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Next to Granmarg, Mobius is the worst Monarch.

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Well, if we're just typing up lists, here's mine...


1. Raiza

2. Zaborg

3. Mobius

4. Thestalos

5. Granmarg


Raiza's a step above all the others, and is a definite first. Granmarg just isn't so good. He offers some versatility, but at the cost of an even more restricting requirement. Now this leaves Mobius, Zaborg, and Thestalos. These three are all just about equally good, with their own advantages and disadvantages in the proper situation or deck. I chose to rank them in terms of their chance's of hitting something worthwhile. Because of this, Thestalos comes in last due to the fact that you cannot choose what card to discard. This leaves Mobius and Zaborg. I had to put Zaborg ahead because Normal Summons are limited to 1 per turn. There is a much higher chance of attacking directly with Zaborg than with Mobius, due to his effect.


Now, Mobius isn't the best of the Monarchs, but he's not at all a bad card. In fact, Raiza's the only reason that he sees so little use these days. At least in my opinion. In almost any situation where Mobius would be useful, Raiza is going to do well also. Mobius can do more potential damage, but Raiza is played because he isn't dead if Spell/Trap removal isn't needed. Not to mention he forces a redraw.

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ok my reasons


raiza use it on somthing liek a horus and you have screwd your opponent over

heck dooing it with a s/t give a TOTAL dead draw


thestalos gives hand advantage and potential for lp damage


mobius 2 spell/traps to me thats amzing


zabord you only destroy 1 monster wich you could probably give a dead draw wih raiza or discard using thestalos


granmarg just a facedown only really good if your winning and your oppnent puts somthing down for defence

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Guest Chaos Pudding

mobius is not a bad monarch... i'll give you 2 reasons:


1.- it's a -2 on field to your opponent...


2.- it's effect is not mandatory' date=' so you can summon it even when your opponent has nothing to destroy...



It really isn't that Mobius is bad, per say, it's that there are MUCH better Monarchs, and therefor much better cards to play in place of it.

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mobius is not a bad monarch... i'll give you 2 reasons:


1.- it's a -2 on field to your opponent...


2.- it's effect is not mandatory' date=' so you can summon it even when your opponent has nothing to destroy...



And commonly chainable Spells and traps such as


Phoenix wind wing blast

Bottomless trap hole


Enemy controller

Torrential tribute


and more i can't think of reduce that +1(Not +2) to a simply even card that can't give as much of a boost and turn the tide like other monarchs. Not to mention the fact that if your opponent is a good player, they would not likely set two non chainable cards, especially if they know you are running mobius in game 2 and 3.

My order of the monarchs goes










Wannabe monarch:

Granmarg(I refuse to acknowledge him as a monarch.)

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mobius is not a bad monarch... i'll give you 2 reasons:


1.- it's a -2 on field to your opponent...


2.- it's effect is not mandatory' date=' so you can summon it even when your opponent has nothing to destroy...



Name me 3 valid targets for Mobius except Mirror Force and Call of the Haunted (lol Disk and Sangan) this format.

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1. Raiza, no doubt.

Spin dat Mirror Force and get dis here win.

2. Zaborg.

I like Marshmallon. I like Cloudians. I like removal. Do you like removal?

3. Mobius.

Why the hell was this guy named Mobius? And it's FROST Monarch, not Water Monarch.

4. Granmarg

This guy's name is almost a palindrome.

5. Thesty

I don't like random discard. Random discard may be a monster, which is death to you if they have/draw Premature.

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1. Raiza' date=' no doubt.

Spin dat Mirror Force and get dis here win. [b']MOBIUS CAN ALSO DESTROY MIRROR FORCE SO YOUR OPPONENT CANT USE IT EVER.[/b]

2. Zaborg.

I like Marshmallon. I like Cloudians. I like removal. Do you like removal?

3. Mobius.

Why the hell was this guy named Mobius? And it's FROST Monarch, not Water Monarch. NAME IS UNIMPORTANT. WHY IS RAIZA THE STORM MONARCH??? THATS NOT SYNONYMOUS OF WIND!!!! AAHHH!!!

4. Granmarg

This guy's name is almost a palindrome. WHY IS HE CALLED GRANMARG??? WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH EARTH?

5. Thesty

I don't like random discard. Random discard may be a monster, which is death to you if they have/draw Premature. WHY IS HE CALLED THESTALOS??? WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH FIRE??


just some edits in bold/caps. dont mean to be mocking you, but i'm just adding my own opinion.





Mobius is 2nd on my list, just below Raiza.


anyone ever play against CB's, or anyone who runs Sakuretsus?


seriously, Mobius is not a bad card, in my opinion. Granmarg is much worse.


Mobius can get rid of 2 cards. if youre opponent has 2 s/t face-down, and youve got raiza, you spin one saku, they mirror. or the opposite. with Mobius, you can destroy both, and have no worries. plus, if one target is bottomless, you selected 2 cards, so you still get to destroy that other one.

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Setting a Mirror and a Sak is a pro move >_>


I'll repeat my question


mobius is not a bad monarch... i'll give you 2 reasons:


1.- it's a -2 on field to your opponent...


2.- it's effect is not mandatory' date=' so you can summon it even when your opponent has nothing to destroy...



Name me 3 valid targets for Mobius except Mirror Force and Call of the Haunted (lol Disk and Sangan) this format.

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I don't like Thestalos and Raiza all that much' date=' to me, their effects are pointless. Then again, that's just my opinion, and will probably be beat out by the better players.



Get better opinions.




1: Raiza

2: Caius

3: Thestalos

4: Mobius

5: Granmarg

6: Zaborg


Raiza is spin, setting your opponent back a turn.

Caius is pure monster AND s/t removal, AND even mild burn.

Thestalos is awesome. We have plenty of cards that effect the field, but only Reaper really hurts the hand. Thestalos is great in this regard.

Mobius is... side deck worth, at least.

Granmarg works with Dark Gaia OTK, so it's SLIGHTLY less bad then Zaborg.

Caius does everything Zaborg does, except better. Zaborg is useless.

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@ Horus: I fail to see how any of your later comments on my post have to do with anything. I also fail to see your sense of humor.


there was no humour intended in that post.



you were saying that Mobius' name was not related to it at all. neither is Granmarg's or Thesty's.

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mobius is not a bad monarch... i'll give you 2 reasons:


1.- it's a -2 on field to your opponent...


2.- it's effect is not mandatory' date=' so you can summon it even when your opponent has nothing to destroy...



Name me 3 valid targets for Mobius except Mirror Force and Call of the Haunted (lol Disk and Sangan) this format.


1.- sakuretsu armor

2.- magic cylinder

3.- dimensional prison

4.- return from the different dimension

5.- premature burial

6.- ANY field spell card

7.- ANY face up spell card, specially equips



need to say more?

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Guest Chaos Pudding

Right, when I made this topic, I forgot about Caius. That would place Mobius only slightly below Zaborg instead of firmly below. If given the choice, I would still run 3 Caius/3 Zaborg over 3 Caius/3 Mobius. Monster destruction is (almost) always better than ST destruction. Bringing CB decks into the discussion doesn't really help your position.

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ok, you're so wrong...


S/T destruction is escential on the game, specially when those cards can turn your game, like mirror force, sakuretsu, enemy controller, shrink, etc...


destroy my monster, then my S/T will eat you alive... also CB deck is on discussion, is part of the actual meta, and it's very important to avoid that deck uses it's top card: crystal abundance...

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