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[IC] Yu-Gi-Oh! Music for a Forgotten Future


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[center][url=http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/244006-ooc-yu-gi-oh-music-for-a-forgotten-future-pg-16not-startedaccepting/]OOC Thread[/url][/center]

The Island City of Atlantis. 17:59. January 31.

Atlantis bathed in the twilight from the setting sun. The sky was orange, with a few clouds strewn across the great void. The air was filled with the sound of birds and people. Around the great tower of Atlas stood the crowd of over two-hundred people, comen here from all across the Atlantean Nation to see the Messiah, also known as DiTra.

The Island City of Atlantis. 18:00. January 31.

The half-human walked out on the balcony and looked out at the crowd. A roar of cheers filled the air as she made herself seen. She raised one of her grotesque, android arms and waved, raising the crowd's roar even louder.

"Hail Messiah!" The crowd shouted. "Hail our leader!"

"I thank you!" DiTra spoke. Her voice was undoubtedly female, but it was also distorted, as if reality had been warped around the voice. It was also very loud, probably being heard across a large part of the city. "For you to come here you must have travelled many miles!"

The crowd let out another roar. "Hail Messiah! Hail our Savior!"

"SILENCE!" A hoarse voice shrieked across the mass of people. The crowd and DiTra went silent and looked to the sky to see a man riding a flying D-Wheel. The D-Wheel was white, with four blue wings. The rider was clothed in a fashion that showed that he was a duelist from the northern parts of the Mu Empire. "Do not listen to her lies! She is a liar, as is the entire Atlantean Government! Don't you see that she is a normal, poor woman placed in the suit of a monster, to act as your so called 'savior'!?"

A buzz was sent through the crowd, and it soon turned into protest towards the D-Wheeler. The D-Wheeler didn't care. He looked up at DiTra.

"I challenge you to a duel!" He then shouted, and the D-Wheel started to transform until it was a flying platform, ready for some action of the children's card gaming kind. DiTra looked at him, and then raised her left arm.

"Challenge accepted." She said, and a Duel Disk materialized on her arm, along with her Deck. The crowd started cheering on DiTra at the instant they realized what was about to happen.

DiTra VS Nordic Duelist

"Since I am the challenger you can start!" The D-Wheeler shouted.

"As you wish. Draw!" DiTra drew a card and added it to her hand. "I activate the Spell Card Fantasy Veil." She placed a card on her Duel Disk. "I also activate Into the Future Sent. I can now choose a monster in my hand and place it on the top of my Deck, face-up." She picked a card in her hand and placed it on her Deck. "I picked January - First of the Twelve."

A giant, blue, machine-like angel appeared next to the tower. It had four wings and sad, purple eyes. A portal then opened next to it and dragged the angel into itself.

"I also set a card face-down, and set a monster in Defense Position. I end."

The Nordic Duelist seemed shocked by DiTra's moves. Why would she want to send a monster to the top of her Deck? And what was the effect of Fantasy Veil?

"My turn! Draw!" He then shouted and drew a card. He looked at it and smiled. "I summon Mara of the Nordic Alfar and activate its effect! I can now Synchro Summon using this card and two other Nordic monsters in my hand!"

Two elf-like spirits appeared next to Mara.

"[i]The god that was born from the stars, Show us your absolute power and make the world laugh! Synchro Summon! Descend, Polar God King Loki![/i]" As the Nordic Duelist spoke Mara turned into two green rings, with the two elves flying through it and transforming into eight stars. An explosion of light then summoned a gigantic, jester-like man. Loki. "Hah! Now... Loki! Attack Her set monster! Vanity Bullet!"

Loki raised his hand and shot DiTra's set card with his attack, making it reveal itself. A red ball was revealed. It had a clock on its forehead, and several spikes on its body.

"Jigen Bakudan." DiTra explained. "And thanks to Fantasy Veil's effect it's not destroyed."

