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Yugioh: Fusion of Worlds: Fall of the Crimson Dragon [Accepting in OOC thread]


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[color=orange]"And who might that be?" Rayos asked, sitting up and rubbing at the scarred mass that is his arm. "Ugh, did I ever tell you that there are some days that I wish I had been revived with my Gauntlet intact? It looks a lot less ugly than this scarred heap of flesh I got instead." He flexed his fingers a few times "Still haven't found anyone that doesn't suggest amputating it."[/color]

[color=red]Drake shrugged, " You were top of my class last year and built the fastest bike with the lowest budget." He told Jack, throwing him a Duel Monsters sized card "When you get some inspiration, feel free to stop by my shop. I seem to have most of an application filled out in your name too. Weird," The Sixth Signer shrugged and hopped on his D Wheel, driving off followed closely by his two apprentices.[/color]

[color=blue]Mark sighed and looked at everyone in the room with him, eventually settling on Alexander, "Alex, a word?" He said, walking off towards an isolated corner of the room and beckoning for the lombax to follow.[/color]
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[color="#FF0000"]"Uh, sure," [/color]Alexander said as he followed Mark. Umbris, in the meantime, decided to restore what little order there was in the I.C.U..

[color="#483D8B"]"Double Dude, Departed,"[/color] he began, referring to the Destiny HEROes, [color="#483D8B"]"you two go inform the others that Wulf was here, and try to track down his whereabouts. You two, pull yourselves together,"[/color] he added toward Burstinatrix and Bubbleman, who had spontaneously separated from each other when Wulf's Negate Attack bounced Steam Healer back.

[color=orange]"Blow it out your ass, Umbris,"[/color] snapped a particularly cranky Burstinatrix before she and Bubbleman reformed into their previous fusion.

"Sorry about that," apologized Steam Healer. "Burst is just a little peeved about Wulf getting away."

[color="#483D8B"]"She's not the only one,"[/color] Umbris replied before turning to Luisa, who had gone over to Wildheart's Recharge Chamber to make certain that Wulf had not damaged it in some way. [color="#483D8B"]"Luisa, you can stay here with Steam Healer and Wildheart as long as you feel like it. We'll meet you at the Main Hall when you're ready."[/color] Luisa simply nodded in response, her attention mainly on her comatose partner.

[color="#483D8B"]"Wolfram--"[/color] Umbris began, but found that Wolfram was now curled up in the fetal position on the floor. [color="#483D8B"]"Pull yourself together, man! This isn't the time to be crying over what happened--!"[/color]

[color="#808080"][i][u][b]"I PUSHED HIM AWAY, UMBRIS!"[/b][/u][/i][/color] Wolfram shouted out fiercely, his face completely wet with tears. [color="#808080"]"I've put him through all of this, that's why he's like this! I don't blame him if he hates me...,"[/color] he added in a more subdued, monotonous voice. [color="#808080"]"I don't...."[/color]

[color="#483D8B"]"... you really do need help,"[/color] Umbris said, a hint of empathy replacing his recent sarcasm. "Look, Wolfram, we'll try our best to--" Before Umbris could finish, Wolfram got up and stormed out of the I.C.U., a self-loathing face hidden behind his shaggy, peppering hair.

