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Dark Supreme

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[align=center]*Well, i am new at making Zombie Decks, so please help*


*Both GFAQ and YCM members help (Yes, Gerogeyboy, help)*




*Deck* *43*



*Monsters* *21


*Pyramid Turtle* *3*

*Mystic Tomato *3*

*Ryu Kokki* *3*

*Il Blud* *2*

*Vampire Lord* *2*

*Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower* *2*

*Breaker the Magical Warrior *1*

*Magical Merchant *1*

*Spirit Reaper* *1*

*Card Trooper* *1*

*Snipe Hunter* 1*

*Despair from the Dark* *1*



*Spells* *12*


*Foolish Burial* *3*

*Book of Life *3*

*Card of Safe Return* *2*

*Swords of Reavelling Light* *1*

*Brain Control* *1*

*Book of Moon* *1*

*Premature Burial* *1*



*Traps* *10*


*Solemn Judement* *3*

*Tutan Mask* *3*

*Trap Jammer* *3*

*Mirror Force* *1*




*Side Deck* *15*


*Monsters* *6*


*Cyber Dragon* *3*

*Raiza the Strom Monarch* *2*

*Il Blud* *1*



*Spells* *5*


Call of the Mummy *3*

*Card Destruction* *2*



*Traps* *4*


*Dark Bribe* *2*

*Royal Decree* *1*

Torrential Tribute *1*




*Well, the Side Deck is Randomly Made*


*Please Fix*




*Supreme Duelist*[/align]

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