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Battle Royal Contest !!


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Welcome to Written Cards Battle Royal Contest


Yeah, This is our club

~ YCM Bright Angels of Hope ~ first events. Hope you can join us, just check it and find yourself.


All rules apply

No Spamming, Trolling, Etc.

i just accept Written Cards, not realistic.

Judge decision is absolute, no protest.



[spoiler=Prize ]1st : 3 reps + 55% of pot

2nd : 2 reps + 30% of pot

3rd : 1 reps + 15% of pot


[spoiler=Fees ]

20 points (If you a current YCM Bright Angels of Hope members, no fees to join)

> If you don't have much points, you can gimme +rep to join. This conditions only applied for Level 2 or lower member. :D

Donations (Excluding fees) Donations 50-150 gets 1 rep, 151 or more gets 2 reps.



From me = 100

Star = 200 (owe 1 reps)

Talos= 300 (owe 1 rep)

Lightning = 50



[spoiler=How this is gonna work]-. There will be 16 contestant and 4 groups (will be added more if needed)

-. Each groups will be 4 contestants

-. Then all contestant will be battle with their group-fellows, 1 member whit the highest score will be through to the next rounds.

-. There will be 2 Rounds in a Group Round.

-. 1 round for the Final battle

-. You will be randomly placed in the Group. (not your own choice)

-. As for the task : all contestant, regarless of its group will make a card with the same criteria mentioned later.




I will not mentioned about who is the judges but it will be 3 Judges or maybe just 2.



[spoiler=Your card will be scored by these:]

Effect/Creative : ?/15

Usefullness : ?/10

Balanced : ?/10

OCG : ?/10



Talos the Wind Ninja

Lightning Cloud




Group 1 Group 3


Group 2 Group 4






Any question ? Just feel free to ask me. Join !!


- Ultimate Sponsors > YCM Bright Angels of Hope - We'll Guide you toward the light. Will be more other Club Events soon.


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Guest Talos the Wind Ninja

Will I have to make a card with the other members of my group of will we each make our own card? That is if I join, because even though I work well with others I don't think I would like making a card with others.

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Guest Talos the Wind Ninja

no, you make your own card. You battle with your other members. Its Battle Royal , 4 Man Battle


@Lightning accepted


Gotcha, I will join.


300 point donation.

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Guest Talos the Wind Ninja

@Talos : what you mean exactly? Sure i not mentioned it yet


sorry Genuine, but judge place is for our clubs member only


Like do you have guidelines that we have to follow?

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