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Naruto: Rise of the Tailed-Beast(IC/PG-16/Started/Always Accepting)


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"s***." Shinsuke said as the water torrent heads his way. Shinsuke could use instant body flicker once again, but it would be to predictable. So Shinsuke decided to counter the torrent by doing a combination of hand signs "Futon: Repealing Wind!!" a blast of air shoots out of Shinsuke's palm countering the torrent of water. Shinsuke's body burned in pain due to teh fact that he is still recovering from the beating Jiro gave him. Shinsuke looks around to see Arashi just sitting he wonders what he is planing. Shinsuke uses "Instant Body Flicker Jutsu" and teleports back to Daichi, "I got an idea, you use Rasengan and ill use Instant Body Flicker to teleport you right under Seni at light speed and you finish him off. What do you think?"

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"Horrible idea." Daichi panted, hands on his knees. "With this water draining my chara a rasengan would take almost everything I have left. Moving at light speed would only make it harder to maintain." He could feel the blood draining out of his body, but he felt the draining was weaker than befroe. When he looked down it looked like there was less blood than before. "Of course, there is so much water that it's sarting to delute the blood." Sudenly water started to raise from the surface in a circle around them creating a water wall. "What the hell?" Neather Daichi or Shinsuke had created the wall, which meant it had been Arashi. Daichi looked up and saw that the water was caving in from the top and was going to completely soak them with the blood soaked water. "Even if it's deluted, all of our chakra will be gone if that lood soaked water coveres our entire body."

Arashi was still sitting on the water, but he was performing a new set of hand seals. "Chidori Current!" Arashi placed his palm on the water and sent a surge of lightning in to the water wall. now if the water even touches them it will send a serge of lightning in to there body.

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Seni jumped backwards, away from the water wall, as it started to grow. He grinned and landed a few metres away from Arashi, starting to walk towards his new partner. "Thanks for coming in. It wouldn't do to reveal my past just yet. Especially since you're one of the few people who know who I am, who I share my blood with." Seni stated, slumping down next to Arashi, watching as the Water wall started to collapse around the two Konoha-Nin. "Y'know, they aren't as good as I thought they were. Probably because that Jiro guy, the guy who recruited me, had a run in with them earlier, didn't he?" Seni stated, standing up slowly, looking away from the 'doomed' Konoha-nin. "Still, they disappointed me. Want to go, Arashi?" Seni asked, looking back at the fellow Ex-Kiri-nin. His Tainted Pool Technique had been nearly erased, due to the large amount of water, but was still effective, ready to drain Shinsuke and Daichi's remaining Chakra as soon as they came in contact with it. It wouldn't surprise Seni if they escaped, but it wouldn't surprise him if they didn't. The only thing that would surprise him would be if they came after them, when they were so easily out matched.

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Shinsuke listened to Daichi, while he too felt his blood draining from his body. After the bout with Jiro, Shinsuke was about to collapse after getting his Chakra drained to almost 0. Shinsuke turns to Daichi and said,"Im almost finished... If this final move wont work then promise me u will try to escape, forget me. If we do die, then it was an honor knowing you for this long Daichi. Our work together has been quite and adventure." Shinsuke decided to use the last card in his hand, his final play. Shinsuke's Sharingan pupils started to rotate at a high speed, and shouted "Cancel!" The bloody wall, water and lightning are getting absorbed into Shinsuke's eye, as if a dark hole opened up in his eye. Shinsuke is screaming in pain, absorbing the ninjutsu into his eye, Shinsuke used every last bit of will power he had to throw a gigantic Demon Wind Shuriken. After throwing the huge shuriken, Shinsuke collapse to a almost empty Chakra level. In his mind he thought "Good luck Daichi...I did all i can to help you." Shinsuke lays on top of the water in a motionless coma

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Arashi stared in amazement as Shinsuke absorbed the water and water in to his eye. "That's not possible!" Rather than the usual happy face he normaly had Arashi's face was filled with shock. "He must have one hell of a powerfull eye technique order to pull off somehing like that." After slightly recovering from the shock he notice the shiruken plowing through the air right at them. He jumped off to the side at the last second, receiving a small cut on his arm. "I guess that means they still want to fight. But one of them is unconscious." When getting a beddar look he saw that Daichi was gone. "Where did the other guy go? Did he run off and ditch his partner?"

