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Is GX setting a bad message to kids?

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It kinda is and kinda isn't.I guess ya because it's like opposite of what is true, and some kids "might" get the wrong idea if you know what I mean.But it kinda isn't since they must know that most kids will know better, so I guess kinda ya kinda no :?

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Now, let's get something straight. There is no such thing as good or evil. It's just a point of opinion. Or perspective, whichever makes you happy. If someone murders a huge amount of people, most people would consider that "evil." But maybe to the person who did it, it may be good. The Iraq war is a pretty good example, is getting involved in some other country's business, killing off civilians who get in your way and hanging their leader "good?" It's "good" according to G.W.B. but is it for you?

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Darkness doesn't have to mean completely evil, nor does light have to mean completely good. I mean, Satan is sometimes described as an "Angel of Light," yet Christians know him to be the ultimate evil.


And BTW, the original GX (in Japan) was geared more toward older teens in terms of adult material and language, but it was "cleaned up" (COUGHCOUGHCOUGHbutcheredCOUGHCOUGH) by 4Kids to make it acceptable for kids younger than 13.

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