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The Reality of it All(IC Thread/Always Accepting!)

Christian Exodia

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[spoiler=OC Thread]
Alexander put on his hat. The hair still poked out, down to where it stopped, a little past his eyes on the front, to the middle of his neck at the back. "Papa, allant au café! Mother, Going to the Caff*!" He yelled to her and slammed the door. His iPod earbuds were in his ears, the music blaring into them. "Saturday. It has a boring, yet fun ring to it, no?" One of his mannerisms, from his father. He arrived at the Music store. He took off his hat, and put it on the rack for rain coats. His iPod went into his pocket, and he clocked in. "Slow day, isn't it?" He then walked around the perimeter of the store, making sure nobody was able to get it. Once done, he opened the door.
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"Very." A voice said, as a tallish teen turned around the corner. He had long black hair, with one side of his fringe covering his eye, with a red streak over this part. He was wearing a Denim Jacket over a Lostprophets T-shirt, and was still wearing some gloves, albeit fingerless ones. "Good to see you, Alex." Kristan said, walking between two of the Isles, sorting out CDs that were out of place. "Still talking to yourself I see." Kristan stated, grinning. "Better get a move on though. You're late." He said, moving over to another row, and - seeing that the row was fine - turning towards the main counter. He grabbed a bottle of Coca~Cola that was on the counter and opened it, downing half the bottle in one go. "Dont worry though, the Boss seems to be in a good mood today." Kris said, chuckling. He burped loudly before turning to face Alexander. "Maybe he likes the weather?" He suggested, shrugging. He himself was in a good mood today, god knows why. He chuckled again before grabbing his phone of the Counter and switching to its' walkman mode, before plugging one of the earphones into his left ear, selecting a Random song from the List. "Good left Undone. Awesome." He muttered, closing his eyes and leaning on the desk.
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"Thank you for choosing Skate Cafe! Please come again!" Emily called to an old couple that was leaving the Cafe, only to have a much younger couple enter after them. Emily greated them and showed them to their table before skating away. The Skate Cafe was one of the most - if not the most - popular Cafe's in the area. Why? Well besides from great service and food it's a cool place to be. One of the unique features of the Cafe is that all of the workers are on Saketes, kind of like the fastfood place called Sonic. Not only that but the Cafe also does themes for holidays, and sometimes even for the heck of it. They have Kareoke night, and even a singles night on the weekends from 5 to midnight.

Emily was wearing her dark black pants, along with a white button down shirt and black hat. The standard uniform for all of the workers there. Her parents - who owned the Cafe - usually worked in the back making the drinks or cooking the food thats ordered. Her dark hair, which had purple highlights in them, was currently in a ponytail, and slipped through the hole in the back of the hat. "Em, table 6's order is ready!" Hearing her father she grabbed the tray, and skated over to the table easily manouvering through the cafe - they have been doing well of themselves, and the place was pretty big - before coming to a flashy stop at the table - as flashy as she could while holding a tray - at which the two kids clapped and "aww'ed at. "There you go. If there is anything else I could possibly do for you guys please let me know."
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Alec washed his face with a series of frisk splashes of water; this was only to rid himself of his exhaustion and slight clumsiness. He grabbed a small towel from the top shelf in his bathroom and dried his face quickly. Now, he felt a bit more awake. He then walked to his room and changed from his normal t-shirt, into his uniform for work. Afterwards, he stood in front of his full-body mirror and then he took his comb and brushed it through his hair a few times. Alec sighed as he noticed a few strands of hair that would not fall back into place. He shook his head slightly and then decided to just leave his hair alone.
He glanced down at his watch as he rushed downstairs. When he got down, he noticed his mother resting on the couch and stopped. Alec gave a warm and gentle smile towards her
"I'll be going to work now. Call me if anything, okay?" he said in a soft voice.
"Okay" his mother replied faintly.
Alec then nodded in reassurance and then he walked out the front door, being sure to lock it as he left. He didnt live too far from the Skate-Cafe where he worked, so he just walked there casually. He gave another glance down to his watch and nodded. Overall, it only took him about 15 minutes to get ready and leave for work.