"Thank you Shinsuke. Your sacrifice will not be in vain." A voice came from behind Arashi, when he turned around he saw that the shiruken had transformed in to Daichi. In Daichi's hand was a ball of spiraling chakra. "Rasengan!!" Daichi charged and plunged the attack directly in to Arashi's chest, sending him flying backwards and on to the beach. After Arashi was blown away Daichi jumped back away from Seni, and held his hands in front of him, ready for a fight. his rasengan had used up almost all of his chakra reseres, he figured he had enough chakra to stay on the water for another five minues or so if he refrained from using any ninjutsu.

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"Sharingan." Was all Seni could say before Arashi was blasted backwards from Daichi's technique, the Infamous Rasengan. Seni didn't jump backwards, as any normal ninja would after seeing that attack. Instead, he merely sighed and placed one hand behind his head. "That was a bad Idea. Arashi's my teammate, and hurting him would only make me attack you more ferociously. Not only that, but Rasengan takes a hellova lot of chakra, so you now stand little to no chance of winning. And now you cant retreat. One on one, I can defeat you easily. I have a wide variety of techniques with a wide Variety of Abilities. Not only that, I am an Expert in Taijutsu, and am famous for my unique Kekkei Genkai's, and my Ninjutsu skill." Seni sighed and placed his hands together in a Series of seals. "Water Release: 5 Feeding Sharks." Seni stated, placing his hands on the water. Out of his hands, five Shark shaped bodies of water emerged, each one focussing on Daichi. "Sorry, but you lose."

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Daichi took a kunai, with a paper bomb atached, out of his weapon pouch and thre it in to the mouth of one of the sharks. When the bomb eploded it had enough power to destroy the sharks as well as knock Daichi backwards, but he quickly regained his footing. He took out three more kunai, also attached with a paper bombs, and threw them in to the water between Seni and himself. When this bomb eploded it shot large amounts of water in to the air which hid him from Seni's sight. "I've never had a time limit for this move, but it makes no differance, I have no other way." Daichi thaught as he drew two more Kunai attached paper bombs and prepared for his next move.

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Shinsuke awakes to find his face plunged into water. He is almost at a deadly zero Chakra level. Shinsuke vision is foggy and in pain, he couldnt decipher anything. It must of been from over using the Infinite Vortex Sharingan Technique Kakashi thought him awhile back. Shinsuke finally notices that he is starting to sink into the water. He can only hold his breath for so long, and he body isnt able to move due to his deadly low chakra levels. As he sink Shinsuke looks back to his past, growing up in the orphanage, the ninja academy, meeting daichi for the first time, gaining his sharingan that one fateful day, and training with the legendary Kakashi Hatake. Shinsuke thought "My life as been a good one. I wouldnt have never thought i would be a member of the Uchiha clan. I guess life is full of surprises. Sadly i dont think i can continue along my path along the road called life. You have been a great friend Daichi." Shinsuke smiles as he continues sinking into the bottom of the lake.

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Daichi caught a glance at Shinsuke sinking, which caused him to panic for a split second before he surpressed this emotion. What he was planing was sure to beat his oponent, but in order to use it he would have to keep a clear head. "I may not have much chakra left, but today you will see my signture attack. An A-level technique which requires no chakra." Daichi had run out of paper bombs, so he had to rely on light gernades as an alternate source of heat for his technique. He threw ten light gernades in to the air between himself and Seni, when they detonated they not only shot a blinding light through the area, but the light also created so much heat that Daichi could feel it on his skin. Even though Daichi could't see, because of the light, he already knew where his target was. With one last breath to cool himsef down he threw his fist at the air and added a spin to his arm. Wind started wrapping around his arm like a tornado and shot forward with the head of a dragon, the spining was so powerfull that the ocean created a collumn of water and followed the wind.

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((Care to name the technique?))


