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Dark Gaia and the Monarchs

EHERO Andrew

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Another one of my attampts to mix things, but it seemed to me something worth trying. So here it is:


Fusions: 5

Dark Gaia x3

Evil Hero Lightning Golem x2


Monsters: 21

Evil Hero Malicious Edge x3

Elemental Hero Sparkman x2

Elemental Hero Clayman x2

Elemental Hero Stratos

Granmarg the Rock Monarch x3

Raiza the Storm Monarch x3

Mobius the Frost Monarch

Cyber Dragon x3

Treeborn Frog


Spirit Reaper


Spells: 12

Dark Fusion x3

Dark Calling x3

Nobleman of Crossout x2

Heavy Storm

Lightning Vortex

Foolish Burial

Premature Burial


Traps: 7

Call of the Haunted

Sakuretsu Armor x3

The Transmigration Prophecy

Mirror Force

Bottomless Trap Hole

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