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Pony Time All The Time!


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Let's get the obvious question out of the way; Yes, yes I am actually making a set of cards based on the now already cult classic TV show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. For those who don't already know about it allow me to introduce you; [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeJ6-gN0eB4"]Click here to see the Epicness.[/url]

For right now I am just posting them up normally but if I make anymore than just the ones I would want to use for my deck I will compress with spoilers.
[center]So here we go!
Lore:>Ponyville Pony
>Canterlot Pony
You can tribute this card to negate the special summon of any monster over level 5 and return it to the hand. When you add a "Pony" card to your hand, except by drawing it, you may special summon it.
Lore:>ponyville Pony
When you control another "pony" Monster you may send cards from the top of your deck to the graveyard until you send a monster, and then special summon this card. You may not activate this effect the turn you add this card to your hand by a card effect.
Lore:>Ponyville Pony
When another beast-type monster is on the field this card may not be destroyed by battle.
Lore:>Ponyville Pony
Once per turn when you control 2 or more "Pony" cards you may special summon this card from your graveyard.
Lore:>Ponyville Pony
>Cloudsdale Pony
When you Normal or Special summon this card you may add one "Ponyville pony" or "Cloudsdale pony" from your deck or graveyard to your hand, then roll a die, if the result is 1-3 Rainbow Dash may not attack this turn, if the result is 4-5 special summon the added card, if the result is 6 destroy rainbow dash.
Lore:>Ponyville Pony
When this card is normal summoned, search your deck for a field spell and add it to your hand.
Lore:>Cloudsdale pony
When this card is normal or special summoned you may either special summon one "pony" monster from your hand, or add one "Pony" Monster from your deck to your hand.
Lore:> Ponyville Pony
You may remove this card from play, if you do so you may normal summon again this turn. During your second standby phase after this card is removed you may special summon it to your field.
Lore:Once per turn you may discard 1 "pony" card to special summon one "Canterlot Pony" from the graveyard if that card is a synchro it is destroyed at the end of the turn.
Lore:>Canterlot Pony
When there is a "pony" tuner on the field you may special summon this card from your hand. Once per turn you may send to the graveyard a field spell you control to destroy 2 cards on the field.
Lore:When you control 3 or more "Ponyville Pony" monsters you may choose and activate one of the following effects.
>Remove from play all synchro Monsters on the field.
> Add 2 'pony" monsters from your deck to your hand.
>Draw 2 cards
Lore:Add one "pony" tuner to your hand from your deck or graveyard.
Lore:Destroy cards on the field up to the number of "pony monsters on the field.
Lore:Once per turn when you control no monsters yo may special summon one "Ponyville Pony from your graveyard to field, it is destroyed at the end of the main phase 1 and may not be used as synchro material. Then you may add one "Pony" monster from your hand to your deck. When this card is sent to the graveyard by a card effect you may add one field spell from your deck to your hand.
Lore:Destroy all of your monsters except one "pony" monster, return all of your opponent's monsters to their hand.
Lore:When a "pony" monster on your side of the field is attacked, destroy the attaking monster and one "pony" monster, then add one "pony monster from your deck to your hand.
Lore:1 "pony" Tuner + 1 or more Non-Tuner Monsters
>Ponyville Pony
When this card is special summoned you may return to the hand every card on the field.
Lore:1 "pony" Tuner+ 1 or more Non-Tuner Monsters
>Ponyville Pony
When this card is synchro summoned successfully you may add one field spell and one "Ponyville Pony" from your deck or graveyard to your hand. During the end phase of the turn this card was synchro summoned success fully you may return it to your extra deck and return it's synchro material monsters to the graveyard.
Lore:Princess Luna + 1 or more Non-Tuner Monsters
You may shuffle 1 "pony" card into your deck from your hand to return one card on the field to the hand.
Lore:1 "pony" Tuner+ 1 or more Non-Tuner Monsters
>Canterlot Pony
You may negate any spell or trap card's activation by shuffling one "pony" card from your hand into your deck.
Lore:1 "pony" Tuner+ 1 or more Non-Tuner Monsters
>Canterlot Pony
You may draw one card when this card is synchro summoned successfully. Once per turn you may add one level 5 monster from your deck or graveyard to your hand. During the end phase of the turn this card was synchro summoned successfully you may return it to your extra deck and return it's synchro-material monsters to your hand. [/center]
My goal with this set was to try and make a set on that magical point of "Strong without being broken" I.E. No card would be banned were it made.
Give feedback/ question down below, thanks.
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I have to admit - I kind of expected a set based on the series , sooner or later. It got pretty popular nowadays, and for good reasons. Either way, let's take a loot at the cards.
As a general note, when you put cards in an Archetype, you should put it in the name of the card, for example: "Ponyville Pony - Applejack". In situations where you would need to use more Archetypes for the same card - like in the case of Twilight Sparkle, you can add them in the card effect, in a way like "This monster is also treated as a "Canterlot Pony" monster." This kind of classification will also allow for card effects which only refer to "Pony" monsters. (Alternatively, you can refer to the Archetypes in a similar way than some of the "Elemental Hero" cards do which do state the various related Archetypes in their effects.)
The cards are seem to be balanced most of the time, considering most of them have relatively low stats. Some of them may need little tweaking, like the effect of Dr. Whoof should only work when it is Normal Summoned to avoid the abuse potential of it. Iris Wipe should be allowed only if you control at least a number (like, 3?) "Pony" monsters. In its current way, it can be used even if you control only 1, so that way you don't have to destroy any monster you control. The effect of Big Macintosh seems also a bit edgy in terms of balance, I am not really sure, though. Nightmare Moon's and Princess Celestia's effect should be once per turn, in my opinion. Otherwise, the ideas seem good so far.
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Yes, I realized that I should have put the special type in the name, but by then I was halfway done; I might find the time to edit them. As for your thoughts on balance: Yes, upon further thought Whoof could be abuse for a free second summon every two turns, he needs to be edited. What you said was what I was originally planning with Iris wipe, but I guess I had a brainfart or something. I feel justified though, in keeping Big Mac how he is because he's essentially a "Return to hand" version of Black Rose Dragon. Celestia could see abuse, so she might be edited however she might be balanced out by the fact that she's hard to make, the only way to go into her quickly is do search Applejack with Rainbow Dash and hope to roll lucky. Again I feel justified with Moon because she's hard to get out and is essentially just an archetype version of brionac (Stats should probably come down though).
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You are right about Big Macintosh being a return to hand version of Black Rose Dragon, but don't forget that BRD is a Level 8 monster, thus harder to Summon than a Level 5 Synchro Monster, even though BM needs a Tuner from the Archetype, but I guess Beast support cards could help. As for Celestia, she is Level 7. You have three choices for the Tuner, being Level 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Obviously the easiest is to do with the Level 3 one. I am not really knowledgable in Beast decks, but I am sure there are ways to pull them out fast. The situation of Nightmare Moon is kind of justified, I admit. I am not sure how fast Synchron Monsters requiring Synchro Tuner Monsters work. Overall, I am content about your comment and about your cards.
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