Seni gasped and covered his eyes at the light, also feeling the extreme heat of the grenades on his skin. He sighed and moved to grab his Kunai. As the light faded, Seni moved his hand away and pulled up that hand's sleeve, revealling a large set of scars across his wrist and arm. "I'm going to finish this no....." He started, stopping only when he saw the technique coming his way. "Well, that aint going to work." Seni muttered, pulling his sleeve up further to his shoulder. "Guess I'mj going to have to go one step further." He sighed, placing his knife upon his Shoulder. "This is also a A ranked Technique." Seni proclaimed, digging his Kunai into his Shoulder. "And it means I'm finally trying." Seni finished, cutting straight through his shoulder by amplifying his Kunai's cutting power with the Wind Kunai Technique. He groaned and gritted his teeth as his arm fell to the water, sinking through the surface of the lake. "Now, let's do this." Seni muttered, through gritted teeth, as he placed his Kunai away, placing his hand in a single hand seal. "Blood Release: Blood Demon Claw." Seni cried, gasping in pain as the blood dripping from the wound started to harden and form into a shape. He smiled as Daichi's unnamed Technique approached him, just as the blood finished hardening. "Go." He muttered, smiling, as he vanished, faster than the Body Flicker Technique, appearing next to the unconcious Daichi, placing his claw under Daichi's Chin, preparing to kill Daichi instantly. He decided against it, being tired and drained after using his both Physically and Chakra-wise draining S-Ranked Technique, aswell as also having an Unconcious Ally. "Consider yourself lucky." Seni stated, sighing and walking over to Arashi. "Still over reacting? You'll never change." Seni muttered, kicking Arashi in the side. "This aint no game, Arsehole!" Seni shouted, stomping down on Arashi's chest, knowing it would almost definately wake him up.

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(It's caled Rising Dragon)

[spoiler=WTF!! HOW!??]

How the hell did you do all of THIS in the time it takes for a wind attack to travel the 5 feet between Daichi & Seni?!

I've heard of being sore loser but this is insane.

"Well, that aint going to work." Seni muttered, pulling his sleeve up further to his shoulder. "Guess I'mj going to have to go one step further." He sighed, placing his knife upon his Shoulder. "This is also a A ranked Technique." Seni proclaimed, digging his Kunai into his Shoulder. "And it means I'm finally trying." Seni finished, cutting straight through his shoulder by amplifying his Kunai's cutting power with the Wind Kunai Technique. He groaned and gritted his teeth as his arm fell to the water, sinking through the surface of the lake. "Now, let's do this." Seni muttered, through gritted teeth, as he placed his Kunai away, placing his hand in a single hand seal. "Blood Release: Blood Demon Claw." Seni cried, gasping in pain as the blood dripping from the wound started to harden and form into a shape.




Arashi let out a gasp of air when he got kicked and sat up. "Dang Seni, what the hell!" He grabed his chest where the rasengan had hit him and whistled impressiely. "That was a close call. Luckily I was able to move back a bit to avoid a direct hit, so im still alive." He wiped some blood from his mouth and got up. "Okay, I guess it's time to go." He ignored Daichi and began walking away. "These guys are beaten, so lets just go."

Daichi had barely moved from his spot on the ocean because he had yet to recover from the shock of what had just happened. One man had been hit with the rasegan and was still staning, while another man had done the imposible and dodged his most powerful technique, the rising dragon. He had not even recovered from the shock when the last of his chakra disapeared from his body, he was unconcious before he hit the water.

When he woke up he was on the beach, Shinsuke next to him, and Wiz sleeping on his stomach. Wiz was small, but he had somehow managed to drag the two leaf ninja out of the water

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((5 feet?! How the hell was it 5 Feet!? Five Feet's about the size of a Table. If it was five feet, 1) Seni would have been instantly absorbed by the Tornado, and would most likely be doomed. 2) Since both are Taijutsu Experts, they most likely would've engaged into hand to hand combat. I would've thought they were about 100 yards away, about half - 3/4 the size of a Footie/Soccer pitch, and since both techniques were quick techniques, It is plausible that he would have enough time to use them and escape. (Besides, I'd planned out the post originally to attack Daichi and force him to surrender, before I read your post properly, and had to edit. And not wanting to edit it all, I left it in.))