Alex witnessed all of this before turning his attention to Mark. [color="#FF0000"]"So, what did you wish to talk to me about?"[/color]
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[color=blue]Mark pulled his Deck out of his Duel Disk and pulled out three cards, holding them up to Alexander and revealing them to be Magic King Moon Star, Supay, and Dragon Ice, before adding Moon Dragon Quilla from his Extra Deck to the list. "I actually had Luisa singled out for this." He confessed, sighing, "I'm not naming you the new Moon King, I can't, that's up to the cards to decide, but I'm asking you to hold them." The man with the frozen eyes shook his head, "Someone needs to wield the power of the Moon, or else the Sun Queen's power will increase exponentially." He explained, "I don't have time to mark anyone as a disciple of the Moon King, and honestly it doesn't matter if I did. I can't make Luisa the Moon Queen after what happened to Wildheart, and Wolfram is obviously out for the same reason. I don't mean to put pressure on you, but you're literally the only one here that's in his right mind right now." The Moon King slapped the cards shut, leaving Moon Dragon Quilla on top, and offered them to Alexander, "Supay, Moon Star, Quilla," Mark said, the cards in his hand glowing faintly, "Please accept my humblest apologies for my actions and please accept Alexander as your temporary keeper." He stressed the word temporary, unsure as to how the lombax's Signer Mark would affect the Moon energy in the cards, "And be careful." He said, this time addressing Alexander, "There's never been a hybrid Moon King/Signer before, and I'm not sure how the powers would mesh."[/color]
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Jesse walked towards one of the entrances of the underground dueling, wondering if Vicky was going to show up this time. Thinking back to the past, he remembered the times they used to play together, until she left the family in disgrace for using a non-fairy type deck, and he had set out to pursue her. To this day he still hadn't gotten to talk to her, though he had gotten close a few times. Back in the present, he though about the duel he had announced that he wanted against her, in the underground tournament, which she had never shown up for, because she had gone on her journey to find out about her mark, and wondered if she would show up this time, as the duel was still pending wherever he went. Looking forward, he saw one duelist getting beaten majorly by another, and from the marks in the floor, it looked like either a psychic duel or a shadow duel. He ran up to them and said, "Hey, what the hell are you doing, can't you see that you are causing him pain. Lay off him mate, the duel is already won." He was angry now, as he could never stand people who used their powers to hurt innocents, so he walked up and, attempting to shield the duelist on the ground and waiting for the other's reply.
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"Get lost." The allegedly Psychic Duelist, a person with an androgynous appearance but a distinctly female voice, told Jesse, "I'm doing my duty as a servant of the great Sun Queen. You and your pathetic Signers should cower in fear of our overwhelming power." She snapped her fingers and a large black suit of armor with flames pouring out of where its rider's hands, head, and feet should be reappeared behind her, "Ignis, be a dear." She said sweetly, "Remove your last Overlay Unit and take this pathetic Duelist's Deck off his hands." The suit of armor nodded and one of its fists flared up to thrice its normal size, "What a shame. You weren't even worth corrupting." She commented as her opponent's Monster was destroyed and the spillover fire swept over Jesse and the other Duelist, but stopped just short of actually harming them, "Yes, my Queen." She said as the Solid Vision disappeared, "You, scum, run off and hide under a rock somewhere." The mysterious Duelist stepped out of the shadows, revealing that she was, in fact, a humanoid black mass with vaguely feminine attributes but no real features to speak of, "You, Signer sibling, join the Sun Queen or die."
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Aki rubbed Rayos' wounded arm, and sighed. [color=#FF1493]"Of course, you refuse to let my estranged half-sister treat you."[/color] Aki knew that Rayos knew who she was talking about. [color=#FF1493]"One quick injection of her medical nanites, and you're arm is as good as new. At least that's what I think she would say."[/color] She then hugged Rayos. [color=#FF1493]"But that's not important. I still love you, regardless of whether you have a Gauntlet or not."[/color] She rubbed the atrophied and damaged arm. [color=#FF1493]"And I was talking about James and Jasmine, of course. They want us to go into town and investigate another incident."[/color]
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[color=orange]"Those nanites are meant for humans." Rayos told Aki, "As any doctor can tell you, I'm not human. Close, sure, but my dad's lack of tangible existence makes me just slightly off at the most basic subatomic level." The Signer shrugged and sat on the edge of the bed that he shared with his longtime girlfriend, "Also, you know for a fact that James and Jasmine aren't related and that Jasmine's never had a Signer Mark of her own. And thank God for that, too. If she had Crimson's power, we'd all have been out of a job four or five apocalypses ago, and I'd still be stuck as an amnesiac with a gigantic metal arm and you'd still look like concept art from one of those American robot franchises that won't go away." His mention of America made him chuckle, "Hell, Drake would probably still be there, and that's just a scary ass thought." He chuckled, "Knowing the US, those guys would probably elect him President."[/color]
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"I don't know what signers are, nor who the sun queen is, but I do know that you need to be stopped before you do more harm, even if you are a woman, so duel me, and if I win, you stop hurting these people." Jesse readied his duel disk, sliding his deck into it and bringing it up to the ready position, activated and ready to go. As he did, he thought back once more to the countless duels he had participated in against the underground duelists, homing his skills and working his way up to be able to challenge the Underground Queen, Vicky, only to find that she had left them just before he could duel her. Back in the present, he looked across at the armoured female. "Just so you know too, I'll be using my psychic powers on you, since you so easily use them on others."
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[color="#FF0000"]"Mark, I...,"[/color] Alexander began to say, staring at the cards held before him while at the same time trying to over-evaluate himself in his mind; truth was, he was trying to make sense of his own past, which for the life of him still seems foggy... except for the one memory that he felt was part of the reason for that amnesia: the night his father died. Couple that with his and Umbris' feud with Garlandolf, as well as other events that happened prior to coming to the Signers' dimension, and he felt no more capable than Luisa or Wolfram. Could he really wield the power of Red Dragon Archfiend [i]and[/i] Moon Dragon Quilla, without something going horribly wrong?

