote name='Expelsword' timestamp='1301016682' post='5094847']
13 Monsters, what?

That's ridiculous... still, nice to know 3 Dux/Legion/Phalanx/2 Aklys is the go to
I wanted to give Myst a shot, and so far it's not bad

13 monsters, the point is to just Rule with Synchros... thin your deck and get a dragon canyon or ravine, what ever its called out... then thin your deck more, and synch and then kill...
13 monsters apparently is all you need to do it... which is a total pain in the @$$
Especially since their synchros cost Soo freaking much money

The 2 decks I want to make are Dragunity and the T.G. Junk deck in my signature... both are Synchro reliant to the extreme... and both extra decks cost easily 300+, the dragunity extra deck is easily about 450 (USD)

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[quote name='Boss Z' timestamp='1301018369' post='5094916']
13 monsters, the point is to just Rule with Synchros... thin your deck and get a dragon canyon or ravine, what ever its called out... then thin your deck more, and synch and then kill...
13 monsters apparently is all you need to do it... which is a total pain in the @$$
Especially since their synchros cost Soo freaking much money

The 2 decks I want to make are Dragunity and the T.G. Junk deck in my signature... both are Synchro reliant to the extreme... and both extra decks cost easily 300+, the dragunity extra deck is easily about 450 (USD)

you're seriously wrong about values of things

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[quote name='Loki el Señor de los Aesir' timestamp='1301089215' post='5096138']
you're seriously wrong about values of things

Not on the places I look... Troll & Toad never has anything I need when i am looking for it... and ebay is high due to competition... and Toywiz is a joke
i don't think cardkingdom sells yugioh... and yeah...

And I'm not saying just the dragunities... i'm saying like ALL of the 15 cards in teh extra deck combined
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[quote name='Boss Z' timestamp='1301091611' post='5096207']
Not on the places I look... Troll & Toad never has anything I need when i am looking for it... and ebay is high due to competition... and Toywiz is a joke
i don't think cardkingdom sells yugioh... and yeah...

And I'm not saying just the dragunities... i'm saying like ALL of the 15 cards in teh extra deck combined
still way overvaluing things.
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[quote name='Boss Z' timestamp='1301164000' post='5098008']
I mean I'm not sure how your version tests... but i'd run 1 more teraforming and 1 more 7Tools... just not sure what you would neg... maybe sangan and dandy or darkspear

I really think I have enough Field Power....
So far Dandy and Sangan haven't even mattered because of it, so then again you may be right...

I really dunno what to put in this Extra Deck. The only combos I know are Legion/Phalanx for 5 Dux/Phalanx for 6 and Vajrayana/Phalanx for 8...
getting other levels is tougher.
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[quote name='Expelsword' timestamp='1301164652' post='5098030']
I really think I have enough Field Power....
So far Dandy and Sangan haven't even mattered because of it, so then again you may be right...

I really dunno what to put in this Extra Deck. The only combos I know are Legion/Phalanx for 5 Dux/Phalanx for 6 and Vajrayana/Phalanx for 8...
getting other levels is tougher.

Teraforming is run @ 3 though, it will either get your your field spell, give the impresion of hand advantage or thin you deck... of which non are bad things... and 7Tools is typically run @ 2

he extra deck, i'd say just copy as close as possible to the ones that placed (in the link previously posted)
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