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Oni Forger Ninjaku
While you control 2 or more "Oni Forger" monster on your side of the Field, you can Special Summon this monster from your hand. While this card is face-up on your side of the field while you have 30 "Forger Counters" on 1 on card your side of the Field, you win The Duel. Once per turn, this monster gains "Forger Counters" equal to the number of "Oni Forger" monsters on your side of the Field

Oni Forger Wayu
While you control 2 or more "Oni Forger" monster on your side of the field, you can Special Summon this monster from your hand. While this card is face-up on your side of the field while you have 30 "Forger Counters" on 1 on card your side of the field, you win The Duel. Once per turn, this monster gains "Forger Counters" equal to the number of "Oni Forger" monsters on your side of the field

Oni Forger Chu Nasu
if you have "Oni Forger Wayu" on your side of the field you can Special Summon this monster form your hand. while this card is face up on your side of the field while you have 30 "Forger Counters" on 1 card your side of the field you win the Duel. All "Oni Forger" monster can not be destroyed by battle.

Oni Forger Giryo Po
when your Opponent attacks you can remove form play 2 Trap cards, 2 Spell cards and, 2 Effect Monsters in your Deck to Special Summon this monster in Attack Postion. while this card is face up on your side of the field while you have 30 "Forger Counters" on 1 card your side of the Field you win the duel. Once Per Turn you can activate these Effects : deal 100 Points of Direct Damage to your Opponent's Life Points for every Trap card in both Graveyards, you Gain 100 Life Points for every Spell card in both Graveyards, pay Half of your Life Points and this card gains "Forge Counter" equal to the number of Effects Monsters in both Graveyard.

Oni Forger Mairiku
1 Tuner Monster + 1 Non Tuner Monster
When this card is Synchro Summoned, put 3 Forge Counters on this card. if you have 1 or more "Oni Forger" Monster on your side of the Field. while this card is face up on your side of the field while you have 30 "Forger Counters" on 1 card your side of the Field you win the duel. Decrease the ATK of your opponent's monsters by 200 for each Forge Counter on this card (max. 1000).

Oni Forger Saichi
While this card is face-up on your side of the field while you have 30 "Forger Counters" on 1 card your side of the field, you win the duel. Once per turn, you can send 1 "Oni Forger" monster from your Deck to the Graveyard to Special Summon 1 level 1 "Oni Forger" monster from your Deck besides "Oni Forger - Saichi"

Oni Forger Narusake
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned in Attack Postion from your Hand if you have 1 or more "Oni Forger" Monster on your side of the Field. while this card is face up on your side of the field while you have 30 "Forger Counters" on 1 card your side of the Field you win the duel. This Monster can not be used as Sychro Material unless its for a "Oni Forger" Sychro Monster. if this card is used for a Sychro Summoning of a "Oni Forger" Sychro Monster, The level of the non-Tuner monsters used for the Synchro Summoning of a "Oni Forger" Sychro Monster is not Applied.

Oni Forger Buraku
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned in Attack Postion from your Hand if you have 1 or more "Oni Forger" Monster on your side of the Field. while this card is face up on your side of the field while you have 30 "Forger Counters" on 1 card your side of the Field you win the duel. when this card is removed form the Field place 3 "Forge Counter" on 1 card on your side of the Field.

Oni Forger - Zenraku
This card can only be Special Summoned in Attack Postion from your Hand if you have 1 or more "Oni Forger" Monster on your side of the Field. while this card is face up on your side of the field while you have 30 "Forger Counters" on 1 card your side of the Field you win the duel. when this card is removed form the Field place 3 "Forge Counter" on 1 card on your side of the Field.

rate / comment / suggestion / hate / etc.
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Okay. Need to point something out.

Winning the Duel in a small number of turns is NOT balanced. Seriously. Also OCG isn't good. Capital Letters are needed and when saying you win, it should be you win the Duel.

Maybe......... there are some cards which allow you to win the match. Im not entirely sure but I believe they are banned. Good cards overall, just maybe find another use for the forge counters. thats my advice.
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i need 2 things to win

1st i need a "Oni Forger" Monster with this in its effect : while this card is face up on your side of the field while you have 30 "Forger Counters" on 1 card on your side of the Field you win.

2nd i need a card on my side of the field with 30 "Forger Counters" on it

so that pretty specific stuff and even if i have alot of "forger counters" on my side of the field i might not have enough or have all of em on 1 card

so does it sound slightly more balanced now ???

i went with the no cap becuase that was a problem before

and im pretty sure my ocg on this is good if not close

any more comments
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What was with the neg anyway?

Also first card.

4 Oni forger monsters.

4 turns and you win??
I'm only criticising the winning the duel. These cards would be banned quickly. Overall, the gaining counters by other cards is good and unique.
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[quote name='Elemental Dragon' timestamp='1301169000' post='5098163']
Maybe......... there are some cards which allow you to win the match. Im not entirely sure but I believe they are banned. Good cards overall, just maybe find another use for the forge counters. thats my advice.