[color="#483D8B"]"You really need to stop hesitating, Alex."[/color] Snapping himself out of his trance, Alex turned to see that Umbris was now standing next to him, giving the lombax his version of a reassuring smile. [color="#483D8B"]"Mark, the thing you need to realize is that, if Alex has to get pulled into something, I have to go along for the ride. I am his partner, after all,"[/color] he said to the Moon King. [color="#483D8B"]"As for you, Al... you're really the only one at this point who can pull this off. Even with whatever's going on in your own mind, you're pretty much the only one here who's got all his marbles in one place."[/color]

[color="#FF0000"]"Even so,"[/color] Alexander said, uncertainty still visible on his face, [color="#FF0000"]"there's still the matter of me being able to wield Archfiend and Quilla. You know how [i]"nicely"[/i] Archfiend plays with others,"[/color] he added, putting a stress of irony on the word "nicely".

[color="#483D8B"]"Then don't have them both out on the field at the same time. Problem solved,"[/color] Umbris replied with his usual snarky tone. He quickly dropped the tone to add, [color="#483D8B"]"The fact of the matter is that Mark needs someone to take of his Dragon when he's gone. That someone right now is you and, able or not, you must do the best you can--no, the best you've [i]ever[/i] done, because I've seen what you're capable of, Alex."[/color]

[color="#FF0000"]"Umbris...,"[/color] Alexander said, humbled by Umbris' motivational-pep-talk-from-out-of-nowhere. He slowly turned to Mark, looked him in the face, and accepted the cards from his hand. [color="#FF0000"]"I'll... do everything I can, Mark."[/color]
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"Hey, you!"

Rhykotsu turned to look at who had called him. "[b]Huh?[/b]" The white-haired duelist's hands were in his pockets, his duel-disk not activated, in its 'folded' mode. The guy that had called him [i]looked[/i] important, but it was impossible to tell these days. His outfit was pretty flashy, though (if only because of the cape) so Rhy guessed he was probably known to quite a few people. Not [i]everyone[/i] had such a style. The white-haired teen blew some hair out of his eyes, examining the guy that was walking over to him. '[i]Hmm...black suit with a cape...golden eyes...long black hair..kind of like mine. Except without it getting into my eyes. Do i know this guy?[/i]' The Snow-White mused, scratching his head idly as the Duel King approached. '[i]Uh, no. Doesn't ring a bell.[/i]' He thought.

You see, Rhykotsu didn't really care much about World Champion dueling, or the Duel King, or the Professional Dueling or whatever. In his opinion it was [i]far[/i] more fun to do it himself than just to watch someone else. So, because of this, he has no knowledge about the Duel King or anything of the sort. "[b]Hey. You need something?[/b]" Rhykotsu responded, taking his hands out of his pockets and giving the king a wave and a smile. Gemini Soldier (in Spirit form, obviously) appeared beside Rhykotsu, but unless the Duel King could see duel spirits he wouldn't see or hear him. "[b]I don't like the look of this guy, Rhy.[/b]" Rhykotsu gave no response because it would be weird for him to talk to the air (since normal people couldn't see the spirit).
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Jesse's opponent seemed to melt slightly and reformed herself into an exact duplicate of his sister, "Really now?" Vicky's doppelganger asked, smirking evilly, "You've never met this person? But that can't be, your memories of your dear sister are very clear." 'Vicky's' arm partially exploded in a mass of black sludge and a Duel Disk appeared on her arm, "But yes, go ahead and use your Psychic powers on me. I don't care. If you kill this body, I'll just grow myself a new one. My Queen will be ever so displeased, but I'm sure I can find some way to... convince her that it's not a big deal." The mysterious shapeshifter made a purring noise, "She always loves it when I 'convince' her."

