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Smoking pot will kill you!


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[quote name='Darkplant' timestamp='1301810935' post='5110184']
Problem's that this member called .:Gister Knows:., addicted, keeps on sending me messages that make no sense.

There's something called British English, and he has an error with grammar.
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I mean:
-For some reason he said I have a link to DragonCave at the bottom of my signature, when I quit DragonCave approx. an year ago.
-He said that since he gave me a rep for a 1 on 1 in which he lost, I have to give him in return.

And what he said in his prof is also really mystifying.
Now he had not run far from his own door, but his wife and children perceiving it, began crying after him to return, but the man put his fingers in his ears, and ran on, crying, Life! Life! eternal life_never the time it comes to me as i type this can you with stand the fact this is bull**it can be help full as i typed this i don't even know what it means hahaa lol this crap you just read has no meaning at all as on weeed this si can oly mean that seeing staff seeeing staff on the...
life get's hard as you grow to 15 yaers why *am now getting tried and sick and kasfhnkjshguiojahsdkgjhasdjgakdgjadfg trying a spam would change you a bit but now going to try gay-word might get you attction you out there hot-boy and girl was that gay too much but now you read this crap make you dum as you are but by now am giving you mixed emorions sorry that now you can't know that am typing to you as i cry to you as a wolf cries to the moon sorry that am now gone,gone,gone,sorry..
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[quote name='Darkplant' timestamp='1301818793' post='5110311']
I mean:
-For some reason he said I have a link to DragonCave at the bottom of my signature, when I quit DragonCave approx. an year ago.
-He said that since he gave me a rep for a 1 on 1 in which he lost, I have to give him in return.

And what he said in his prof is also really mystifying.
Now he had not run far from his own door, but his wife and children perceiving it, began crying after him to return, but the man put his fingers in his ears, and ran on, crying, Life! Life! eternal life_never the time it comes to me as i type this can you with stand the fact this is bull**it can be help full as i typed this i don't even know what it means hahaa lol this crap you just read has no meaning at all as on weeed this si can oly mean that seeing staff seeeing staff on the...
life get's hard as you grow to 15 yaers why *am now getting tried and sick and kasfhnkjshguiojahsdkgjhasdjgakdgjadfg trying a spam would change you a bit but now going to try gay-word might get you attction you out there hot-boy and girl was that gay too much but now you read this crap make you dum as you are but by now am giving you mixed emorions sorry that now you can't know that am typing to you as i cry to you as a wolf cries to the moon sorry that am now gone,gone,gone,sorry..

That's a lot of jargon.
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how can you post this and not expect me to show up? =D


reasons to lol:
1. .:Gister Knows:., addicted BUHAHAHAHAHHAHA okay that is soooo sad, YCM really dropped their lowest link, weed is not addictive, PERIOD im not even gonna argue why, because "many of you might even think its bogus"
2. "educational films" definatly know how to find the hip trendy dudes who know how to rebel againts the maaaan, see how un-square I am already? b****es know parents never have time to listen to us XD *cant breathe*
3. they forgot they also call it 'erb, seriously how can you forget 'erb?
4. 1:26 "where can i get some marijuana?" LOOOOOOOOOL
5. smoked from 7th period things made is wood shop class, bitchin
6. immediatly followed by permanant insanity... well f*** me
7. hey man sunglasses at night make you trendy and hip what a damn liar you're totally a square
8. laughing is a symp..... BUHAHAHAHA OKAY okay oh s***, i cant finish the sentance cuz im laughing, i blame it all on being high
9. call me smoky Mc-bongwater from now on
10. rightous dude, rightouss!!!

that was best lol i had in a while thank you
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[quote name='Thatnoobkorean' timestamp='1301826404' post='5110433']
1. .:Gister Knows:., addicted BUHAHAHAHAHHAHA okay that is soooo sad, YCM really dropped their lowest link, weed is not addictive, PERIOD im not even gonna argue why, because "many of you might even think its bogus"
I'm pretty sure weed is addictive. HOW addictive I do not know.
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[quote name='Thatnoobkorean' timestamp='1301828104' post='5110464']
not gonna argue believe what you want =D
You sure? Because I'm open to explanation.

And I'm not saying it's so addictive that smoking it once causes you to need it endlessly, I'm saying that it has addictive properties like every other drug. It makes people feel good, so they continue to take it, and eventually feel like they need it.

And I don't believe the comercial, since the last 70s commercial I saw said that covering your face will let you survive a nuclear bomb :/
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i just dont want to because ive explained it countless times

weed has no addictive substances/properties in it at all
if people are hooked on weed are just following a exagerated placebo
those who some how manage to get hooked on a substance with nothing it that get you addicted to it are just f***ing stupid and they dont know how to smoke weed
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It's all a matter about your brain. I read that in some Indian folklore or something, there was this cannibal race that transforms from normal men. There are several forestates to this, and some people in the tribes were shocked to see themselves, (actually due to a simple virus,) having those heralds. And something in their brain that makes things work the way it thinks it does actually turned them into cannibals ultimately. It could be concluded that addiction [i]could[/i] be a simular thing.
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[i]"The Science of Marijuana is written by Leslie L. Iverson, a professor of pharmacology at the University of Cambridge in England. In the book, he reviews decades of international research on marijuana, both laboratory research and survey research. Based on his review of the scientific literature, [b]between 10 to 30% of regular users will develop dependency. Only about 9% will have a serious addiction.[/b]"[/i]


[i]"It is estimated that 9 percent of people who use marijuana will become dependent on it. The number goes up to about 1 in 6 in those who start using young (in their teens) and to 25-50 percent among daily users."[/i]

Finding these 2 quotes took 5 mins on Google. You guys are right, it's not addictive at all. <_<

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[quote name='Halubaris Maphotika' timestamp='1301839180' post='5110701']
GOD! I hate all drugs, they are disgusting and vulgar, Marijuana, weed, etc. God I hate them so much and for the life of me I dont know why...

Scenario: You have glaucoma. Would you take marijuana to ease the pain?

You know, drugs aren't the devil. They can be used for good legitimate reasons. However, with all the abusers you see in the world today with drugs, you think that everyone is doing it, and that's why you think drugs are vulgar.
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[quote name='Halubaris Maphotika' timestamp='1301839180' post='5110701']
GOD! I hate all drugs, they are disgusting and vulgar, Marijuana, weed, etc. God I hate them so much and for the life of me I dont know why...
It's a plant...not a drug. :D

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Nobody noticed the time on the video is 4:20?

I'll say something more serious when I finish watching it.

Using marijuana is not beneficial, except in the treatment of some medical conditions.
It is a stupid idea to use any kind of mind altering drug except for medicinal treatment, and even then some can be highly addictive and require careful administration.
Marijuana should be more strictly controlled because of its adverse effects, and anyone who doesn't think so is probably a pothead
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