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!!! 1 Star Synchro - No way - Yes Way

Master White

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Its probably still too powerful.
1 Tuner + 4 or more non-Tuner monsters.
The level of the non-Tuner monsters used for the Synchro Summon of this card is not applied. When this card is successfully Synchro Summoned, draw 3 cards.
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im not sure that right .....

but you can have a turner monster and or non tunerr monster that have this effect :

if this card is used for a Sychro Summoning The level of the non-Tuner monsters used for the Synchro Summoning of a Sychro Monster is not Applied.

that would work ...... i guess ....
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@ Smesh: Forgot to change the ATK/DEF, I changed the effect, but not the ATK/DEF. My fault. Is it worth it now?

@Elemental Dragon: My fault.Forgot to give it an attack, I changed its effect and not the ATK?DEF - Also, thanks.

@Judedude: I think the way i worded it is pretty good, not to much means exactly the same thing.


Now, do you want an Army of 1 Star Synchro's and Fusions or something else?
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have the turner monster and or non tuner monster and or sychro monster i guess it doesnt matter really

if this card is used as Sychro Material for a Sychro Summoning The level of the non-Tuner monsters used for the Synchro Summoning of a Sychro Monster is not Applied.

yes let see a army lol
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Well, I've used what I said before and lets recap on what's the difference here and why you think you need yours.

Mine: the level of the non-Tuner monsters used for the Synchro Summon of this card is not applied.

Yours: if this card is used as Sychro Material for a Sychro Summoning The level of the non-Tuner monsters used for the Synchro Summoning of a Sychro Monster is not Applied.

Yours(slightly better OCG): If this card is [b]used as a Synchro Material Monster, The Level of the non-Tuner monsters used for the Synchro Summoning of the Synchro Monster is not applied.

Re-read yours and tell me whats wrong.

Answer. Its making the Synchro itself the card instead of the summoning requirements, in hence be wrong. My terminology is making it so the Synchro can come out with up to five cards being used to making it 1 star. But yours is making it so when the card is synchro summoned, then its applied. I hope you understand now.

@The rest- This was an example to see if you want more or not.
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[quote name='General White' timestamp='1301176055' post='5098596']
Well, I've used what I said before and lets recap on what's the difference here and why you think you need yours.

Mine: the level of the non-Tuner monsters used for the Synchro Summon of this card is not applied.

Yours: if this card is used as Sychro Material for a Sychro Summoning The level of the non-Tuner monsters used for the Synchro Summoning of a Sychro Monster is not Applied.

Yours(slightly better OCG): If this card is [b]used as a Synchro Material Monster, The Level of the non-Tuner monsters used for the Synchro Summoning of the Synchro Monster is not applied.

Re-read yours and tell me whats wrong.

Answer. Its making the Synchro itself the card instead of the summoning requirements, in hence be wrong. My terminology is making it so the Synchro can come out with up to five cards being used to making it 1 star. But yours is making it so when the card is synchro summoned, then its applied. I hope you understand now.

@The rest- This was an example to see if you want more or not.

mine : it was intended for the tuner or the non tuner sorry for the confusion
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[quote name='judedudemude' timestamp='1301177871' post='5098675']
mine : it was intended for the tuner or the non tuner sorry for the confusion
Yea, understandable and I might ask if I could use it for more. I know, but I prefer it on the Synchro to. Just to be representing, you know. But I might scratch this idea and go on with my other, much more easier and more clarified without confusion.
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[quote name='Smesh' timestamp='1301177675' post='5098663']
..Eh, not really.
You're giving up 5 monsters for a not-so-great beatstick. The 3 card draw is good, very good, but 5 monsters is a bit much.

ITT: Scapegoat + Glow-up becoming a +3 2500 ATK beatstick is 'eh'
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[quote name='General White' timestamp='1301179861' post='5098746']
I'm confused, explain this please?
Glow Up Bulb = level 1 Tuner that can Special Summon itself
Scapegoat gives you 4 non-Tuner Tokens.

Its effect is nice and simple, but 5 monsters still seems a bit unlikely, unless you use Griffin's strategy.
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