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|| Rotator Set || (Last Update: May 13, 2008)

Parting Shot

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[align=center]This is the post where i'll put all the cards in my Rotator Set. There will be updates from time to time.


Rotator Set


newest card(s)-




This card is part of my Push Spell and Force monster set here.


the rest of the set-











Their effects may seem confusing, so let me explain. "Right-side up" refers to the normal position of a face-up attack position monster (as shown above). "Upside-down" refers to rotating the card 180 degrees so it looks like this:


and is upside-down to you (but right-side up to your opponent). When they say "the player that this card is right-side up for", it means you (if it's in the normal position) or your opponent (if it's in the upside-down position).


Basically, whoever can read the text normally can use the effect.


\/****In light of the new rule, since it would be nigh unto impossible to find all the artists, I am stating officially that none of these images are mine. I have edited/cropped/etc. some of them, but I did not originally create any of them.****\/



Please give constructive criticism so I can make this set the best possible.[/align]

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Awesome idea! I love the pic for forced rotation- it's perfect.

I spotted a couple of errors. In forced rotation, "it's" needs to be "its."


On Wolgon, I think you meant to be able to give him the possibility to change position each one of your turns. So, you need another piece of effect saying that if the coin lands on heads, he is changed to be facing you (something along those lines) because right now if it faces your opponent and the coin lands on heads, he can't change back because that scenario does nothing, right?


As for the "right-side up for" issue... it just sounds kinda weird to me.

Then again, "the player for whom this card is right-side up" sounds even weirder. No ideas.


Sorry about the novel, but I tend to get in-depth when trying to explain things. Still, cool set! 9/10.

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nice' date=' i hope you DONT use these in the dojo.....cause there too good.



haha, thx. idk, mayube i will, maybe i won't. ^_^ i'll tell you now, i didn't use any of them for the first task since they aren't really that staple-ish....


I think the quality and choice of the pictures chosen could improve a little' date=' but otherwise, excellent. :)



well, i think i'm gonna leave these the way they are, but i will keep that in mind as i make more for the set. thanks for the tip ^_^

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nice' date=' i hope you DONT use these in the dojo.....cause there too good.



haha, thx. idk, mayube i will, maybe i won't. ^_^ i'll tell you now, i didn't use any of them for the first task since they aren't really that staple-ish....


I think the quality and choice of the pictures chosen could improve a little' date=' but otherwise, excellent. :)



well, i think i'm gonna leave these the way they are, but i will keep that in mind as i make more for the set. thanks for the tip ^_^



When are you posting the rest? :?

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When are you posting the rest? :?


well, i'm still making most of them, so probably not for awhile yet, depending on how busy schoolwork keeps me. hopefully b4 the month is out i'll have finished this specific set and made a bigger set with other cards too (more like an expansion pack set).


so, i'm not sure exactly....

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