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Da Pokemon Lord

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This is the application thread for Pokemon Duos, my new RP. Please submit all applications on THIS THREAD as to not cause confusion on the actual RP.


Please go to tektek.org to create your character. This will make things go alot smoother.






Discovery (how did your character find his/her Spell Tome?):

RP Sample:


Name of Spell Partner (Pokemon):


Species (what Pokemon is it?):

Special Attack (please explain how it will work):


Pokemon will be able to use ALL moves in that Pokemon's movepool. Your Pokemon's Special Attack is an attack that you generate on your own. Be realistic (that neans a Magikarp's Special Attack cannot cause it to be engulfed in flames and let it charge at the foe with blinding speed.) Also, moves will be called out as Spells (E.G., Attack Spell! Flamethrower! or Defense Spell! Defense Curl! or Affliction Spell! Poisonpowder!) Here are the lists of types of Spells:


Attack Spells: Spells that do damage. Your basic pokemon attacks.

Defense Spells: Not necessarily Defense attacks. Any attack that will increase a stat. (That means Swords Dance is a Defense Spell)

Affliction Spell: Any attack that inflicts a Status Condition. (Will-o-Wisp, Poison Powder, Thunder Wave, etc) Moves that have a chance of inflicting a Status Condition but do damage are Attack Spells (Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, etc)


Here is the list of Pokemon that CANNOT be used:





































Here is the character sheet for one of the characters introduced in the RP, Jackson (minus the RP sample)


Name: Jackson Williams

Appearance: e9dd28.png

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Discovery: One of the barrier comets crashed into a park close to his home. He and his brother Lucas went to investigate and discovered the comet. Jackson opened the comet and found the Spell Tome for Absol.


Name of Spell Partner: Dias

Gender: Male

Species: Absol

Special Attack: Disaster Strike: Absol becomes surrounded in black aura. Black lightning strikes the foe, paralyzes them, and sends then flying. Absol then opens his mouth and fires a large black orb at the foe.


NOTE: Special Attacks will not be able to be used until AFTER you face one of the Warlord Brothers for the first time (Approx. 20 posts). You will NOT beat your assigned brother until each person has reached a certain amount of posts (that means you will keep losing...sorry!)


ONLY FIVE PEOPLE WILL BE ACCEPTED! I will play too but only 5 more people will be accepted. So hurry and sign up!

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Discovery:Found a Egg and out hatched a pokemon Named Chimchar


Name of Spell Partner :Flare




Special Attack:Flare Beam:Chimchar can only use it.Chimchar makes a fire ball and throws it to the oppenet's pokemon and it expode's when touched oppenet then Chimchar Send's A Large Fire Beam and then charge's up.

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Name: Dario Bossi


Age: 18

Gender: Male

Discovery: Dario was walking one night in a meteor shower and took a shortcut back home through a dark alley, where he found his Pokemon and a Spellbook.

RP Sample: A young man was walking one night, enjoying the meteor shower. He took a shortcut back home through the alley that he normally went through. The moment he stepped into it, he felt a sudden chill. He shrugged it off and kept walking. "Why do I have the feeling I'm being watched?" He asked. He noticed a gleaming out of the corner of his eye, turned, and stared straight into a grotesque face. The only parts visible were shining red eyes and an insane grin. The man jumped backward and screamed. "Who are you? What are you?" The face stepped more into the light and the young man noticed that it was a four foot tall, spiky-headed beast who looked as if it was made out of shadow. "Greetings," The thing said. "You have disturbed me from my slumber, so I am forever in debt to you. My name is Sethrus, and I am a Pokemon." "A what?" The man asked. "A Pokemon. That is my species," The shadowy form said with a flourish and a bow. All of it dissappeared but the grin. "Wicked," Dario said, being reminded of the Cheshire Cat in Lewis Carrol's Alice in Wonderland. "So you said you're in debt to me?" "Yess..." The Pokemon handed the young man a book. "This is a spellbook that you can use when in battles with me as your ally." The man accepted it. "Oh, by the way, my name's Dario," He said. "Pleased to meet you," Sethrus replied.



Name of Spell Partner (Pokemon): Sethrus

Gender: Male

Species (what Pokemon is it?): Gengar

Special Attack (please explain how it will work): -Apparition Barrage- Sethrus' eyes glow gold, immobilizing the enemy. He gathers darkness in both hands and fires a flurry of energy balls at the opponent.

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Name: Dario Bossi


Age: 18

Gender: Male

Discovery: Dario was walking one night in a meteor shower and took a shortcut back home through a dark alley' date=' where he found his Pokemon and a Spellbook.

RP Sample: A young man was walking one night, enjoying the meteor shower. He took a shortcut back home through the alley that he normally went through. The moment he stepped into it, he felt a sudden chill. He shrugged it off and kept walking. "Why do I have the feeling I'm being watched?" He asked. He noticed a gleaming out of the corner of his eye, turned, and stared straight into a grotesque face. The only parts visible were shining red eyes and an insane grin. The man jumped backward and screamed. "Who are you? What are you?" The face stepped more into the light and the young man noticed that it was a four foot tall, spiky-headed beast who looked as if it was made out of shadow. "Greetings," The thing said. "You have disturbed me from my slumber, so I am forever in debt to you. My name is Sethrus, and I am a Pokemon." "A what?" The man asked. "A Pokemon. That is my species," The shadowy form said with a flourish and a bow. All of it dissappeared but the grin. "Wicked," Dario said, being reminded of the Cheshire Cat in Lewis Carrol's Alice in Wonderland. "So you said you're in debt to me?" "Yess..." The Pokemon handed the young man a book. "This is a spellbook that you can use when in battles with me as your ally." The man accepted it. "Oh, by the way, my name's Dario," He said. "Pleased to meet you," Sethrus replied.



Name of Spell Partner (Pokemon): Sethrus

Gender: Male

Species (what Pokemon is it?): Gengar

Special Attack (please explain how it will work): -Apparition Barrage- Sethrus' eyes glow gold, immobilizing the enemy. He gathers darkness in both hands and fires a flurry of energy balls at the opponent.



I really have nothing else to say...you are excellent...you are accepted...=)








Discovery:Found a Egg and out hatched a pokemon Named Chimchar


Name of Spell Partner :Flare




Special Attack:Flare Beam:Chimchar can only use it.Chimchar makes a fire ball and throws it to the oppenet's pokemon and it expode's when touched oppenet then Chimchar Send's A Large Fire Beam and then charge's up.

There are many things wrong. One, you were supposed to create your character on tektek.org. 2nd, your Pokemon is found in a Spell Tome, not and egg. Third, you forgot your RP Sample. I am sorry but you are not accepted.

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