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I am The Weasel46, and I thought this site was pretty much FREAKING AWESOME when I saw it because I've been thinking up cards for a long time but was never able to actually make them (or as close as this is to an actual card). Oh yeah, and hello.

On a side note, if any one has a picture of a spirit-ish toucan and/or a futuristic rescue squad, I'll rep you for putting it on here (if I can figure out how, and maybe this paragraph should have gone in a different section, but sorry, I need the pics).

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first of all....aloha! welcome to ycm and have fun, mate! :)


secondly, we get most of our pics here from deviantart.com so try there for what you need. if you want pics then post in the help thread (?) (if anyone knows exacly where plz post im not sure myself lol) or maybe someone will have what you're looking for.


either way, enjoy :)

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Lulz on the pic requests, those are pretty random ^^


Welcome to the forums though.


If you need some good pics, try DeviantArt.


Although, watch out, noobs with heavy objects will throw them at you if you say you used the pics from there... so just tell them you twisted the fabric of reality with your mental powers to create the image, then they can't give you crap.

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