[color=blue]As Alexander received the Moon King's cards, a crescent moon appeared on the back of his palm, with his Mark of the Dragon glowing briefly, reacting to the new presence, before subsiding, apparently accepting the new power within the lombax Signer. "Don't worry about your eyes, by the way." Mark told him, smiling a little, despite his imminent execution, "This happened because my sister didn't get that there was a reason the Sun and Moon were never on the same side before. Quilla and Moon Star protected me by freezing my eyes, windows to the soul and all that, so I would at least retain my mind, as opposed to having my entire personality destroyed by her. They said that it would defrost in a week but I convinced them otherwise, because honestly, who would mess with a guy whose eyes look like they're made of diamond?" As if on cue, Elemental HEROES Absolute Zero and The Shining appeared in the doorway and beckoned to Mark, "Wow, my number's up already?" He asked sarcastically before turning once more to face Alexander, "Do you mind coming with me?" He asked, his previous good humor and self assured sarcasm vanishing, replaced by genuine fear, "I don't want my last moments to be me surrounded by a veritable army of people that I've wronged and injured. I'd like at least one friend of mine to be there with me." His eyes flicked to where Luisa stood by Wildheart's tube, "I know it's a lot to ask, we've barely ever spoken and now I'm asking you to watch me die after giving you a power even I don't fully understand, but there's really no one else I can ask."[/color]
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"In that case, prepare for some pain, and if you are trying to unnerve me by using my sister's appearance against me, it is unsuccesful. You see, I have long been prepared to duel my sister, and you have got the wrong appearance anyway, you are missing the red mark on her arm and you are a few years too early, as that which you are showing is her at 14, as I remember her from 4 years ago, just before the mark appeared on her arm. That is unnecessary anyway, as I shall go first this duel, Draw. I will start by placing 4 face down cards, and summoning Arcana Force 1 - The Magician in attack mode. This causes his effect to activate, allowing me to flip a coin and his effect is determined by the end result." Jesse watched as the coin flipped in the air, waiting to see wether luck was with him this duel. "Heads." he declared, holding the coin, "This means Arcana Force 1 - The Magician gains his heads effect, so his original attack becomes double the original if a spell card is activated, until the end phase of the turn. Turn End." Jesse smiled, looking at the last remaining card in his hand and his 4 face down cards, enough to keep the Magician around and to stop him from losing so quickly.

Jesse: 4000
Hand: 1 card
Monsters: Arcana Force 1 - The Magician (1100/1100, ATK mode, Heads Effect)
S/T: 4 fd cards
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Vaggelis, at first was surprised that the guy didn't recognize him as the Duel King, but it didn't really matter. It helped since there were duelists who would [i]run away[/i] from him if they found out. As the Duel Spirit spoke, for a moment, he seemed as if he heard it, but then his focus was upon Rhykotsu again. "Well, I was looking for a duel, but really, you're pretty much the only one here. You can ignore the outfit, I just like looking cool." He said. He grinned out his left arm and his dark Duel Disk activated on it. "So then, how about a duel? You seem like a pretty tough duelist in my opinion." If Rhy's attention was on the sky, he would have noticed that for a moment he would have seen the stars clearly, but only for a moment.
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'Vicky' simply shrugged and turned back into sludge, reforming herself as blond girl with pink highlights in her hair and a denim skirt and pink tank top, "Well fine then, I'll just use this form against you." She said, drawing her card, "I Set three cards and Summon Kayenn, The Master Magma Blacksmith in Defense position. Then, I'll activate [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Bonfire"]Bonfire[/url], adding one Level four or lower FIRE Monster to my hand. I choose the Level 3 Tuner Monster Laval Lady of the Burning Lake. Now, my last card." The mysterious girl said, playing Double Summon from her hand, "This card allows me to Normal Summon one additional Monster during the turn I activate it. Ya know, exactly what the name says. Now, I'll Tune my Level 3 Laval Lady with my Level 3 Kayenn! The eternal darkness is light by a pitch black flame. Synchro Summon! Blaze on, Lavalval Dragoon!" The girl's two Monsters were replaced with a single large flaming Dragon, "Your move, Jesse."
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[color="#FF0000"]"... of course, Mark,"[/color] Alexander replied, Umbris nodding in agreement. They began to head through the door, when...

