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(PG-16 possible) Yu-gi-oh Scorchbound Trials

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[spoiler=Plot] one hundred years after the defeat of the Earthbound Immortals a new threat has arrisen. The Scorchbound Immortals have taken control of certain duelists, and empowered them with their fell energies. The Crimson dragon has chosen new duelists to become signers, with the help of new Dragons will this be enough? The world will soon know, as the Scorchbound Trials Begin.[/spoiler]

1. Follow all YCM rules
2. You are allowed to use custom cards as long as they are balanced. Exceptions are the Dark Signers who are the villians.
3. Typical RP rules. No trolling, spamming, follow advanced rules etc.
4. Do not use the old Signer Dragons without my consent.
5. No exceeds because they may be confusing for some people.
6. Color 1 word red in your application if you pledge to these rules.
7. 2 characters max.

[spoiler=Scorchbound Immortals]The scorchbound immortals are different from their Earthbound Counterparts, in many ways. They are ritual monsters, they come from the fire, so they do not need a Field Spell, and they can be attacked, but not destroyed by battle. It is said that while the Earthbounds were created by the Darkness in peoples hearts by the king of the netherworld,the Scorchbounds were created by the Crimson dragon as the precursor to the signer dragons. No one not even the dark signers who use the Scorchbound know their origins.

Deck Type:
Ace Card:
Duel Disk:
Duel Runner:

[Spoiler=Accepted Apps]
[spoiler=Ignis Avis]
Name: William Blaze
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: Blaze has short brown hair, and a scar that runs from his eye down. He wears black jeans, and a red shirt with black lines similiar to the nazca lines. When possessed by Ignis Daemn, his clothes shift into flames, and form red robes with white lines similiar to the ones worn by the last Dark Signers.
Bio/History: Born in Neo domino he felt life was a bit too relaxed, and at the age of 15 travelled to the nazca lines in hope of seeing something exciting. The only thing he saw was a shrine dedicated to them. Upon his return he fell into a coma, and lived life in the hospital for the next year.
Personality: He tends to be a bit sadistic while under the control of the Scorchbounds, but when he has control he is a caring, and kind guy.
Deck Type: Fiend deck
Ace Card: Scorchbound Immortal Ignis Daemn
Duel Disk: Like all Scorchbound Signers he has a regulation duel disk, that when activated glows red, and shifts into the form of a moving flame.
Duel Runner: He does not own a duel runner.
Affiliation: Dark Signers[/spoiler]

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Name: [color="#FF0000"]Track[/color]
Age: 13

Gender: Mlale

Appereance:He has got red hair almost covering one of his eyes. Wears a pair of goggles on his head, plus he also has red eyes. He wears a shirt with short sleeves and is mainly black with three red parts on it. Also he wears red with two big black stripes trouser. His shoes are red and long so only some of his legs show. His sleevless jacket is red with four pockets, two on each side. Lastly he wears a black wristband on each arm with a red stripe.

Bio:When Track was born his mother died, and his father had already died. All they left for him was a deck. Whilst growing up he had to fend for himself. He was always stealing food to keep himself alive. Everday he would duel people until one day he met an old man who took him under his wing. The old man trained him and put him through serious training. He would face duelist after duelist, until he would keep on winning. When the old man died, Track decided to only duel for fun.

Personality:Track is cocky, over-confident and thinks hes the best duelist ever. He is also hyper active, and doesnt really care if he loses, becauase he says that it was a fluke.

Deck Type: A Masked Knight Deck

Ace Card: Masked Knight LV7, Knight Destruction Dragon

Duel Disk: He has an ordinary duel disk, like yuseis.

Duel Runner: He doesnt own a duel runner.

Affilation: Signer
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