Final Countdown


Any questions?

And actually, your cards are underpowered. With a field full of Oni forger monsters, Ninjaku requires 5 turns to win, and that's if your opponent is unable to kill it for some reason.

And I doubt your opponent would let you remove Wayu to double the counters on a guy.

[quote name='Elemental Dragon' timestamp='1301169334' post='5098234']
What was with the neg anyway?

Also first card.

4 Oni forger monsters.

4 turns and you win??
I'm only criticising the winning the duel. These cards would be banned quickly. Overall, the gaining counters by other cards is good and unique.
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[quote name='Elemental Dragon' timestamp='1301169334' post='5098234']
What was with the neg anyway?

Also first card.

4 Oni forger monsters.

4 turns and you win??
I'm only criticising the winning the duel. These cards would be banned quickly. Overall, the gaining counters by other cards is good and unique.

maybe remove the opnce per turn and make it when summoned ???
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[quote name='Tsukasa Hiiragi' timestamp='1301169394' post='5098235']

Final Countdown


Any questions?

And actually, your cards are underpowered. With a field full of Oni forger monsters, Ninjaku requires 5 turns to win, and that's if your opponent is unable to kill it for some reason.

And I doubt your opponent would let you remove Wayu to double the counters on a guy.


Top monster gains counters for each Oni forger on the field. If you have 4?
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[quote name='Tech Genus Blade Blaster' timestamp='1301169983' post='5098289']
I think there a good idea, even though there slightly OP'D. 30 counters is easy to get with ninjaku, and if you have 30 counters on the fiel, you can move them all to Ninjaku with Wayu's effect. other then that, good cards. 7/10

well the genuis part is it can be any card on my side of the field

even wayu or ninjaku if i want

ninjaku makes the forge and wayu guide the forges
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[quote name='judedudemude' timestamp='1301170234' post='5098316']
well the genuis part is it can be any card on my side of the field

even wayu or ninjaku if i want

ninjaku makes the forge and wayu guide the forges
Ok. Then good idea. BTW, i heard there was a rep invovled? :P

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[quote name='General White' timestamp='1301176704' post='5098620']
It'd take me a long while to comment on these cards, I mean a long while.

So my advise is to give 1 card at a time.

But I will give a decent comment on them later, I've looked at them already, and read a few and I say that they are overpowered. Majorly.

well how are they OP'ed

care to explain ???
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Time for Wolfy Eddy's (Now Cody Frost's cuz of name change) epic comment!

[quote name='judedudemude' timestamp='1301167939' post='5098151']
[b][u]Oni Forger Ninjaku[/b][/u]
[b]While[/b] you [b]control[/b] 2 or more "Oni Forger" monster on your side of the Field[b],[/b] you can Special Summon this [b]m[/b]onster [b]from your (hand? Deck?)[/b]. [b]W[/b]hile this card is face[b]-[/b]up on your side of the field while you have 30 "Forger Counters" on 1 on card your side of the Field[b],[/b] you win [b]the match? The Duel?[/b]. Once per turn[b],[/b] this monster gains "Forger Counters" equal to the number of "Oni Forger" monsters on your side of the Field

It’s okay. Not Oped because the opponent will probably find a way to kill this guys relatively easy.

[u][b]Oni Forger Wayu[/b][/u]
[b]W[/b]hile this card is face-up on your side of the field while you have 30 "Forger Counters" on 1 card on your side of the Field you Win [b]the Match? The Duel?[/b]. When this card is removed form your side of the field you can move all "Forger Counters" on your side to the Field to 1 card on your side of the Field.

Easy to get rid of and easy to activate his effect. Doubt you’ll have enough counters on a card for you to win, but good tech non-the less.

[b][u]Oni Forger Chu Nasu[/u][/b]
[b]While you control a face-up[/b] "Oni Forger Wayu" on your side of the Field, you can Special Summon this [b]card[/b] form your Hand. While this card is face up on your side of the field while you have 30 "Forger Counters" on 1 card your side of the Field you Win [b]the Match? The Duel?[/b]. All "Oni Forger" monster [b]on the field[/b] cannot be destroyed [b]by[/b] Battle.

[b][u]Oni Forger Giryo Po[/u][/b]
When your opponent [b]declares an attack[/b], you can remove form play 2 Trap Cards, 2 Spell Cards and, 2 Effect Monsters in your Deck to Special Summon this monster in Attack Position. While this card is face-up on your side of the field while you have 30 "Forger Counters" on 1 card your side of the Field you Win [b]the match? The duel?[/b]. Once per turn you can activate [b]one of/each of[/b] these effects [b](once; only if you use “each of“)[/b]:
*[b]Inflict[/b] 100 Points of damage to your opponent's Life Points for [b]each[/b] Trap Card in both player’s Graveyards,
*Gain 100 Life Points for every Spell Card in both player’s Graveyards.
*Pay Half of your Life Points to have this card gain "Forge Counter" equal to the number of Effects Monsters in both player’s Graveyard.