[color="gold"]"Wait!"[/color] Luisa ran towards Alex and Mark. [color="gold"]"Mark, I'm coming with you. After all you've done for me... for us...."[/color] She took a pause as she hung her head. [color="gold"]"... I just... wish it wasn't the only thing I can do for you."[/color]

Umbris let out a silent sigh, then turned to Steam Healer and said, [color="#483D8B"]"watch after Wildheart. We'll be back later."[/color] Steam Healer nodded in reply as the group left the I.C.U. with Mark.

Once outside the I.C.U., Alex spotted Wolfram and Ryko nearby, conversating with a red-haired woman in white robe. The woman took notice of the group as they came closer. [font="Book Antiqua"]"Luisa! Mark!"[/font] she called out as she scampered towards them, Wolfram and Ryko following behind her.

[color="gold"]"Jenis!"[/color] Luisa gasped out in surprise; the last time she saw the Lightsworn Mender was on that night when Mark revealed his identity. [color="gold"]"What are you doing here?"[/color]

[font="Book Antiqua"]"I came here as soon as I heard the news,"[/font] Jenis replied, giving Luisa a comforting hug. [font="Book Antiqua"]"Never had I dreamed that this would happen; Wulf rebelling against the Lightsworns, attacking Wildheart. Oh dear, this is just to much to take.[/font] At this, Wolfram tilted his head down and to the side, seeming ashamed of himself.

[color="#FF0000"]"Uh, Jenis, correct?"[/color] Alex spoke up. [color="#FF0000"]"I don't believe we've met. My name is Alexander, I was a teacher of Luisa's," [/color]he said as he held out a hand, which Jenis shook with a dainty hand. [color="#FF0000"]"If you do not mind my asking, what were you and Wolfram talking about just now?"[/color]

[font="Book Antiqua"]"I had just come in when Wolfram was about to storm out of the building,"[/font] Jenis explained. [font="Book Antiqua"]"He said that he was going to look for Wulf, to...."[/font] Jenis trailed off, seemingly unable to bring herself to say exactly what Wolfram's plan was.

[color="#808080"]"I was going to take Wulf down,"[/color] Wolfram said in a blunt, firm voice. [color="#808080"]"It's my fault that he's like this, that's why I believed... that I had to...."[/color]

[font="Book Antiqua"]"I was trying to convince Wolfram otherwise when you had shown up,"[/font] Jenis explained. [font="Book Antiqua"]"Even if it was to be his responsibility to stop Wulf, I told him that he couldn't do it alone.[/font]

She then turned to Mark and, with an apologetic tone, she said, [font="Book Antiqua"]"Mark, I am so sorry for what is about to befall you. I often wonder if things would have been different had I not arrived that night."[/font]

[color="#483D8B"]"It would have happened eventually, Jenis,"[/color] said Umbris, [color="#483D8B"]"whether you were there or not."[/color]

[font="Book Antiqua"]"Even so,"[/font] Jenis continued, eyes filling up with tears and regret, [font="Book Antiqua"]"why must it be like this? This way of carrying out judgment is... barbaric, to say the least. I know there are other Lightsworns that see it differently, but...."[/font] Again, she trailed off, bowing her head as she searched for the words to say.

After a few seconds, she spoke again: [font="Book Antiqua"]"Mark, we of this world know of what you've done, whether or not it was by your own will. Many have suffered, and those remaining wanted justice, even vengeance, to be brought upon you. However, what you've done these past few months have shown us that you were truly repentant for your actions, and virtuous in helping to set things right. You even helped to save Luisa and Wolfram in their time of need. Which is why I feel that, if there were a place for you in the afterlife... it would be in the heavens rather than hell."[/font]
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"Well, I was looking for a duel, but really, you're pretty much the only one here. You can ignore the outfit, I just like looking cool." The mysterious man said. Rhy looked around; he had been wandering without thinking again. He was somewhere around the 'dueling bowl' or whatever the heck that thing was. "So then, how about a duel? You seem like a pretty tough duelist in my opinion," the man activated his duel disk. Rhy blinked, but nodded. "[b]Alright. You're on.[/b]"

He didn't even know the guy's name; maybe he was also a bad, wait wrong word, evil duelist? But the others were a bit more...sinister. '[i]We'll find out through this duel.[/i]' The Snow-White took notice as the man activated his duel disk, and Rhykotsu activated his own in response. "[b]Mind if I take the first turn? Thanks.[/b]" The two duelists drew their five cards, and Rhykotsu drew his sixth one.