When he got there, he checked in and then quickly proceeded to the back to put on his skates and get ready to wait tables.
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Emily looked up hearing the door chime go off, and smiled seeing it was Alec. Good thing too, because it was becoming a little hard having to get these tables by herself. Usually there were three, but the other girl had some personal issues to deal with. Who know when she'll be back. "Hey Alec, take this to table 9 will ya." Emily's dad asked seeing that Alec was present and ready to roll - no pun intended. Emily skated over with another order, which her dad took and set off to make it. She glanced at the clock and saw it was still some time before her break. Emily hadn't had the chance to get the new Green Day CD yet. There was a music store about 5 minutes away, so during her break she planned on going there. "I'll probably get some Dragonforce too..." She mused to herslef before taking the order she brought over to the awaiting table.
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By now, Alec had just skates on he was ready for just about anything. He smiled as he Emily's dad call over to him.
"Sure" he said, his tone showing amusement. He took the tray that Emily's dad had handed to him and then he rushed over to table 9, with ease.
"Here ya go. Enjoy." he said politly as he placed the tray down on the table genlty. Working here was always fun, although Alec would probably never admit it. He actually felt entertained while he worked here, even if he was serving food back and forth; it kept his mind and his body occupied and for some reason, Alec enjoyed that fact.
As he skated back to deliver another order, he passed by Emily.
"What was that about Dragon force?" he chuckled, over hearing her muse.
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Emily laughed slightly at being over heard, "I was thinking about heading to the music store during my break to get some new CDs." She confessed while skating pass him to clean off one of the empty table and collect her tip. She didn't really get paid as often as regular workers since she really just work there to help out her parents when they're short handed. She usually just keeps the tips, but her parents are usually pretty cool about giving her money when she needed it. When there wasn't anyone needing to be waited on she leaned on the counter, and waited for Alec to finish what he was doing before speaking again. "I don't have the new Green Day CD yet-Oh! Don't forget "Theme Thursday" is coming up!" She grinned, "Everyone voted for Pirates again." They normally have the customers pick a theme for their "Theme Thursday", and everyone seems to love Pirate themes.
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Alec nodded at Emily and then skated over to a table that was just leaving. He skated over to a table that was just leaving and collected the plates, taking them over to the back where the sinks were for someone to wash. He smiled and said bye to the customers that were leaving. Afterwards, he took a wet towel and quickly, yet effectively wiped the table's surface. When he finished that, he went back over to Emily and smiled
"Green day's cool..." he said, "& about pirate day... That means I have to dress up like a maloderous hobo with a wooden leg and I'll also have to possible rent a parrot for the day...What a joy."
Alec noticed another group of costumers walk in through the door, setting off an amusing chime. He greeted them warmly and quickly showed them to their table. Alec took their orders and then pinned it up for the other staff members in the kitchen to see. Then, he skated back to Emily
"& your dressing up too, arent you?" he asked.
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Emily thought about it while Alec was away. The next few people that came in didn't stay and simply ordered and left, so Emily only had to worry about cleaning off the tables from the people whom were leaving. "I don't know how you would skate while having a wooden leg, so good luck with that. As for me, you best believe I'm dressing up. Though I wish it wasn't as pirates." Emily said glad that the trickle of customers were starting to slow even more. She could be pretty lazy when she wanted to be, and at the moment all she wanted to do was lay down. "I'll probably just wear what I wore last time. Nothing special, though I do think the parrot is a nice touch."
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Teresa had sat in the corner of her room, she tapped around the room using her cane feeling the soft padding, trying to Navigate the room she was in, she adjusted her glasses, so it would keep her from seeing anything, she was quite a hassle for most doctors to try to calm her if she accidently throws off her Glasses, She heard a soothing voice "Teresa... it's time for lunch". She smelled something in the air, and drew herself to a bowl, she grabbed ahold of the bowl and stuck her hand in the bowl, grabbing what felt like something was breaded and throwing it in her mouth...