[b][u]Oni Forger Mairiku[/u][/b]
1 Tuner Monster + 1 Non Tuner Monster
When this is Synchro Summoned, place 3 "Forge Counters" on this monster. While this card is face up on your side of the field while you have 30 "Forger Counters" on 1 card your side of the Field you Win [b]the Match? The Duel?[/b]. All monster lose 300 ATK and DEF for each "Forge Counters" on the Field.

Quick question…how the hell are you going to Synchro for a level 1 monster? Plz answer me that.

[u][b]Oni Forger Saichi[/b][/u]
While this card is face up on your side of the field while you have 30 "Forger Counters" on 1 card your side of the Field you Win [b]the Match? The Duel?[/b]. Once per turn you can send 1 "Oni Forger" [b]card[/b] in your Deck to the Graveyard to Special Summon 1 [b]level[/b] 1 "Oni Forger" monster besides "Oni Forger - Saichi"

[u][b]Oni Forger Narusake[/b][/u]
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned in Attack Position from your Hand if you [b]control[/b] 1 or more "Oni Forger" Monster on your side of the Field. While this card is face up on your side of the field while you have 30 "Forger Counters" on 1 card your side of the Field you Win [b]the Match? The Duel?[/b]. This Monster can not be used as Synchro Material unless its for a "Oni Forger" Synchro Monster. If this card is used for a Synchro Summoning of a "Oni Forger" Synchro Monster, The level of the non-Tuner monsters used for the Synchro Summoning of a "Oni Forger" Sychro Monster is not Applied.

That explains a lot.

[b][u]Oni Forger Buraku[/u][/b]
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned in Attack Position from your Hand if you [b]control[/b] 1 or more "Oni Forger" monster on your side of the Field. While this card is face-up on your side of the field while you have 30 "Forger Counters" on 1 card your side of the Field you Win [b]the Match? The Duel?[/b]. When this card is removed form the field, place 3 "Forge Counter" on 1 card on your side of the Field.

Okay…so much to do…
First of, fixes:
*Sychro --> Sy[b]n[/b]chro
*Capitalize every sentence!!! Capitalize! Capitalize! CAPITALIZE!!! So what are you going to do? CAPITALIZE!!!
*Win…what? [b]The Match? The Duel?[/b]. Two different things.
*Learn your OCG, there are certain ways to write certain things such as Once Per Turn is written as [b]Once per turn[/b]. Please learn these rules. (I think there are new OCG rules also…so I’m also going to have to take a look at that.)
*Be a grammar Nazi! Use COMMAS! LOTS OF THEM IF YOU NEED TO!!!

Now, as for the theme:
As a whole, the theme looks pretty consistent. It stacks up on counters to win ([b]the Match? The Duel?[/b]), but can be brushed off from the field fairly easy. Their ATK and DEF stats are balanced with their effects, and they work pretty well with each other. Very original work and deserves to be praised quite well (except for the HORRID Grammar).

Rate for the concept: 8.9/10 Pretty good.
Rate for OCG/Grammar/etc: 3.8/10 FIX!!!!!!!!!
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[quote name='Cody Frost' timestamp='1301179951' post='5098750']
Time for Wolfy Eddy's (Now Cody Frost's cuz of name change) epic comment!



Okay…so much to do…
First of, fixes:
*Sychro --> Sy[b]n[/b]chro
*Capitalize every sentence!!! Capitalize! Capitalize! CAPITALIZE!!! So what are you going to do? CAPITALIZE!!!
*Win…what? [b]The Match? The Duel?[/b]. Two different things.
*Learn your OCG, there are certain ways to write certain things such as Once Per Turn is written as [b]Once per turn[/b]. Please learn these rules. (I think there are new OCG rules also…so I’m also going to have to take a look at that.)
*Be a grammar Nazi! Use COMMAS! LOTS OF THEM IF YOU NEED TO!!!

Now, as for the theme:
As a whole, the theme looks pretty consistent. It stacks up on counters to win ([b]the Match? The Duel?[/b]), but can be brushed off from the field fairly easy. Their ATK and DEF stats are balanced with their effects, and they work pretty well with each other. Very original work and deserves to be praised quite well (except for the HORRID Grammar).

Rate for the concept: 8.9/10 Pretty good.
Rate for OCG/Grammar/etc: 3.8/10 FIX!!!!!!!!!

its win the duel everone

if it was win the match it would be OP'ed (if you was doing a match which i doubt you always would do anyways)

so "you win the duel" would be good because if was was doing a match you can allways "you win the duel"

i will fix ocg (if the ycm website is stable enough for card fixings)
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[quote name='Fiery Red' timestamp='1301683933' post='5105050']
The Cards and Ideas them selves are good however the pictures are laking and OCG is off.

If your suffering a mild case of fever seek medical advice.

the pic are fine in fact i use the best [B]"ONI"[/B] pic that i can find i wanted to go for a more traditional oni oil painting look fiery red
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