""[b]Duel![/b]"" The teen examined his hand, smiling a bit. It was better than the one he had had not too long ago. "[b]I'm playing Future Fusion![/b]" The continuous spell was played, and Rhy explained what was going on as he did what he planned. "[b]I get to send fusion material monsters from my deck to the grave, okay? And I can fusion summon this guy on my second standby-phase after this card's activation! And the guy I'm planning to bring out...is him![/b]" Rhykotsu's duel-disk projected a card, Revealing it to the opponent as was required. It was Superalloy Beast Raptinus; a 2200 ATK and DEF monster that instantly gave Geminis their effects when face-up. The projection faded, and thing returned to normal. The cards Rhy had sent were Phoenix Gearfried and Chtonian Dragon.

"[b]Next up, I'm summoning Gemini Scorpion![/b]" The white-haired duelist slapped the card onto his monster zone, and a white haired warrior wielding a green blade appeared on the field. [1600/400] "[b]When he's summoned...[/b]" A shadow from behind Scorpion stepped into the light. "[b]I can special summon one Gemini Monster![/b]" The shadow took the form of Evocater Chevalier. "[b]About time you brought me out.[/b]" The knight cloaked in red muttered. "[b]Since I can't attack, I'll end my turn with two face downs. Let's do this.[/b]"


Rhykotsu: 4000
Hand: 1 card
Monsters: Gemini Scorpion [1600/400], Evocater Chevalier (Normal type) [1900/900]
S/T: 2 FD's, 1 face up Future Fusion.
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"Hm, impressive!" Vaggelis, said. "I'm enjoying this duel already. . . Now, [b]my turn! DRAW!"[/b] He then drew the card in a very epic, but unnecessary way, which sent a powerful gust of wind away, adding to the epicness. "Are you [i]ready?[/i] Let's go! First, I summon [i]Dark Crusader in attack position!"[/i] He took a card from his hand and slammed it onto his Duel Duel. Really, he was acting like he was the main character in some random Duel Monsters anime. On the field appeared a skull warrior wearing dark armor and a blood red cape, wielding a massive blade (ATK 1600).

"I'm not done yet!" He continued. taking a step backwards before thrusting his Duel Disk arm forward. "Then I activate [b]its effect![/b] By sending any number of DARK monsters from my hand to the graveyard, I can increase its ATK by [i]400[/i] for each card sent! So I'll send my Plaguespreader Zombie and Dark Resonator from my hand!" He took two cards from his hand in an unnecessarily epic way and threw them into the graveyard slot. Then the Dark Crusader's sword began to emit a purplish aura as it collected the power from the two sent monsters, and thus grew in power (ATK 2400). "Now, go, attack Evocater Chevalier! [b]Ultimate Forbidden Dark Adonic Slash Attack - Level Three!"[/b]

LP: 4000
Hand: 3
Monsters: Dark Crusader ([b]ATK 2400[/b]/200)
S/T: N/A
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Aki shrugged. [color=#FF1493]"Maybe. I don't know. My mind has been a bit fuzzy ever since I got...well...pregnant. I mean, I could've sworn the two were related. I don't know."[/color] She reclined on the bed next to Rayos, placing his arms around her. [color=#FF1493]"Anyways, do you want to go check it out with me? I rather enjoy being a freelance reporter, letting people know what's going on. After all, information is the most valuable commodity in the world. We all need it, and we can't live without it. Even money cannot be acquired without information."[/color]

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"[b]Ultimate Forbidden Dark Adonic Slash Attack - Level Three![/b]"

"[b]I won't let you! Trap activate, Kunai with Chain![/b]" The snow-white activated the trap. "[b]When an opponent's monster attacks, I get to activate this thing. I can switch your monster to defense mode...[/b]" Evocater Chevalier grabbed the Kunai with Chain and swung it around, then threw it at the monster, chaining it. "[b]And then, I can equip it to one monster [i]I[/i] control![/b]" Instead of the trap card fading away, it remained on the field as an equip trap card. "[b]It lets Chevalier here get five hundred more attack points![/b]" The red knight nodded at Rhykotsu and said, "[b]He almost had me there.[/b]" Rhykotsu only smiled and then nodded at the other duelist. "[b]Alright, let's see what else ya got.[/b]"