a Minute later, she had eaten the whole bowl of popcorn chicken, she hated the taste of hospital food, but it was all she could eat...
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Soon enough the trickle of customers came to a stop as the closed sign on the Cafe was put up, along with a note saying that it would be closed for about 20 minutes for the workers lunch break. Emily sighed sitting down in one of the seats and resting on the table. "Oh man my feet are killing me." She removed her hat and took her hair from her ponytail, letting her hair hang down. "I think i'm gonna head to that music store now." She said standing up and skating over to the door. "I'll be back before we open back up." With that she skated out of the Cafe, down the street for about 5 minutes until she came to the music store. There were quite a few people in there looking around, and listening to the music through head phones. Emily joined the others in looking around but sighed in slight annoyance. There were so many isles of all kinds of music it would take her a while before she found what she was looking for. It would most likely be in the new releases section.

Emily looked up at the front desk to see one of the workers lounging there looking bored beyond belief. Hopefully he would be able to help her - which he should since he did work here. She skated over coming ta a smooth stop at the desk. "Excuse me but could you direct me to your new releases."
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Alec smiled warmly and he scanned the cafe quitely. The amount of people coming in right now had decreased signifigantly; this was up until the point where no one came in at all. He still leaned by the counter, and he waved farewell to Emily as she exited the shop for now. There wasn't really much to do right now, but this fact didnt really bother Alec that much. He was just fine like this, just taking in the still of silence in the area and being able to relax there without worries. It was a good feeling. Alec brushed his hand through his naturally messy hair and let out a faint yawn. His eyes closed slightly, and he thought that maybe he would just lean here and rest for a while; work would start again soon and he needed energy for that.
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"Huh. Yeah sure. There this way." Kris said, grabbing his now empty bottle of Coke and tossing it in the nearby bin. "I should tell you that you aren't really allowed to skate in here, so I'd take those off if I were you. Then again, it isn't my problem so...." Kris smiled and walked over towards the new releases section. "I'm going to guess you're looking for this?" Kris said, walking up to one of the aisles and grabbing a disk. "Green Day? Just came in store last Friday." Kris said, flicking it up and grabbing it as it fell down, the base of the case pointing towards Emily. "I read people well." Kris said, shrugging as he passed her the CD. "Track 3...I think you'll like it. Then again, you may not. I'm not that good." Kris said, walking away. He stopped and then turned around to face her again when he got to the end of the Aisle. "Anything else? Because there aint much on at the moment. Most of the people in here rarely buy stuff, they just like to listen to some things while they've got some free time." Kris said, scratching the hair on the back of his head. "If not, then I'm gonna go get myself another bottle o' Coke." Kris stated, aware that whenever he talked, someone turned around due to his Accent.
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Teresa sighed as she glared within the darkness of her glasses, she felt her way around in the padded room using her cane, and then she heard something, The alarms started going off, there was several instances of screaming and silence as there was multiple footsteps, she heard stabbing going on as well, She believed that she may need her sight now, so with that, she took off her glasses, holding her cane like a sword, which ironically it seemed to be a Bamboo sword in her eyes in a somewhat ruined room. The door opened and revealed what would be a normal person would see the murderer, but in her eyes, she saw some sort of dark being with red eyes enter the room, it held a 7 inch knife, Teresa glared at the theif and muttered some words indistinctly, then She charged, swinging her cane and hitting the Theif in the head, Knocking him unconscious, Several people rushed in the room afterward and pinned her down, she saw a needle and struggled, but it was not much of a use for her, the person injected a sedative into her, which caused her to fall asleep...

Several hours later, Teresa woke up, blind once again, she heard a lot of things, perhaps too much to help determine where she was. Her cane also still strapped to her arm, she felt her way around, the texture of her surroundings was rough, and she determined she was outside of the hospital.
