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Duel Spirits

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Okay, in GX, some people have duel-spirits following them around...I want members to choose a any monster card of their choice to be their duel-spirits...You can even use a custom card that YOU created...just can't be a divine-beast, or Exodia...


mine would be this card,...


NOTE: you can only choose one. And you must tell a reason why you picked the card...




REASON: This card is the trumpcard of my new Shakari Deck. (which is still in progress) (do not rate cards this is for fun, to enjoy yourselves.) In my manga, the Dragon is formed under complete desperation to save the Universe from an evil Shakari named "Lazarion," who wanted to merge his spirit with Anomu, the Shakari that guides the dead Shakari's into Paradise or Purgatory. Lazarion's Dragon (which I will make as a card including Lazarion himself) "Dark-Destrios Dragon" fought against Hallborn Dragon, while the Shakaris that made Hellborn, Malfura and Sario, fought against Lazarion.. Hellborn easily defeated Dark-Destrios and dissappeared to give his two masters extra power while Lazarion felt the same pain his own Dragon felt.. In the end.......Malfura dies via a very fatal attack to the heart (not going into too much detail, I don't know how old every member is, and I don't want to be a bad-influence, not that I already am lol) Anomu is saved, and he guides Malfura's spirit to Paradise. The end...lol

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mine is this


and u summon it with this


the story behind it is that rainbow dragon has a diferant form that no 1 nos about but then i unlock rainbow dragons secret,i chose it because i requested the pic from wolfberserker and its the trumpcard of my new Legendary Rainbow set coming out.

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