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some spellcaster support

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... is [b]Sephira, Queen of Spellcasters[/b] a 2 tribute or 3... ... if its only two... it would fall into the [u]OP[/u] and [u]broken[/u] category... =t
... nice set of cards though...
[b]Merlins Circle[/b] = [b]3/5[/b]
... its not bad...
[b]Sephira's Staff[/b] = [b]2/5[/b]
... this card is not necessary... =t ... maybe you can change its effect?... ... you're pretty creative i'm sure you can think of something...
[b]Mystical Seal[/b] = [b]5/5[/b] (ooo... i like, i like)
[b]Sephira, Queen of Spellcasters[/b] = [b]0/5[/b] (for now? until revamped???)
... by the way... your [u]OCG[/u] could use a bit of fixing... ... like for [b]Merlin's Cirlce[/b]... "Attack" and "Monsters" is just "ATK" and "monsters"... and stuff like that...
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Do you know what capitalization is?

Circle: It's bad, Field Spells are too easy to destroy and 500 extra attack just isn't good. At all. 2/10

Staff: There are so many better cards out there. Axe of Despair, Lucky Iron Axe. Those cards don't have restrictions. They can be equipped to any monster, they also have extra effects. And through all this, they're also really bad and no one uses them. 1/10

Seal: Better than your other cards. Just because it could be used as some side deck material. 3/10

Sephira: Eh, it's okay, someone could maybe make a deck centered around her but it wouldn't be good. 3/10

Also, the pictures on all of your cards are absolutely terrible.
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