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Emily almost did a double take after hearing his accent. It sounded like he was british, but there was something kind of different about it. Maybe a Yorkshire accent? She didn't know too many people with that accest so it would be hard to compare it to anything. Emily realized that he was walking off, and quickly removed her skates - after he told her they weren't allowed - and ran after him. A wide smile greated her face when she was handed the CD, "Thank you so much! It would have taken me ages to find this CD." She was looking over the CD, as well as making a mental note to check out track 3 before looking up at the boy. "Actually yeah there is something else. Um...You're Dragonforce CDs. I wanted to get one of those too." While she was waiting she kind of stared at him for a bit. He looked kind of familiar, or at least his face did. It took a while before she placed him at Manning High. She saw him a few times along with this other boy, when she would go to Manning to Tutor the kids there.
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"Dragonforce. Yeah, there over here." Kris said, turning around. He pointed towards a small section of power metal bands, specifically to the Dragonforce CDs. "There aren't many, but that's because I keep taking them." Kris joked, grinning. He walked up to the small section and picked up two CDs. "Anyway, which one do you want? Inhuman Rampage, or Sonic Firestorm?" Kris asked, shrugging. He looked back at the section and noticed one Dragon force CD all by itself. "Or, we've got one copy of Ultra Beatdown left if you want that." Kris asked, placing the CDs back in their places. "Take your time picking. Just come back to the counter when you're done. If you want to look for anything else, I'm not far." Kris said, nonchalantly, walking back towards the counter. The girl seemed familiar, maybe from school, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.
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Aaron turned his head and looked at the clock on the wall. He was late for work; he didn't need to go since his parents already had some employees. Aaron liked being at his parent’s restaurant; it had closed down for a while but reopened two weeks ago. Aaron jumped out of bed running to the bathroom, took a shower, dried himself off, and put on his uniform for work as fast as possible. After descending the stairs he looked around for a quick second. Aaron saw his mother sitting on the couch a cup of tea lying on the table in front of her like she normally has in the morning. He spoke in a quiet voice as if not to scare his mom off "Mom is everything okay why aren't you at the restaurant?" His mom looked at him "It's Saturday Honey, we aren't open on Saturday remember." she spoke in an even softer voice. As Aaron started towards the door he told his mom "Mom I'm going to the music store I'll be back later." Without turning around she spoke to Aaron "if you need any money you allowance is in the jar near the door. Are you going to town in your work clothes?" Aaron looked in the jar picked up the money and turned around, and walked upstairs.
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Teresa got up, being careful to not knock her glasses off of her face, and tapped her cane, trying to get a feel to her surroundings. She never went outside of the hospital, so it was hard for her to do so. She walked through to the general direction, opposite of where she felt the wind blew and peeked out of the alleyway, trying to listen to her surroundings, only to hear quite a few people talking and cars passing by. she walked to her left, tapping the cane repeatedly, she passed by some restuarant and heard the news from a TV inside...

"[i]Breaking News: The Mental Hospital near Ravenwood Elementary school has caught fire today, 27 people had been killed in that fire, 12 are wounded and 1 person was missing altogether, It is suspected that it was arson, The Missing person is known on file in the hospital as 'Teresa Vu', a very dangerous patient who suffers from permanent brain damage and a loss of sanity, If you see her, you are to call the police immediately.[/i]"

She continued on calmly, tapping her cane, she passed in front of a Music store, where she could hear a lot of talking, she adjusted her glasses to keep her from seeing anything as the voices sounded very distorted, after adjusting them, she could hear a lot better, so with that, she walked inside the music store...
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Aaron opened the door to his room he glanced around the clean floor for any imperfection. He moved towards his dresser pulling out a Rise Against band shirt, flannel, and gray skinny jeans. He put the clothes on and slipped his allowance money in his pocket. He grabbed his phone slipping that in the other pocket; he grabbed his iPod and selected a song from his library. He inserted one ear bud in his ear and put that in his flannel pocket this way he could still hear the people around him talking. He walked downstairs and looked at where his mom was, she had moved to the kitchen and was now cleaning dishes. He over heard the news talking about the fire down at The Mental Hospital near Ravenwood Elementary School. He didn't pay much attention to it. He walked down his drive way and grabbed his bike. He arrived in town in about five minutes; he stopped in front of the music store locking his bike to their bike rack. He saw a girl tapping her cane on the ground immediately he thought the girl was blind. He let her enter the store and followed in behind her.
