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My newest cards(a must see)


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so hey people i made a bunch of new cards check em out



So Whatcha think if you find somthing wrong leave a detailed comment telling me whats exatly wrong about the card(s) or don't say somthing is wrong with a card(s) at all okay but please leave a comment thank you

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I wanna say this for the people who's post numbers are 2,4,6,7

1.I know it has bad grammer

2.I know it has bad spelling

3.I don't wanna give my normal monsters effects

4.I do wanna give karin a effect but i can't find any pics of karin classmates (karin is a anime)

5.I don't wanna make my Lycan warrior 6 stars. five star or 6 stars you still sacerfice the same about monster cards whats it matter

6.How the heck is White wolf overpowered

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