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Needless cards


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Haha this is the first time I'm posting anything here. Me and a couple friends said we were going to make themed decks so when I made mine I picked the series Needless. I know a couple of the descriptions lack the best type of phrasing and some of the cards are overpowered but this is what i came up with. There are more cards but the file size limit was reached.

and putting the synchro monster there to have the same name as another card was a bad idea...
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You're not supposed use attachments....

When you make a card click on it and you'll see at the bottom it says uploading to image shack. Copy that url and paste it and there will be the card. It makes it a lot easier. Don't forget to post the effect as well so people can help you with your ocg (acronym for official card grammer)
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Pretty good set, I like it. The OCG could use a little work, and you should try not to use thumbnails next time, but outside of that, great job.

Just a question... Why does Cruz Schild only have 200 ATK and 400 DEF? He's a level 5 monster.

Was he supposed to be a leve 1, 2 or 3? Did you make a typo? Was this intentional because he's a Tuner?

Just curious.
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  • 2 weeks later...
[quote name='StitchMayhem' timestamp='1300934366' post='5092800']
Pretty good set, I like it. The OCG could use a little work, and you should try not to use thumbnails next time, but outside of that, great job.

Just a question... Why does Cruz Schild only have 200 ATK and 400 DEF? He's a level 5 monster.

Was he supposed to be a leve 1, 2 or 3? Did you make a typo? Was this intentional because he's a Tuner?

Just curious.
He is supposed to be level five because the synchros in the deck are all high level. his attack is low because in the anime he's just a normal human. As for the people harassing about the thumbnails I had made these and saved them onto my computer before I had even made this account so it wouldn't let me upload them any other way.
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