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Across the universe day!!!!


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Join the US Space Agency NASA in sending

the Beatles music literally Across The Universe!




Across The Universe Day!


Monday, February 4th 2008 is the exact 40th anniversary of the Beatles recording their anthem of universal peace - "Across The Universe" - in 1968.


To mark the occasion, Beatles fans worldwide are invited to play that Beatles song at the same time of day - creating a harmonic convergence around the globe.


And the Beatles' universal message will NOT be restricted to Planet Earth!


The US Space Agency NASA will play a major part in the celebrations by beaming the song "Across The Universe" literally Across The Universe!


NASA is going to transmit the Beatles tune from a satellite antenna directly into outer space! And it will do this at the exact same time as fans Across The World are playing "Across The Universe"!

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I heard about that on the radio, I think it's cool. Actually, they're beaming it from Polaris, the center of the galaxy (or universe, I forget what I heard).


I've decided to dedicate today by listening to the Beatles' entire Discography my brother got me, including, yes, Across The Universe.


In fact, the people who made the movie Across The Universe, based on the very song, including a bunch of other Beatles' songs., is going to make another movie like that, except using songs from the Rolling Stones.


Meh, just thought I'd like to point that out.


Edit: They're gonna beam it from the DST, or Deep Space Telescope, I think it what it's called.

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I'm with Ty, this is an epic waste for a band that has affected the older generation. Money that could be spent on... perhaps... helping the homeless, making our prisons better... but no... the Beatles fans in NASA want to make everyone hear the Beatles. I will wear my earplugs that day, for I am no Beatles fan either. (meaning, like Star Trainer, I am no Beatles fan)

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