Seni sighed and helped Arashi up with his right hand, his left hand incapable of moving at the moment as it slowly healed into a normal human arm. "I guess so." Seni stated, turning around to face the two Konoha Nins. "Interesting Fellows, they were. Especially the other guy, the one who wasn't an Uchiha. Had he not already been worn out, he might have stood a chance." Seni mused, turning back to face Arashi. "Hehe, my first day as Akatsuki and I've already been pushed to use one of my Strong Techniques, and faced a powerful opponent. Seems like it'll be a fun time." Seni stated, groaning as his Hand Contracted and started to burn away, being left with a perfect, unscarred and unmarked, although very painful and completely numb.

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(It figures i got stuck fighting somebody like you.)


"I think that sharingan user was pretty interesting too. Being able to absorb my technique would require a powerfull technique." Arashi rubbed his neck as he led the way back to the akatsuki base. "I've never heard of a technique that could pull that off. But then again, that wind technique was impressive." He said, talking about Daichi's Rising Dragon. "From what I could tell, it semes as if it has the same concept as the Kirin. It requires almost no chakra and relies on the natural element instead of elemental chakra." He tried remembering the attack. "But something about it semed off. If iI knew more about the technique then I would probably be able to figure it out. But a word of warning; Be verry careful of that attack."

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((What's that supposed to mean!? The fact that I RP Realistically!? If this thing existed, Seni would've been able to dodge it, just!))


"I know. I had to use the Blood Demon Claw to dodge it." Seni stated, rubbing his arm as feeling came back to it. "Fast technique, aswell, to be able to cover that much distance in so little time. If he'd been stronger at that time, he could've added a lot more Chakra into that. I mightn't have even survived." Seni joked, with a slight hint of Seriousness in it. He'd have to watch out for these guys in the future. If they ever fought him full power, he might have to use his Ancestor's secret Techniques, the techniques that really gave the Mist it's nickname. Seni sighed as he followed Arashi back to the Akatsuki base. "That Sharingan users technique seemed familiar. Similar to the Kamui of the Copy-Nin. That Hatake guy, son of Konoha's White Fang." Seni stated, trying to remember the famous ninja's name.

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"That would be Kakashi the Copy Ninja. He's well known for defeating Zabuza, many years ago. To somebody like me, who trained his entire life to become one of the seven swordsman, that name is well known." He stopped for a moment in thaught. "So that man has the same technique as the one who defeated Zabuza? I guess that means I'll have to fight him again, and next time im going all out." He twirled his sword handle around in his hand. "They don't even know what this thing is capable of doing. The only people who have seen my sword's abilities and lived to tell about it are a few members of akatsuki." He glanced at Seni. "Now that i think about it, you've never seen it in action before eather, have you?"

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"Kakashi, of Course. Should remember that. I was going to train for the Seven Swordsmen, but I dont like being tied to a name. I'll probably end up leaving Akatsuki after a while." Seni stated, looking towards Arashi's sword. He hadn't seen Arashi in action, and did wonder about the sword's ability, but was confident he could defeat whatever it was. His Techniques were also a Mystery, and had much more Variety than a Blade. "No, now that I think about it, I haven't. I guess if we're working together I'll find out soon though." Seni said, sighing.

"So, anyway, Akatsuki base nearby?" Seni asked, as he looked around the forest. He presumed it'd be hidden by Genjutsu or something, so it might be right in front of them, but Seni didn't think so. He couldn't feel anything at all.

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  • 4 months later...

Ruki sighed and walked over to Kagami and Kazuki slightly more relaxed now. She turned towards Kazuki, “Yeah I’m Ruki Netomi and my kekkigenki is the Crystal style. Nice to meet you Kazuki.”, she said shaking hands with him. She eyed him up before she let go and raised her eyebrow, “You’re a jonin then too…..though you don’t seem like one. And it’s no surprise that you’ve never met me before considering that I have been traveling around the different lands up until today. Anyway, I’ve heard about a Shikra weilder in the village but never really believed them…..passed them off as rumors actually. As for the bit about being quite the ninja I like to let my opponents decide that for themselves. Not that it really matter s either way.” Ruki was completely in her element at the moment. She was never really one to hang around with other kunochis since she preferred being around guys or other members of the Anbu Black Ops when she was younger. After a moment she turned to Kagami, “So Kagami sensei.”, she said half teasingly half sincere, “Are we going to the Tower of Despeir then?”


OOC - Where is Kagami?

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