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[color=blue]Mark placed his hand on Jenis' shoulder, having since recovered both his gloves and sunglasses to avoid scaring the Spirits with his eyes, "I'm sure you're right." The Moon King said, gently wiping the Lightsworn's tears away. Across the hall, Absolute Zero cleared his throat and beckoned for Mark to keep walking, though his expression and body language betrayed the remorse that he felt for his job. "Please, stay here." He said to Jenis, nodding subtly towards Luisa, "Wildheart could use another healer, and I'm sure Steam Healer would cherish your support." In truth, however, Mark hadn't believed a single word he had just said, instead, he had simply wished for Jenis to not watch what she classified as an innocent man die. He then started towards the two HEROES and his impending execution, followed closely by Luisa and Alexander.[/color]

[color=orange]Rayos smiled, "Of course." The immortal said, slipping out of bed and going over to the drawer where he kept his bandages for his arm and cutting himself a long swath before wrapping it up like he always did.[/color]

[color=brown]Meanwhile, in some dark corner of the divider between the human and Spirit worlds, Tara was seated on her throne with Ilana, her longtime partner, by her side. "Make sure you don't lose your Duel against Jesse." She told Ilana, smiling, "Of course, I'm sure I don't have to tell you that, my dear."[/color]

[color=pink]"Destroying him as I speak, love." The blond Duelist said, motioning to the black IV going out of her wrist, "Or rather, my Shadow Droid is, freeing me up to be by your side."[/color]

[color=brown]"Sorry to say but you're going to have to leave my side for the time being." The Sun Queen said, focusing on the Spirit world side of the barrier and ripping it open so she could pass through, "I'm afraid I've got to go and save my brother from those annoying Lightsworns..." She sighed, "I love him and Drake more than anything else except you, but they are pains in the ass."[/color]

[color=pink]"No less than I was."[/color]

[color=brown]"By no means." She conceded, "But there were certain... incentives... that you offered that no one else can, so you were worth it." And with that, she stepped through the portal and closed it behind her, brandishing over a dozen black cards after she touched down on the other side.[/color]

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Aki got dressed as Rayos finished bandaging himself up. She put on a magenta coat with a white shirt underneath, a burgundy skirt that had a black border, black stockings, rose-colored shoes, and a pair of earrings resembling her original's necklace. She put on a bit of makeup and looked herself over briefly before heading out to the car, a sporty red and black machine that had secretly been reinforced and modified. She then wondered what was taking Rayos.

Meanwhile, Alan and his compatriots were led to Tara's presence by a brown-haired man in an odd suit and a blonde woman in a secretarial outfit.
[color=#FF8C00]"Mistress Tara, Mister DeLittle and his group have failed you. Again."[/color] The woman coldly announced.
[color=#0000FF]"My former teacher and the students I used to call friends have finally arrived from their respective landing sites."[/color] The man told Tara. [color=#0000FF]"They defeated these lackeys easily."[/color]
[color=#FF8C00]"Cathy informed us of their failure, and I think we should execute them."[/color]
Alan looked up at Tara.
"Please, Mistress Tara, give this loyal bratchny another chance! I had her cornered, but she used these cards I have never seen before with my own glazzes! I beg of you! Be a sammy soomka and give this old orange one more go!"

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[color=pink]'Tara' melted slightly and reformed into Ilana, her lover and closest lieutenant, "Execute his pathetic Droogs and return this pathetic waste of life's Xyz Monster." The girl, now revealed to be a Shadow Droid herself, ordered, "It would be a waste to just throw him out though since, as annoying and painful as it is to deal with him, he's corrupted over a hundred others, so at least he gets results." She smirked and her eye glistened with evil intent, "Beat him half to death, let him heal, then beat him a little more." She ordered, "Push him as close to death as you can get him to, and then hold him there until he's a crying, slobbering mess. Use whatever you want to use, do whatever you want to do, take turns, have a betting pool on who can break him the most and leave the smallest mess, or the biggest mess, just make sure not do damage him beyond repair." She said, smiling with sadistic glee as she spoke, "We can find him a Duel Arm if you 'accidentally' ruin one of his flesh ones, but we can't very well replace his organs, now can we?" Her smile widened, "And make sure he can't kill himself before we've broken him completely. If he's not basically a breathing puppet, you're not doing your job right. When he gets to that point, clean him up, give him one of the Dark Synchro Monsters we've got locked up, and tell him that the torture will resume if he doesn't replace the 100 Droogs in a month."[/color]

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"Uh." Vaggelis watched as his monster turned to Defense Position, and as his opponent's monster's ATK rose up. Even so, his confidence didn't waver one bit. "Well, OK, then, I set two cards!" He inserted the two face-down cards into his Duel Disk in an epic manner, before jumping back as if he was about to charge up some ultra-powerful attack. He did a ridiculous pose before declaring out loud, [b]"Turn end!"[/b] For some reason, he seemed to delusion that he was on television inside an anime. Sure, in anime his movements would have looked cool, but in real life, they, and he too, just looked stupid.