"WHAT!?" The Nordic Duelist looked at the ball and sighed. "But Bakudan's effect won't be harmful to me since you control no other monsters! I end my turn!"

"Before your turn ends I activate Black Prediction." DiTra's face-down was flipped face-up. "Black Prediction is a Trap Monster. When it's activated it's summoned to the field."

A black shadow appeared on DiTra's field, next to Jigen Bakudan. Its ATK points stood at 0.

"Heh. Not that harmful..." The Duelist laughed. "Continue with your move!"

"I shall. Black Prediction's attack points will be equal to the attack of a monster that I draw this turn."

"Wait... Didn't you?"

"The card that I drew was January - First of the Twelve! Black Prediciton's attack points are now 4000!"

"I will still have 2000 life points after Jigen's effect, so I'm fine!"

"Fantasy Veil doubles the ATK of all Level 2 monsters on my field."

Black Prediction (4000-->8000 ATK)


"Jigen Bakudan's effect activates."

The crowd went awfully silent as Jigen's clock reached zero. The city was then filled with an awfully loud explosion. When the smoke was gone the Nordic Duelist was gone, and so was all the cards on the field and the Duel Disk on DiTra's arm. The crowd released another roar of praise to their Messiah.

((Your story begins either in Atlantis, or somewhere in Mu, and it begins now...))
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Chase Pearson sat near the edge of a cliff overlooking the sea, with a small computer balanced on his knees. He had finally managed to get it to pick up signals from an Atlantean television broadcast. He had learned a few days ago from this that some Atlantean "messiah" was appearing to address the public, and it seemed like an interesting event to listen in on. Chase watched in awe as the woman called DiTra completely obliterated the Nordic player. "Heh...so much for the gods," he said to himself, "Wouldn't have thought something old like Jiden Bakuden could beat a good Nordic deck, though." He deactivated the computer, and stood up. He glanced at its clock. "Hm...should be getting home." He walked away, towards his hometown.
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However, just before Chase could reach his house, a strange man jumped out of the bushes. He had spiky blonde hair, a pair of strange sunglasses, an odd Duel Disk, and peculiar clothes. He clearly was not from around here. The whining sound of some military V-Tols could be heard approaching. Strangely, the V-Tols were Atlantean, not Muan. They were shining spotlights on the ground, as if they were looking for something.
[color=#FF0000]"Listen, kid."[/color] The man told Chase. [color=#FF0000]"I can't tell you everything right now, but I'm not from around here, and I'm being chased by these goons in their birds. I need a place to hide. Can you stash me in your closet or something? Please?"[/color]
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Chase jumped as the man leaped out in front of him. "Um...OK, fine, but I can't get you inside the house without my parents noticing. You'll have to settle for our storage shed." He started walking quickly towards his house, not looking to see if the man was following. "But after these guys leave, I want an explanation for why you're wanted so badly the Atlanteans are willing to risk antaganizing Mu by sending in military vehicles." One of the spotlights swept past, and Chase had to dive off to the side to avoid it. "Damn-screw this. Hope you can move fast." he took off running the rest of the way. He jumped the fence around his yard,and skidded to a halt in front of the shed. He fiddled with the lock for a second before pulling it open. "Get in! Now!"
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"My lady!" A male voice spoke behind DiTra. The sun had set, and the day was turning into night. She was still standing at the balcony, but she had not spoken for about an hour, and the people had started to either go home or to do something else. DiTra remained silence, and the man presumed that this was a sign that he was allowed to speak. "There is a man..."

DiTra slowly turned to look at the man, but she did not yet speak. The man started to sweat.

"He doesn't match anyone in our registry, he's neither Atlantean or Muan!" The man tried to remain calm. "We think he's like you... From somewhere else..."

"Like me?" DiTra's voice was now alot lower than it had been before, but still loud enough to here what she said. "Are you comparing me to a simple man?"

"He is no simple man, my lady!"

"Then bring him to me. I want an audience with him."

