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Pokemon Suiyama Region RP


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"Well looks like i should rest my pokemon before challenging the gym leader!" said Simon as he headed into the pokemon center. Once inside the pokemon center he went up to the counter and rang the bell for service. Nurse joy soon came up and Simon handed his pokemon to her. "Could you please fix up my pokemon Nurse Joy? I have a Gym battle to get too!" he said. "Well of course I can. I will be back in a little." she said as she brought Simon's pokemon to the back of the pokemon center.


A short while later Nurse Joy returned with Simon's pokemon on a tray and placed them on the counter. "Alright your pokemon are all better! Good luck at the Gym!" she said. "Thanks Nurse Joy!" he said as he ran out the door and soon arrived outside the Gym. "Okay time for my first Suiyama Gym Battle!" he said as he opened the door.


OOC:I will give my Rilou my X attack before the battle and will start off my team with Aipom, then Rilou, and the Flamant.

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"Welcome!" said a familiar voice.

It was Prof Beech. "I see you made it fine." he said. "Are you ready to begin your first Gym Battle?"

Simon looked around, but he and Prof Beech were the only people in the gym.

"I suppose you have guessed by now who the Leader is!" said Prof Beech. "I won't be holding back!"


Gym Leader Beech wants to battle!

Gym Leader Beech sent out Ditto!


What will you send out?


(ooc: You can only use X-Attacks in battle.)

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jackson walks into gym a sees that the prof. is the gym leader.but then his eyes catch sight of someone else.probably that simon kid.thought jackson.i better wait while he challenges prof.beech.i might be able to find out the prof.'s strategy.

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"Hmm a Ditto..." said Simon. I better be careful with what pokemon i send out for this one..I got it! thought Simon as he reached to his side and grabbed a pokeball. "Go Flamant! You can handle that Ditto!" he said as he released his Flamant to the field. "Alright Flamant use Ember on Ditto!"


OOC: I know you can't you X Attack out of battle i just wanted my Rilou to hold the X Attack for the Gym Battle.

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Bink tilted her head in confusion. This sure was a weird person. Bubbles climbed up her arm to get a better view.

"Uh, sure. Here you go." She handed the sputtering assistant 500~. "Come on, Bubbles. Let's go train with Slayer." Slayer was a poochyena. They headed for route 1.

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ooc: ok thx.


well this is taking a long time.i'll just go and catch and train some pokemon untill it's over.said jackson leaving the gym.



as jason: urggh no one to challenge.i am getting impatiant.he said.i have 4 hungry and thirsty pokemon waiting while i look for trainers.jason said.

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"Feh. How am I going to accomplish anything with this weak Nidoran?"


He spat on the gravel below him as he glanced over at the Nidoran, clenching his hand and gritting his teeth. The Nidoran did nothing but try to look innocent, perhaps inquiring what he had done to anger him.


Roy glanced across the landscape but paid no heed to anything, save for one building that particularly stood out. The professor’s laboratory, in which he could obtain another Pokemon to fuel his power.


He his hands in his trench coat’s pockets, and walked over to the lab, entering it and immediately soaring over to Professor Beech.


With a dull expression and hand motions along with his words implying he didn't seem to want to be there, he'd almost yawn to Beech, "Yeah, yeah, I'm here. Don't I get a Pokemon or something?"


Not caring about his response, he'd glance at the pokeballs lined up on a table. He'd tap one, triggering a response in the professor who rushed over and tried to pry him away.


"Eh? What's the problem, old man?"


With a flash, a pokemon would leap out of the tiny container, and let out a small growl.


"Oh, man, look at it, trying to be intimidating."


It would lash at Roy and bite him on the finger which he was dangling in front of him.


"Ahahahahah, stop that!" He'd say, half in humor and half in anguish.


After Roy got the creature off of his finger, he'd try to convince Beech to let him keep it.


It's not like he cared.


[i couldn't really elaborate on that scene, I have no idea what a Wavesaur looks like, but it was implied. So, yeah, that's the creature]

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"Feh. How am I going to accomplish anything with this weak Nidoran?"


He spat on the gravel below him as he glanced over at the Nidoran' date=' clenching his hand and gritting his teeth. The Nidoran did nothing but try to look innocent, perhaps inquiring what he had done to anger him.


Roy glanced across the landscape but paid no heed to anything, save for one building that particularly stood out. The professor’s laboratory, in which he could obtain another Pokemon to fuel his power.


He his hands in his trench coat’s pockets, and walked over to the lab, entering it and immediately soaring over to Professor Beech.


With a dull expression and hand motions along with his words implying he didn't seem to want to be there, he'd almost [i']yawn[/i] to Beech, "Yeah, yeah, I'm here. Don't I get a Pokemon or something?"


Not caring about his response, he'd glance at the pokeballs lined up on a table. He'd tap one, triggering a response in the professor who rushed over and tried to pry him away.


"Eh? What's the problem, old man?"


With a flash, a pokemon would leap out of the tiny container, and let out a small growl.


"Oh, man, look at it, trying to be intimidating."


It would lash at Roy and bite him on the finger which he was dangling in front of him.


"Ahahahahah, stop that!" He'd say, half in humor and half in anguish.


After Roy got the creature off of his finger, he'd try to convince Beech to let him keep it.


It's not like he cared.


[i couldn't really elaborate on that scene, I have no idea what a Wavesaur looks like, but it was implied. So, yeah, that's the creature]


"Hm..." Prof Beech said. "That Wavesaur doesn't seem to like you very much."

He stared at the bite marks on Roy's finger.

"Let me get you something for that. I suppose you can keep the Wavesaur."


Prof Beech soon returned with a wet flannel and a plaster.

"While you're here, would you like to purchase a Pokedex? It's only ~500."


(ooc: Please, if you find it comfortable, use past or present tense. Otherwise, I find it quite hard to read.)

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