LP: 4000
Hand: 1
Monsters: Dark Crusader (2400/[b]DEF 200)[/b]
S/T: 2 SC

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"[b]Alright! It's time I show you my true power! Draw![/b]" For some reason Rhykotsu couldn't help but play along. Drawing his card, not too flashily, but enough to let Vaggelis know that he too was excited. "[b]Alright! I'm gonna risk it all! I summon, Tuned Magician![/b]" Rhykotsu slapped his card onto his dueldisk the way he was taught; look cool, but not too hard as to damage the card.

"[b]Hah, good to see you've still remembered me.[/b]" The magician commented as he appeared via blue portal. "[b]And I'm gonna use this new card I drew! Field Spell, Dual Realities![/b]" Rhykotsu raised his duel-disk, and triggered with his thought, the compartment for Field Spells slipped out. Placing it in, the field was changed; it was as if one was having an eyesight problem and seeing two of everything. But Rhy's monsters...they seemed right at home.

"[b]Alright, with this sweet card I can choose one Gemini on the field, and it gains its effects! Not only that, all Gemini monsters gain four hundred attack! ...and lose five hundred defense. Anyways,[/b]" Rhykotsu shook his head and pointed at Tuned Magician, "[b]normally Tuned Magician is treated as a normal monster. But with Dual Realities, I can make him into a Tuner! Go! I'm tuning my level four Gemini Scorpion with my level four Tuned Magician![/b]" And then the summon chant.

"[b]The rush of battle brings forth a new power![/b]" Tuned Magician and Gemini Scorpion leaped into the air, Tuned Magician turning into the four green circles. "[b]Shine and forever protect us! [size="4"]WHITE DRAGON, CAPULUS![/size]![/b]" Raising his hand up, a flash of blinding light appeared behind him, which faded and a huge (Stardust Dragon sized) white dragon appeared behind him, roaring [2700/2000]. "[b]And I'm immediately activating his effect! I can select one Gemini Monster, and give it its effects![/b]"

"[b]Evocater Chevalier, gain your flame![/b]" Capulus breathed a white fire on Evocater. The red knight nodded, then snapped his fingers. Suddenly, he was surrounded by fire. "[b]Now I can use his effect, I can send one equip card I control to the grave, and destroy one card [i]you[/i] control! Go, Flame of the Red Knight! I destroy your left face down![/b]" (Vaggelis's left)"[b]By the way I forgot to mention. Capulus gets another three hundred attack for each Gemini on the field. Since Evocater's here, he now has three thousand attack.[/b]" And, once that was done and over with, if it went over fine, Rhykotsu would attack Vaggelis's monster with Evocater Chevalier. Then, Capulus would attack him directly.

LP: 4000
Hand: 0
Monsters: White Dragon Capulus [[color=blue]3000[/color]/2000] (Capulus is not treated as Gemini), Evocater Chevalier [[color=blue]2300[/color]/[color=red]400[/color]] (Field Spell)
S/T: 1 FD, 1 Future Fusion

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Jack stood were he was, speachless, then walked towards his "house." He thought about what Drake required. [i]an engine modification to make a D Wheel travel completely around a given circuit and end up right back where it started in less than two seconds flat...[/i] Jack didn't even know that was possible for normal people to do. He knew James could do it, since Jack saw James do it with his own eyes at Duel Academy, but how he achieved those speeds was the main question. He entered his house and flopped into his bed, which was an old matress he had found in the junkyard. Drakes words echoed through his head.

James thought about it for a moment. [i]Sooner he knows about his powers, the sooner he can become more of a help to the rest of us.[/i] With that, James said, "You know, nevermind the duel. That mark on your arm is the mark of the Crimson Dragon. Since you have a mark, the Crimson Dragon has chosen you to become a Signer." James started walking towards the steps leading down the building. "That should be enough information to get you started. You'll figure more out as you duel others." And with that, James and Jasmine walked down the stair.

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