"That's the problem. We're currently looking for him, he escaped."

"And you thought it wise to tell me this?"

"Eh..." The man was now all wet with sweat. You could see on his face that he had no idea what to say.

"Go and find him." DiTra said, and the man quickly nodded and walked, rather hastily, out of the room.
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Raven had made it to the capital of Atlantis in time to watch the duel even though it only lasted a few moments, his biggest impression came after it was finished. [color=grey]That's strange why would someone who uses Loki duel like that, he didn't even set a single card that goes against the core principle of the card with that kind of dueling it would be more likely that he would use Thor UNLESS[/color] [color=green]The duel was a trick, he wasn't really from Mu he was just here to show off her power.[/color] Unfortunately Raven said that last part out loud in the middle of the crowd.
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The man climbed in and hid as best as he could, closing the door behind him. The V-Tols circled around, and shined their spotlight towards the shed, but found nothing. They continued their search, and the man climbed out. [color=#FF0000]"Kid, I can't thank you enough. The name's Desna. Desna Adats. Told you I wasn't from around here. I'm actually from a parallel universe, an alternate universe. In fact, my job is to protect the multiverse, the vast collection of alternate universes, from evildoers."
Anyways, I think those Atlanteans guys believe in worshiping other universes, right? Well, one of their more radical cults enacted some ritual, though it was more of a science experiment, and pulled me out of transitioning from one universe to another. They broke my Phase Transducer in the process, stranding me here until I can find some way out of this universe, like repairing my Transducer."
"But these higher-ups in the Atlantean religion, they see me as some sort of abomination, especially since they have some hot chick as their savior from another universe, so they want me to bite the bullet. However, it seems kinda odd that they wouldn't see me as similar to their current Messiah. I mean, I'm much more badass than she is! So I managed to eventually stow away on a transport and wound up here, with the Atlantean military hot on my tail."[/color]
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Sire Ronald de Teignbridge patrolled the streets of the Atlantic Nation on his trusted horse, keeping an eye out for any disorderly conduct. On the way past, however, he just happened to see the messiah DiTra on the balcony, presumably conversing with another man. All of a sudden, the words "no simple man" caught Sire Ronald's ears. Who was this man? Why was he here, and what did DiTra want with him? Perhaps if Sire Ronald were to help capture this man, he might be able to retrieve an answer to each of these questions that delved into his mind.

[b]"Pardon the intrusion, milady,"[/b] Sire Ronald inquired, [b]"But perhaps I can aid in the pursuit of the man you speak of. Lest his agility be supernatural, he cannot outrun thy noble steed."[/b]
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Shoku walked up to the crowd, wondering what was going on. [i]These people seem... rather excited. Did something just happen?[/i] He heard a male voice mention a duel being a trick to show off someone's power. Looking in the direction of the voice, he saw a human of about early adult years, wearing a black outfit. He decided to ask this one about the situation. Shoku shoved his way through the crowd to confront the person. "Excuse me, but what exactly were you talking about there? I just got here, so I didn't see any duels going on. But who's so powerful that they need to show off to a crowd this big?"