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"Definately Ultra beatdown!" Emily said instantly grabbign the CD. She already owned the other two CDs, and memorized every single song on them. After a quick glance of her watch she noted she still had ten minutes before she had to go back to work. So she decided to browze around for a while. As she was walking in another isle, she looked up just as the front door was opening and two people walked in. The first was a girl with a cane, and glasses. Emily instantly assumed she was blind. The second was an all too familiar looking boy; her best friend since forever Aaron, though she often teases him by calling him Ronny. She smiled and waved her hand in the air, "Yo! Ronny!"
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Teresa was trying to feel her surroundings, but then a voice came to her right. "[i]What kind of name is Ronny!?[/i]" she thought, then after a while, she opened her mouth to speak, but decided not to, she was feeling around for some kind of way to get either of the employee's attention, but eventually decided to try to browse the music herself, but she knew she would need some kind of braille guide, she was taught how to read braille, because she was 'blind', but then, she tripped on the corner of a shelf, knocking her glasses off of her face. After hitting the ground, she started to hear so many guttoral voices clammoring, they may be a few onlookers concerned with her fall, but her concern was to keep herself from seeing, she covered both her ears and closed her eyes....
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Emily was waiting for her friend to see her when she saw the blind girl fall onto the ground. There were some people over there but they all seemed more interested in simply watching instead of helping, "Stupid idiots." Emily mumbled before quickly running over to the girl and kneeling down beside her. "Hey miss are you alright?" Emily wondered why she was holding her ears nad eyes shut so tightly. If anything she should be feeling around for her glasses, and cane...But Emily shook it off and picked up the heavily shaded glasses before speaking, "Miss, here are you glasses." She touched the glasses to the back of the girl's hand so she'd know where to grab. Emily then attempted to help the girl to her feet.
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Aaron looked at Emily after noticing her "Hey Em, how many times have I told you not to call me Ronny." Aaron started to walk towards her when he noticed the girl who entered the store before him fell. He ran over and grabbed her cane from the ground after Emily gave the girl her glasses and helped her to her feet. "Well i hope you're alright miss." He looked back at Emily "I see you got two new albums. I'm just here browsing for something interesting." He scanned the room for any music he hadn't already owned, he decided on getting the new Green Day album. He picked it up and read through the name of the songs nothing interested him but he still decided on getting it. "Emily I got my allowance to-day if you want me to pay" Aaron had always liked Emily; he had always tried to impress Emily. Aaron forgot about the blind girl in front of him but quickly remembered. He was wondering why she was covering her ears when she fell.
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"You need some help?" Kris asked, jumping over his desk and running over to the Blind Girl and Emily, noticing another boy aswell. He also noticed the boy blush as he looked towards Emily, before looking down at the blind girl. Kris chuckled before kneeling down to help the Blind girl up. "Offering to pay for her isn't the best way." Kris muttered to Aaron before helping the blind girl up. "Is that it then, Emily was it? Or would you like anything else?" Kris said, turning to the girl. Noting that the blind women was....well...blind, he walked back to his desk and grabbed large book for her. "Here's the brail guide, incase you needed it." He said, placing it in the blind women's hands before turning back to Emily.
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Emily shook her head at Aaron, "No need Ronny, I can pay for it myself. Thanks for the thought though." She smiled before turning to Kris. "Uh, yeah thats all I want for now. So I guess I'll go ahead a pay for them now." She made sure the blind girl was ok before heading to the counter and placing her two CDs on the counter. She reached into her pocket pulling out her Avenge Sevenfold wallet and a 20 dollar bill. Emily slightly rocked on her heels, her bright green socks standing out compared to the rest of her clothing. She couldn't wait to get back into her skates, she might even go rollerblading down at the park again. "Wait can you add some headphones to that. The bulky ones, with the large ear muffs."
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