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Entity from Beyond


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Lore: This card gains 1000 attack and defense points for every monster that was used to summon it. Whenever an enemy monster is destroyed by this card, that monster is removed from play, instead of sent to the graveyard. "Entity from Beyond" gains 500 attack and defense points for every monster removed this way. This card only remains on the field for one turn per monster used to summon it. At the end phase of the last turn, this card is removed from play.
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You shouldn't post cards like that. Instead, while you're in the Card Maker, click on the completed card image. A link should slide out underneath it. Copy and paste that link into your post to get the full-sized card.
The wording for this card should be:
[quote]1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
This card gains 1000 ATK and DEF for each Synchro Material Monster used in its Synchro Summon. Any monster this card destroys by battle is banished. This card gains 500 ATK for each monster banished by this effect. After a number of turns has passed equal to the number of Synchro Material Monsters used in the Synchro Summon of this monster, banish this card.[/quote]
You generally shouldn't use the DIVINE Attribute, and not for a Synchro Monster for sure. You should use an existing Type instead of making one up (unless you're also posting cards that support the new Type).

This monster would have 2000 ATK from a regular Synchro Summon and 3000 ATK from a Synchro Summon using 3 monsters. That isn't very much considering it gets removed after a few turns. The effect isn't amazing. Because this monster leaves the field so quickly, its final ATK is unlikely to go over 4000 even if you kill a monster every turn.

Take away the effect that banishes it ("removes it from play"), and it's OK.
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