(OOC: @Stalfos Actually, if you want to sound Shakespearean, 'my' is first-person possessive. 'Thy' is more like saying 'your'.)
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Chase listened open-mouthed to the man, Desna, as he explained. After he finished, Chase thought for a second before responding. "So...you're saying that a dimension-hopping man on the run from the Atlantean military is sitting in my shed." ..." S***." He turned around, and began pacing. "Well...now what do I do?! I can send you away, and have the Atlanteans running around my home, possibly endangering people, and definately not looking like they care about avoiding war. Or, I could try to help you, endangering myself and having to leave my family. I mean, I don't agree with most of the other Muans, but I don't want them in danger or anything..." He turned back to face Desna. "Obviously you would be happier if I helped you. But..." He sighed. "You know, before you came, this was a pretty good day." Chase sat down on a box, and thought.
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[color=#FF0000]"Actually, I don't give a f**k whether you help me or not."[/color] Desna confessed, pulling a cigarette out of a box in his back pocket. He then retrieved a lighter from his front pocket, and lit the cigarette, the nicotine calming his slightly rattled nerves. [color=#FF0000]"That's your choice, little guy. I just want a place to crash for the night. I'm rolling out in the morning, regardless of your decision to tag along with me."[/color] He then gets very serious. [color=#FF0000]"However, once I get my Phase Transducer fixed enough for me to access Subspace and all of the gear I have stored there, these b*****ds are gonna regret the day they chased me, 'cuz I plan on becoming the hunter, and they will be the ones who I will hunt!"[/color]
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"...OK, I'm overeacting a bit I guess...but...wait...you think you have enough gear and stuff to defeat the entire Atleantean army?! Either you're insane, or you are the most awesome human being I have ever met." Chase stood up. "You just got here, right? So you probably don't know your way around. I don't have anything going on, so I'll help you until we get too far away. I know places all around the area, and some in other places in Mu, where the Atlanteans couldn't find if they brought 3000 men to search. And, you might not know this, but there's a large forest not far from here. there's only one road through it, and the rest of it is completely impossible to navigate. At least as far as most people know..." He walked to the door. "So, I'll tag along for a while. Sounds one hell of a lot more interesting than usual life anyway. I'll come back tomorrow." And he walked out of the shed.
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Raven was surprised that the person that heard his comment didn't try to immediately kill him but he decided that he would try to talk to the guy in a more private area seeing as if what he said got out he would probably be crucified. [color=green]Um, sure but it probably wouldn't be a good idea to talk about it here seeing how a lot of people would probably get angry so do you mind if we go someplace with like nobody around.[/color] Raven was a little worried that something might happen to them later.
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Shoku was a little startled by this person's hesitancy. What he said must have been some sort of taboo around this continent of... was it Atlantis? He realized he could probably question this person for the answers he needed to know. "Somewhere else...? I guess that would be okay." He looked around, trying to find a place that wasn't crowded with people. There was a gap in between two nearby buildings that looked to be unoccupied. "How about we take this over there?" he said, pointing towards the spot.
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Raven followed the man to the area he had specified and decided he would tell him what happened and his opinion on what could be secretly going on behind the scenes, [color=green]Okay, the messiah, a woman who everyone believes came from another dimension was giving a speech when someone from Mu flew in and challenged her to a duel she went first but didn't do much but then on his turn he summoned one of the strongest cards in Mu and then got crush immediately and the weird thing is that his deck didn't really go with the ace card he brought out it almost seemed like that whole duel was staged to make it look like she was invisible.[/color] Raven looked around the whole time he was talking so that no one else was eavesdropping.
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DiTra looked at the man, apparently a knight of the Atlantean Nation.

"A knight? I thought this dimension outdated such medieval traditions." She confessed. "But bring him to me, and you shall be rewarded." She then turned again, to the messenger who had told her about Desna. "Do you see taht young boy there?" She pointed at Raven and Shoku. "They are doubting me. Bring them up here...."

A couple of minutes later, two men clothed in the Atlantean Army outfit appeared next to Raven and Shoku.

"Okay boys, you're coming with us!"
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"hey!" Came the shout from the distance. A tall figure wrapped in a black cloak flew in to the scene. He flew on a mighty, almost transparent beast with blazing red eyes, two large wings and a long tail. It was obviously a dragon, but one of which no one had seen before. It landed before Di Tra and its eyes filled with hate. The rider jumped down from its back and held up a card. The dragon disappeared instantly.
The newcomer threw off the cloak to reveal a man with piercing, pale blue eyes which were filled with anger, brown messy hair and a face full of fury.
"give me the boys..... now" he commanded angrily.
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[b]"It shall be done!"[/b] Sire Ronald withdrew his sword and bowed to the messiah, before his horse proceeded to gallop away in the distance. However, before he managed to get to far, a dragon-like creature appeared out of nowhere, and then vanished into nothingness almost as quickly. The rider revealed himself to be a tall man with sharp blue eyes and brown hair that was all over the place. He appeared to stand against the two Atlantean Army men that DiTra sent earlier.

[b]"You dare defy the Atlantean Nation?"[/b] Sire Ronald asked the man.
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"Yes. I do" the stranger said plainly. "I am not scared of the Atlantean nation!"
He quickly threw out his arm and a golden duel disk appeared on it. He shouted his challenge;
"I am the guardian of the Elemental Dragons! The loyal subject of the Muan Gods! I am willing to duel you or anyone who stands in my way. So I'll repeat, move away or be destroyed!"
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Raven didn't expect to get this kind of attention but he knew that it was his fault and that someone who just happened to be curious about what he meant shouldn't get in trouble for it, [color=green]He hasn't done anything if this is about my comments then I'm the one you should punish not him.[/color] Raven knew that this probably wouldn't help but telling them this would at least help lighten the other persons sentence even if just a little.
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Alex looked over to Raven and smiled warmly. "Don't worry about me. I don't plan to lose this duel!"
Then he turned his attention back to Di Tra and the knight, his warm smile melted from his face and a look of disapproval replaced it. He looked as though he wouldn't leave until he had dueled and so he stood his ground. He shouted again:
"Do you accept my challenge! Or will you flee like cowards?"
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[b]"I do not accept your challenge,"[/b] Sire Ronald told Alex, [b]"But rather, I present a better option. You and thy ally shall do combat with myself and one duelist of your choice in a tag team duel. You win, thou shall be free to do as thou will. I win, however, thy ally shall be seized and handed over to the messiah herself."[/b]

Sire Ronald activated his Duel Disk immediately, already drawing 5 cards from his Deck.

[b]"I presume you'll accept my new challange?"[/b] he asked as he did so.
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"I do indeed!" Alex cried in return, 5 cards in his hand also. "Raven will be my ally. Your soldier companion will be yours!"
His eyes glowed a different colour, an earthen brown, and the ghostly form of a new, different dragon appeared behind him. It roared and the earth shook. The land they stood on rose up to the size of a mountain. The dragon disappeared from behind Alex and his eyes died down to a stormy grey colour.
Then suddenly a strange mark on Alex's right arm glowed ominously. "You shall fall by the power of the Elemental Dragons!
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DiTra looked at her knight and the Elemental Dragon duelist. Yes, she knew about the Elemental Dragons and their powers, and like any ordinary duelist she wanted that power... One of the soldiers that had been sent to capture Raven and Shoku dematerialized and instead the Messiah herself stood there.

"We accept the challenge, on one condition." She explained. "If we win, leave these lands, and leave the dragons with me... If, however, you would emerge victorious, you are allowed to go free."

A Duel Disk materialized on her left, grotesque arm and she drew five cards.

"Shall we begin?"
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"Deal. But you will not be able to control their powers." Alex said "But I shall take the first move!
Alex looked completely confident as he drew a card from the top of his deck.
"I draw!" He cried "And I summon [u]Elemental Baby Dragon: Light[/u]!"
A small, angelic dragon appeared on the field next to Alex whose eyes had gone white. "Then I activate [u]Elemental Nest[/u], which allows me to Special Summon 3 [u]Elemental Eggs[/u] in Defense Position. I finally Set 2 cards and end my turn!"

[Cards shown so far:]

Elemental Egg
Rock/ Effect
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Elemental Nest." When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, Special Summon 1 "Elemental Baby Dragon" to your side of the Field.

Elemental Nest.
[Spell Card]
Activate only while you control 1 monster with "Elemental Dragon" or "Elemental Baby Dragon" in its name. Special Summon 3 "Elemental Eggs" to your side of the Field in Defense Position.
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